What can my friends bring from Turkey?

Turkey has been and remains a fairly popular resort, where hundreds of thousands of people spend their holidays every year. And this is not surprising: the unique nature, comfortable weather conditions, clear sea, a lot of amazing hotels, friendly and friendly Turks - all this cannot but create a pleasant impression of this country. Those who went on vacation will surely return with a tan, memories and lots of photos. And involuntarily the question arises: "What can you bring to Turkey to your friends and relatives so that they too feel the spirit of this eastern country and experience with you all the unforgettable moments of relaxation?"

what can be brought from Turkey
Delicious gifts

Of course, every nation is famous for its culinary delights. And the first thing that can be brought from Turkey is, of course, coffee. Without it, no important ceremony takes place in this country, and true gourmets add to it not cream and sugar, as we are used to, but spices. Tea is also held in high esteem by the Turks, but it is not quite ordinary among them - not leaf, but brewed from dried apples. If you are planning to make such a gift to your loved ones, buy only tea with apple slices, but not ground or granulated. Local sweets will delight both children and adults - this is the best option for those who do not know what to bring from Turkey. Prices do not bite, and therefore you can safely buy several types of nougat with various nuts and in different designs, baklava, Turkish delight, halva and many other tasty things.

what to bring prices from turkey

National gifts

From souvenirs soaked in the spirit of this country, your eyes will run wide. What can be brought from Turkey as a material gift? These can be T-shirts with inscriptions in Turkish, coffee grinders, coffee sets, Turkish rugs made by hand, various amulets and talismans, embroidered tablecloths or bed linen, leather bags and shoes, hookahs of various sizes, as well as soap and cosmetics made from natural components.

Expensive gifts

What can be brought from Turkey to the closest people who want to present an exclusive souvenir? First of all, it is, of course, skin. Here she is almost all of good manufacture and high quality. Jackets, coats, jackets - you will definitely not find such prices and models at home. And in order to avoid meeting with scammers, for such purchases, of course, it is worth going to large specialized stores that value their reputation. Gold is the second thing you should pay attention to when choosing gifts for dear people. In Turkey, it is of high quality and relatively low prices, and the beauty of gold products can only be compared with works of art.

Turkey what can I bring home

You can be sure: you are very lucky if the country of your vacation is Turkey. What you can bring home from this unique place is up to you. But be sure to bring with you from the sea coast a great mood and an unforgettable experience. We are more than confident - you will return there, and more than once. Have a nice rest!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22263/

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