Chelyabinsk, Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren. N.K. Krupskaya: address, reviews

Palace of Pioneers (Chelyabinsk) - the largest children's institution for extracurricular activities in the region. Over 75 years of work, the center has brought up several generations of talented children who have found their calling due to visiting circles of various fields of activity.

Short story

The Palace of Pioneers (Chelyabinsk) was opened on the eve of the war, in 1940. 24 circles organized work for young talents, more than 300 schoolchildren came to classes. During the war years, all the premises were occupied by military doctors, and the circles continued their activities at city schools.

After the war, classes again concentrated in one building, but its area was sorely lacking. In 1956, students were given a building on Alom Pole, at the same time the institution was given the current name "Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren." In the 60s, club work expanded significantly: dance groups, sports sections, scientific societies and much more appeared.

By the end of the 60s, the Palace of Pioneers (Chelyabinsk) was visited by more than 11 thousand children. In the early 80s, the institution received the title of N.K. Krupskaya. In the year of the 70th anniversary, the children's center and the collective of teachers were awarded the public prize “Recognition”, and in 2000, the President of Russia announced gratitude for the success in raising the younger generation.

Palace of Pioneers Chelyabinsk


At the present stage, the Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren is open to every child who wants to show his talents. The institution has more than 4 thousand children (3 to 18 years old).

The organization operates in the following areas:

  • Technical creativity.
  • Musical-choreographic and theatrical art.
  • Fine and arts and crafts.
  • Civil-patriotic education.
  • Leisure center.
  • Sports Complex.
  • Sports School for Basketball.

In the circles of the Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren (Sverdlovsky Prospect), activities are carried out on a budget, mixed and commercial basis. The institution is in the municipal jurisdiction and implements work on additional, general developmental education of children. Every year, the children's organization holds traditional events of an urban scale, to which participants from other children's and adult institutions are invited.

Sverdlovsky Avenue

Organization reviews

Children rarely describe their impressions, and even more so leave feedback on the places where they are engaged. But adults were able to evaluate the work of the Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren (Sverdlovsky Avenue). The reviews talk about a large number of circles of a very different direction, where a child can find his calling, show inclinations and talents. Many parents at the stage of acquaintance with the center write down the children in several sections at once, and then the child himself determines where he is interested and where he will definitely go with pleasure and for the benefit.

Many visitors who managed to appreciate the possibilities of circles and sections once visited the Pioneer House (Chelyabinsk). Remembering their own hobbies, they argue that the possibilities of modern children are much wider - you can engage in almost any sport, various areas of dance, master the styles of fine art, learn several languages, try yourself in literature and journalism and many other areas that were not previously offered for children’s audience.

Also, Chelyabinsk residents like the complex of the children's center, where it is always cozy. In winter, there is a lot of snow, and in summer it is buried in greenery, neat paths allow you to take a walking exercise, feed almost tame squirrels and enjoy children's success. The cases, concentrated at a short distance from each other, create a special microclimate, charged with childish spontaneity, determination and curiosity. The Park of the Palace of Pioneers is often visited by wedding processions. They say that it is impossible to think of a better place for romantic photo shoots.

Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren

Music, choreography and theater

Palace of Pioneers (Chelyabinsk) invites children to the following creative groups for singing, dancing and theatrical art:

  • Choreographic groups: Chimes, Mix Dance School of Modern Dance, Ballroom Dance Ensemble, School of Russian Tap Dance and American Step, TH CREW.
  • Vocal groups: studio to them. Ya.A. Weitzkina, The Bell.
  • Vocal-choreographic collective "Cartoons".
  • Theatrical groups: workshop "Compot", "Carnival".
  • Musical groups: folk instrument orchestra, DJ club.
  • Educational studio: memory development courses.

The tasks of the collective of teachers of the association include the creation of conditions for the personal, creative, intellectual growth of each child, the formation of a worldview and professional orientation. The teams take part in citywide events and, like professional artists, take responsibility for tasks, making every effort to prepare performances that are held by the Palace of Pioneers (Chelyabinsk).

Theater building - a place for classes in creative areas (theater and dance groups, art studios). The premises have recently been renovated, partially replaced the necessary equipment, updated the props for performances. The assembly hall welcomes guests not only with interesting productions, concerts and exhibitions, but also with a truly palace interior. It takes into account the interests of children and their parents.

Circles of the Palace of Pioneers (Chelyabinsk) are professional educators with extensive experience. The team consists of 27 teachers, many of them have honorary titles. The Center for Theater Arts and Musical-Choreographic Creativity is the initiator and participant of traditional annual events:

  • Festival "Dance Line" for choreographic groups.
  • Festival "Traditions" (citywide festival for folk groups).
  • Tap dance, tap'OK tap dance!
  • Hip-hop tournament for the Ural teams Just Move.

Many children who attended creative groups continued their education at the educational institutions of theatrical, musical or choreographic areas.

circles of the palace of pioneers Chelyabinsk

Hand-made and paintings

Children love to draw, sculpt, and a little grown up, they strive to create masterpieces, mastering many of the art techniques. For those wishing to master brushes, paints, sculptures and applied art, the following studios are open:

  • Photography Studio "Ray".
  • Fine art studios - “Young Artist”, “Batik Studio”, studio named after I.I. Arkhiptseva.
  • Modeling Studios - “Face”, “Modeling Workshop”.
  • Workshop copyright doll "Firebird".
  • Multidisciplinary studios - "Fantasy", "Arabesques", "Springs".
  • Artistic Arts Studio "Artistic Needlework" (for children with disabilities).
  • Studio sewing, modeling, designing clothes "Silhouette".

In total, more than 700 children aged 3 to 17 years attend these circles, for which 19 creative directions are offered. 19 teachers took on the entire work with the children, the main goals of their work are the development of creative abilities, the development of various types of fine and applied art.

Every year, a team of teachers and students conduct events:

  • Festival "New Year's commotion" (city stage).
  • Olympics “Charming” in the categories “Figure”, “Choreography”, “Technology”.
  • Exhibition of children's photo projects - “The Palette of Moments”.
  • Exhibitions: contests "Spring Opening Day", "City of Masters".
  • Puppet Festival "Golden Key".

Palace of Pioneers Chelyabinsk phone

Technical circles for youth

Another center popular among children and youth is technical creativity circles, which include:

  • Teams: “The Matrix”, “Young Medic”, “Young Physicist”, “Robotics”, “Young Technician”, “Himself a Master”.
  • Radio laboratory "Impulse".
  • Clubs: "Icarus" (sports and technical direction), "Computer".

The teams involved more than 600 students of different ages, mastering 13 areas of additional school education. The main goals of the work of the teaching staff are: development of technical competence of children, deepening of existing knowledge, personal growth, etc. Teams take part in events:

  • Competitions lego robots "Sumo".
  • Light design competition (for preschoolers).
  • Festival of technical creativity.
  • Olympiad of technical creativity.
  • Chelyabinsk Cup on radio-controlled models.
  • Exhibition of initial technical modeling them. Potapenko Z.I.

Palace of Pioneers Chelyabinsk address

Sports spirit

Palace of Pioneers (Chelyabinsk) offers an extensive list of sports sections:

  • Associations: judo, wushu sanda, rhythmic gymnastics, Cascade, Go game, chess, saber fencing, football, H2O, golf, army hand-to-hand combat.
  • Children and Youth Sports Basketball School.

Teachers see their tasks in maintaining interest in the selected sport, instill the principles of a healthy lifestyle, etc. young athletes take an active part in regional and regional competitions, gain victories in competitions, and implement socially significant projects.

Citizen and patriot

One of the leading general educational areas is carried out by the efforts of teachers of the Center for Civil-Patriotic Education and Socialization of the Person. The tasks of teachers include the formation of active life position among the wards, the laying of moral and spiritual principles, the development of willingness to participate in social and social activities, etc. More than 400 pupils study in twelve groups.

The structure of the association includes the following circles:

  • Studio Oleg Mityaev "Bright Future".
  • Profile circles: "Golden eagle", "Young fireman", "Young geologist".
  • School "Children's Police Academy".
  • Creative groups: “Scarlet Sails”, “Bonjour”.
  • General educational collectives: “World of geology”, “Walking together”, “Student Council”.
  • Club "Forminka" (archeology).
  • Association "Razio" (intellectual games), etc.

Children's groups take part in annual city events:

  • Literary contest "Scarlet Sails".
  • Meeting of children's media "Jurmix".
  • An open lesson by Oleg Mityaev “Bright future”.
  • The rally "Who has been on the expedition ...".
  • City geological quiz.
  • Military sports city game "Russia's faithful sons."

Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren


In 2017, the Palace of Pioneers named after N.K. Krupskaya replenished with a branch on the street. Rodionova, 13. The total area of ​​the new premises is 2.6 thousand m 2 , about 5 thousand children of different ages can study in them. Classrooms for classes are located sectorally, according to the theme of the direction of the posted circles. Rooms are open for beginner TV reporters, linguists, rooms for scientific work, 3D modeling, robotics, sports, choreography, visual arts and much more.

The branch of the Palace of Pioneers (Chelyabinsk) is popular not only among children. An outdoor gym and fitness room immediately became popular among most residents of the northwestern part of the city. In the new branch, all circle classes for children under 18 are free. Preschool children and adolescents from 18 years of age in some areas pay for classes on a contract basis. One of the innovations that will be implemented at the branch this year will be the creation of an industrial park and a school of engineering technologies.

branch of the palace of pioneers Chelyabinsk

Mug and class reviews

The Palace of Pioneers (Chelyabinsk) is the largest children's extracurricular institution in the region that implements additional education programs as part of the general development of personality, career guidance, moral and patriotic education. Chelyabinsk citizens are happy to write children in sections, circles and creative groups. Reception of applications lasts the entire period of the summer holidays and often there are not enough places for everyone. Parents argue that children become more disciplined, interested in the learning process and rejoice in victories, seeing the end result of their efforts.

One of the most successful projects of the Pioneer House is summer school camps where you can enroll a child. Most parents who are familiar with the work of the institution try to take this opportunity. According to their impressions, children during the day do not just communicate, but gain additional knowledge, attend excursions, learn new skills and acquire independence skills.

Almost all of those who left comments talk about a rich program of classes and that it is interesting for children to self-actualize in different types of creativity. In this regard, parents note a pleasant feature - a large number of budget places. There is no need to spend huge amounts while the child is in search of his calling and trying to reveal talents. But when everything has already been decided, there are situations that it is necessary to switch to a commercial form of cooperation with the children's center. Most do not mind, especially if the child has understood what he will do.

Palace of Pioneers Chelyabinsk Theater

For 75 years of activity, the children's institution has brought up several generations of Chelyabinsk residents, and therefore many rely on their own experience, fond memories, and understand the benefits of the influence of extracurricular activities on the further development of the individual. Parents are happy to provide their children with a choice of occupation in the Palace of Pioneers (Chelyabinsk). Phone for inquiries and additional information can be clarified on the organization’s website.


Most of the children's interests were concentrated in the Palace of Pioneers (Chelyabinsk). Address on Alom Pole - Sverdlovsky Avenue, building 59.

The branch is located in LCD "Newton" on the street of Hero of Russia Evgeny Rodionov, building 13.


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