Why, when, to whom and for how long should I say thank you for congratulations? How to make a speech yourself?

"Each of us is pleased to receive thanks for our work." These words were said by Professor Dumbledore, the hero of the famous novel "Harry Potter" by the English writer J. Rowling. Indeed, words of gratitude for congratulations, for care, for participation or all possible assistance always delight the heart.

Why give thanks at all?

In the cartoon from childhood, the monkey was treated to a banana and asked: "What should I say?". She blurted out: "Give me more!" It's ridiculous! But in adulthood it often happens when you don’t even hear a brief “Thank you” for a good deed.

thanks for the congratulations

Hearing this word, we feel the usefulness of our work, the respect of others and their good attitude. Saying thanks for the congratulations, for the mail brought, for the deliciously prepared dinner, we express our gratitude to the person for his indifference and efforts to please us. This is mutual human love, the world stands on it.

From a lexical point of view, “thanks” stands for “God save you”, and “thank you” - “I give you good.”

To whom and when is it customary to say thank you?

Words of gratitude are always appropriate to be pronounced when they have taken care of us, when they have helped us or not forgotten about us. "Thank you" should sound not only in a festive atmosphere, but also daily in everyday life.

words of gratitude to friends for congratulations

Beautiful words of gratitude for congratulations on the anniversary, on the birth of a child sound pathetic. Gratitude is expressed emotionally and ardently to the teacher for his hard work, to parents at the wedding celebration. But no less sincerely must we respond to the fact that they gave you a place in the transport, shook hands, prompted and explained.

Where can I find words for thanks?

It’s easiest to write off words of gratitude for congratulations to teachers for education or parents for love and care from somewhere. This option is good when the answer needs to be cooked up quickly, in haste, or if the gratitude is pronounced "because it is so accepted" and "to show respect." But such "impromptu" sound stereotyped and cold, they have no zest.

If you really have something to thank for, and you want to show sincerity, dry, hackneyed and general phrases from the Internet are by no means suitable. Prepare the speech yourself, put your soul into it. After all, the main goal is not to surprise the audience with your talents, but to draw their attention to your heartfelt gratitude to the one to whom the grateful speech is addressed.

beautiful words of thanks for congratulations

Simple rules to help you prepare your own thank you speech

In fact, everything is very simple. You can handle it.

  1. You need to prepare your speech in advance, and not at the last moment, in a relaxed atmosphere. Take care that no one bothers you for 2 hours. It happens that the muse will visit, but someone is distracted, and the thought is irretrievably lost. It's a shame.
  2. Sit at the table, arm yourself with a pen (you can use a ballpoint pen) and a pile of clean paper. You can make coffee and cookies. From yummy get a double benefit. Firstly, sweets nourish the brain and saturate with energy. Secondly, in a good mood it’s easier to give thanks ...
  3. Think about the main defendant in your future speech. Think of him only all the good. Answer these questions in writing:
  • words of gratitude for congratulations to colleagues

    What kind of person (or collective) is this? Honest, dignified, open-minded, courageous, intelligent, decisive, kind, sympathetic, cheerful, caring, gentle, beautiful. The more positive qualities you write, the better.
  • What good did he do specifically for you? He helped, taught, raised, educated, cured, saved, did not leave in difficult times. If you are preparing words of gratitude for congratulations, think how wonderful it is that you have not been forgotten and want to make you happy.
  • What good did others see from this person?
  • What pleasant words did you hear about him from strangers?
  • What would you like to wish to someone who has done so much for you? Health, well-being, youth, strength, good mood. It is important to show tact and understanding. It is incorrect to wish youth to a 70-year-old man. It is appropriate to wish strength, vigor and longevity.

Now make up the main text from the received draft records.

A few more tips

As a rule, the structure of the text is as follows:

  • General greeting. "Dear" and "venerable" - is applicable in a formal setting and for the older generation. “Beloved”, “wonderful”, “my very best” - with these words it is good to appeal to loved ones and peers. If you are preparing words of gratitude to the team for congratulations, help, participation, immediately contact all in the plural.
  • The main part is tell us about the best qualities of the person you thank, about how much good this person has done for you and for others. Or how comfortable it is for you to work in such a friendly and close-knit team.
  • In conclusion, voice your sincere wishes.

You can re-create and first tell all the good without directly contacting anyone. Let them guess. But this pampering diversifies the friendly informal party. Saying thanks for congratulations to colleagues, it is better not to overhear.

What time is it to say mercy?

words of gratitude to the team for congratulations

"Brevity is the soul of wit". The catch phrase belongs to A.P. Chekhov. And he is right! Let your speech take 3-4 minutes, no more, because 5 minutes is already a lot. Why? Spreading the thought through the tree, you will not focus the listeners' attention on the main thing - to whom and for what you are grateful. And the guests are bored, and your benefactor is offended. You’ll talk for longer than 7 minutes - people will generally regret coming to congratulate you. There are so many goodies on the festive table, everyone is drooling, and you have been expressing words of gratitude to your friends for congratulations for 30 (!) Minutes. It is unacceptable to torment others like that.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22291/

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