Steeper than all the cool! The coolest people in the world. Top 10

By "coolness" of a person it is customary to understand certain qualities, features or characteristics that distinguish a certain personality from those around him. Of course, such definitions are very arbitrary. But nevertheless, we can safely say that there are the coolest people in the world to whom this concept refers without any doubts and conditions.

The most famous, wealthy, self-sufficient, successful, whatever one may say, are the coolest people in the world. At the same time, they built their life from scratch on their own. Without the financial support of parents, without the custody of wealthy patrons. And today it is they who are at the head of huge global holdings and brands.

Perhaps, we will unite them in the top 10 of the coolest people in the world.

1. Liliane Betancourt

And let's give the honorable first place to an incredibly strong and, undoubtedly, successful woman ?! Liliane Betancourt is the founder and sole owner of the world famous company L'Oreal, which also owns brands such as Vichy, Maybelline, Anais-Anais. She is one of the richest women in the world and the richest woman in France.

the coolest people in the world

2. Bill Gates

Of course, it would be unfair if the coolest man in the world, the richest man in the world, billionaire Bill Gates, did not get the second place. And what can I say, his place was to be the first, but Bill, like a true gentleman, gave way to his lady. One of the founders of Microsoft, a man who has fabulous sums of money on his accounts, is actively involved in charity work and in 2010 even invited all millionaires of the planet to donate half of their financial fortunes to charity funds.

3. Ortega Amancio

The owner of Confecciones Goa and the manager of the largest international networks Zara, Bershka, "Bear". Fulfilling his dreams one after another, Ortega Amancio from a simple clerk turned into a billionaire, occupying a leading position on the Forbes list. At the same time, he leads an absolutely ordinary lifestyle, familiar to every average Spaniard, and tries not to stand out among his fellow citizens.

the coolest man in the world

4. David and Charles Koch

The next line was shared by the Koch brothers. They are co-owners of the largest holding company Koch Industries. The company owns pipelines that transport most of the necessary fuel in the United States. And also at their enterprises the production of synthetic fibers, paper towels, toilet paper and even carpets - Lycra, Brawny, Angelsoft, Stainmaster.

5. Michael Bloomberg

108th mayor of New York. It takes its usual place at the beginning of the second ten of the Forbes list. The title "The coolest man in the world" and Michael 5th place in the ranking gets more than deserved. In addition to his political activities, he is an excellent financier and creator of the Bloomberg news agency. One of the richest people in America.

6. Bernie Ecclestone

An honorary member of the top ten Bernie Ecclestone, like many of his famous comrades, began climbing to success at the age of 16, leaving school and delving into his favorite motorbike classes, which ultimately made him a world-famous racer. And later Bernie founded the most famous race in the world - Formula 1.

who is the coolest man in the world

7. Richard Branson

One of the most influential and successful entrepreneurs in Europe. Richard's business acumen is innate. And it was she who helped him establish the record label Virgin and other companies with consonant names. In addition to entrepreneurial activity, Branson can be proud of seventh place in the list of “The coolest people in the world” and for his writing and oratory talent.

8. Mikhail Prokhorov

It would be completely unforgivable not to add Russian participants to the top 10. The coolest man in the world, whose history has a huge number of awards and achievements, is Mikhail Prokhorov. Billionaire, politician, entrepreneur, athlete, favorite of the fair sex. All the advantages can not be counted. Hearing the name of Mikhail Prokhorov, women languidly roll their eyes, and men silently envy. Bravo, Michael, and welcome to our rating.

9. Yuri Milner

Russian billionaire, entrepreneur, founder of,, His investments are present in projects such as Twitter and Alibaba. Yuri Milner is the most successful and wealthy person in the field of technology and the Internet. Agree, it's nice to have such countrymen!

the coolest man in the world history

10. Elena Baturina

Who is the coolest person in the world who closes the top ?! The final place, like the first one, I want to give to the lady. The beautiful, successful representative of Russian entrepreneurship - Elena Baturina. Elena takes first place in the Forbes list among women in Russia. He is the president of Inteco Management, and is also involved in charity work.

In fact, not all the coolest people in the world are represented in this rating. And to make a complete list of the most successful men and women of Russia and foreign countries is quite difficult. After all, new names and new achievements constantly appear. Every day in the world, someone earns his first million. Who knows, maybe you, the reader, will someday find your name in the top 10 of the coolest people in the world. And you will get to the first lines in Forbes. Go ahead, everything is in our hands!


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