Persimmon "Korolek" - a mysterious fruit

Persimmon "korolek" in translation from Greek means "fruit of the gods." As a rule, its fruits are yellow-orange or dark red-orange in color. Some of them are spherical in shape. Depending on the persimmon variety, it can reach sizes from one and a half to nine centimeters in diameter. After harvest, the flower cup remains attached to the fruit, but is easily removed when the persimmon ripens.

In the wild, persimmon can be found in the mountain forests of China. In Europe, this plant began to grow in the 8th century. At present, persimmon Korolek is a fairly popular plant in Western Europe, East and South Asia, Australia and Central America, and Africa.

"Korolek" (persimmon) contains a significant amount of carbohydrates, which are mainly represented by glucose and fructose. Also, the fruits contain carboxylic acids (citrate, malic), lipids, ascorbic acid, carotene, micro and macro elements (potassium, ferum, cuprum, manganese), tannins. Persimmon juice contains a significant amount of iodine. Due to the balanced amount of protein, the fruits of this amazing plant are often used to prepare a variety of medicines.

Since ancient times, persimmon "korolek" is considered healing, as it has a cleansing effect. Its juice has a bactericidal effect. Since persimmon fruits contain a large amount of iron, they are useful for anemia (anemia). Persimmon "korolek" is used in dietary nutrition, both fresh and dried. Its fruits are recommended for cachexia (exhaustion), scurvy, tuberculosis, fever, inflammatory diseases, and diseases of the female genital organs.

Persimmons: varieties

A widely cultivated persimmon variety is the Japanese Persimmon. This sweet fruit has a slightly fibrous structure. This type of persimmon is popular in southeast Asia, southern Europe, California and Brazil.

The fruits of Japanese persimmon contain a lot of tannin. Therefore, unripe fruits have an astringent effect and have a bitter aftertaste. The concentration of tannin during ripening is reduced. The ripened persimmons of this variety are distinguished by fleshy jelly, which is enclosed in a thin leathery shell.

Persimmon "Sharon" does not have astringency, because it was artificially removed. Also in the fruits of Sharon there are no kernels and seeds. The fruit has a special sweetness. Many traditional healers believe that regular use of these fruits prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases, in particular atherosclerosis.

Compared to Japanese persimmon, American persimmon contains a large amount of vitamin C and calcium. Local residents traditionally use its fruits for cooking. And the wood of this useful plant is often used to make a variety of tools.

Some experts divide persimmons into two types: astringent and non-astringent.

Japanese persimmon belongs to the most common varieties of astringent. Such fruit properties are associated with a high content of soluble tannins. The level of such substances during fruit ripening is significantly reduced. To reduce their concentration, carbon dioxide is used, which converts tannin into an undissolved form. Sometimes the fruit is treated with cold or frost.

Varieties of the so-called non-astringent persimmons also contain tannic bio compounds, however, in a much lower concentration. Moreover, in the process of ripening, they lose most of them. There is also a third type - a pollinated version of astringent persimmon. Such varieties are most popular in Japan, but they can only be found there in specialized farmers' markets. It should be remembered that persimmon, before ripening, usually has a bitter taste.


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