What is partak - punishment or warning?

what is partak

Nowadays, which can be called the period of identical people, more and more young people are looking for self-expression. Brand clothes will not help you stand out from the crowd, exquisite accessories will further identify you with society. You can play sports, but now fitness is in trend, and therefore you only support yet another fashion trend. A kind of step to the difference were tattoos. However, such salons and party tattoos nullified all efforts.

Tattoo history

It's no secret that decorating leather with a pattern in our culture has become fashionable relatively recently. The images that came to us from various ancient beliefs and beliefs took the place of honor of some uniqueness, bestowing mysteriousness and unusualness on their owner. Chinese characters, Mayan drawings , Celtic symbols, beautiful lively drawings - what could be more original?

People adorned their bodies thousands of years ago with the help of pricking words, pictures, and symbols. Some peoples and cultures still believe that the image on the skin can ward off evil spirits or evil spirits, contribute to a difficult situation, or it indicates the presence of the tattoo carrier in a particular caste.

The art of body image originated in different parts of the Earth. In Europe and Asia, in the Americas, - and everywhere it developed independently of each other. White skin was decorated with drawings, black with scars, which eventually turn into embossed patterns.

Patchwork patterns today

partaki and their meaning

A few years ago, tattoos tightly entered our everyday life along with tattoo parlors on every corner of the streets of large cities. If in Slavic culture tattoos were previously closely associated with places not so distant and relevant to the theme of images, now masters have changed their handwriting and can stab everything from teddy bears to images of fashionable Hollywood actors.

Young people, who especially quickly pick up fashion trends, poured into the salons to acquire bizarre drawings. What came of this, and why the question of what is partak has become so popular?

Features of the national tattoo

partak tattoo

Unfortunately, the masters in the tattoo parlor do not undergo any special certification. The diplomas that hang on the walls of the cabin may well be printed on the printer, as well as the sketches of the “completed work”.

Realizing that tattoos are a wonderful and profitable business, many failed economists and lawyers went to painting masters. Indeed, for half an hour of work, using the “most modern paints” from China and the “exclusive tattoo machine”, assembled by hand, you can get great money, incomparable to sitting in the office. These people do not wonder what a partak is, since all their work is sheer hack. There are enough five for drawing at school and self-confidence to become an authoritative guru. That is why partakas are so widespread, and their significance today is difficult to overestimate. Let's take a closer look at this concept.

What is a partak

A spoiled tattoo or a "tart" drawing is called a partak. The fact that instead of the desired tattoo results in something surprisingly unaesthetic on the skin is, of course, the grief master. After all, a person who solemnly declares his belonging to the caste of tattoo artists should at least be able to draw and even more so be able to do it on the skin, which is many times more difficult.

Although the existence of such partisan masters has one important advantage. Going to the procedure for changing your appearance, you do not know what you will get in the end. After all, the master may not fill you with the desired picture, but something incomprehensible and ugly. And it’s for you to go with this tattoo - for the amusement of others.

So what is partak - the aesthetic crime of the "master"? Or a lesson for edification to those who still do not have a tattoo, but want to get it? The answer to this question does not exist, but before going to the tattoo parlor, carefully consider whether you need it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22325/

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