Soil: preparation for planting vegetables and berries. Soil preparation in autumn

Autumn fertilizer application in the soil can significantly increase productivity, but this is not the whole range of measures that the soil requires. Preparation is divided into several stages, performing which, you can achieve amazing results throughout the subsequent period.

Autumn ground preparation

By cultivating the land in the fall, crop yields can be significantly increased. It is only necessary to perform all the steps in strict sequence. Start work immediately after harvesting all vegetables: in late September - early October. It is important to start it before the onset of a cold pore and before the onset of autumn rains. Immediately after harvesting tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, it is necessary to rake the ground with a rake. This will allow weed seeds to germinate.

After two weeks after loosening, when seedlings of weeds appear, the earth must be dug up. During this process, the bear and many other pests are destroyed. Do not be afraid of young overgrown grass. Many species of weeds when they destroy the upper part of the plant die completely. When cleaning the surface of the soil in autumn, many pathogens and pests die. Preparation during this period is especially important. Dig the soil to the depth of the fertile layer (20-25 cm), trying to prevent the infertile layer from reaching the surface.

soil preparation

But if the earth contains a large amount of clay or the site has been neglected and a large number of weeds has grown on it, digging is indispensable in both autumn and spring. Of course, if you want to have a rich harvest!

Lumps of land formed after digging in the fall should not be broken. The soil left in this form for the winter is better saturated with air, less compacted. During winter frosts, clods of land freeze, destroying the remaining larvae, pests, pathogens and the root system of weeds.

Fertile soil: preparation

The soil, which contains a large number of earthworms, is considered more fertile due to the fact that these creatures saturate it with humus. If the top layer does not have a continuous cover of weeds, then you can not dig up the earth, loosening is enough. Sometimes such a plot is sown with winter rye in autumn . This prevents the leaching of nutrients from the upper layer and creates favorable conditions for the formation of humus.

Spring preparation of soil

On loose earth, which was dug in the fall, snow melts much faster in the spring, therefore, it will be possible to start the season earlier. Lumps, breaking up into small fractions, freely pass water. The result is a loose and fertilized soil. Preparation in the early spring will not take much time - you only need to grind large clods, and you can start planting plants. This is best done after the earth dries and begins to freely lag behind the surface of the shovel.

Greenhouse: soil care

If there is a greenhouse on a summer cottage, then there are a number of measures that should be performed in the fall. Since the air in the greenhouse is warm and rather humid, this creates certain conditions for the development of all kinds of microorganisms - pathogens. Soil preparation in the greenhouse should be carried out in the fall, because this time is the best suited for cleaning from unwanted pests.

soil preparation in the greenhouse

First you need to remove all the remains of the tops and weeds, and then disinfect the soil. For this, copper sulfate (one tablespoon per ten liters of water) is used, which must be applied to the soil. Such procedures should be performed with great care, and if there is not enough experience, then it is better to use a different method. To do this, remove the top layer of the earth (5-6 cm) and remove it outside the greenhouse. This allows you to get rid of weed seeds, larvae and other pests. And then add the missing layer with manure, compost, sand and tree leaves. After this, the soil is dug up, thus evenly mixing with fertilizers.

On the walls of the greenhouse, as a rule, there is a multiplication of all kinds of fungi and mold. To get rid of them, it is necessary to carry out fumigation with sulfur.

How to get a good strawberry crop

Soil preparation for planting strawberries includes site selection and soil treatment. Fans of this berry should know that such a culture will grow poorly on the sandy territory, since it has an upper root system, which in the summer will simply overheat and dry out. On the earth, in which there is a lot of clay, it is also problematic to get a good crop, since the roots will not have enough oxygen. Soil quality can be improved by adding humus. It is better to prepare beds for strawberries, the height of which is 10 centimeters, and the distance between them is up to half a meter.

Soil preparation for strawberries in August

This berry grows in one place up to 4 years, so preparing the land may require some effort. You should immediately get rid of all weeds, because after planting on weeding you will have to spend a lot of energy. Having decided on the place, it is necessary to dig the soil and carefully select all the roots. It should be borne in mind that this berry is sun-loving, and in the shade of trees you can not count on the crop.

soil preparation for strawberries in August

Soil preparation, namely the selection of all weeds, is a rather tedious process. The same problem can be solved using herbicides ("Tornado", "Hurricane"). After spraying, after 10 days, the site is dug up, and with the help of a rake, dead plants are removed. Then the soil is fertilized and the planting of seedlings is started. Soil preparation for strawberries in August, followed by planting allows next year to get the first crop.

Crop rotation when planting strawberries

When alternating cultivated crops on a plot of land, the fertility of the land is maintained. The number of pests and the likelihood of disease are also significantly reduced. With long-term cultivation of the same crops at the same place, the soil is β€œfatigued”, and productivity decreases. Each type of plant is affected by certain diseases. Growing in one place leads to the accumulation of pathogens and a powerful defeat of planted crops.

Therefore, the preparation of soil for strawberries should be carried out taking into account what grew on this site earlier. It is not recommended to plant this berry after potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant and cabbage. The most favorable place is where carrots, onions, peas, garlic, and beets grew.

We are preparing a plot for raspberries

When planning to plant raspberries, keep in mind that you must choose the right site. After all, this plant forms many processes, loves fertile land and sunlight. It is not advisable to plant the berry in open, windy, low and humid areas, as well as between rows of trees. The most successful would be the location along the fence.

Due to the fact that raspberries deplete the soil quite strongly and can grow in one place for up to ten years, it is necessary to fertilize the soil well before planting. Organic fertilizers, which can be mixed with compost and ash, have a good effect. Soil preparation in the fall is the most optimal option. First, it is dug up and the weed roots are removed, then it is evenly distributed on the surface of the fertilizer and again dug.

raspberry soil preparation

The amount of feed required depends on the soil. If the site is poor, then it is necessary to add 10 kg of organic matter for each square meter, as well as 30 g of phosphate and potassium fertilizers. In fertile soil, 10 kg of organic fertilizers and 20 g of phosphorus and potash fertilizers should be added. Raspberries are planted in the spring.

Planting raspberries in the same place: features

If you need to remove the old bushes of the plant and plant new ones, then the preparation will take much more time. First remove the old bushes and fertilize the soil. In the next two years, it is necessary to plant various vegetables on this site: beets, carrots, cucumbers, onions, radishes. In the year of planting, crops are also planted that are harvested early (lettuce, dill, onions), and then the land is prepared. It is on this soil that raspberries will grow most effectively. Soil preparation and proper crop rotation provide a good harvest for ten years.

Autumn land preparation is the key to a good potato crop

To get a good crop of this crop, loose soil is required. To do this, you need to dig a lot deep in the autumn. It is better to do this in mid-September - late October. Large clods of land should not be crushed. During winter frosts, pest larvae will be destroyed, and the land will acquire the necessary friability, which will provide optimal conditions for the development of potatoes. In the spring, fertilizers need to be applied to the site and with the help of a rake they are embedded in the ground, while the surface is leveled, large clods of soil remaining after winter are crushed.

potato soil preparation
You need to know that in the soil the activity of microorganisms should be supported throughout the growing season. This can be achieved by adding organic matter, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers to the soil. The addition of several types of nutrients involves the first termination of one name, and the next week. The introduction is carried out after the snow melts, as it has a negative effect on the microflora. The fulfillment of these requirements allows you to competently conduct such an event as soil preparation. Potatoes should be planted after the soil has dried sufficiently.

If planting is carried out in too moist soil, then its friability is reduced and the probability of loss of nutrients increases. During the growth of potatoes, the flow of air also needs to be maintained by the application of hilling.

Autumn - time for planting garlic

The autumn season is characterized not only by preparing the soil for the next season - this is the most favorable time for planting garlic and onions. The main advantages of sowing in the winter:

  • Plants harden in the winter in a natural way;
  • earlier harvesting.

The optimal landing date is mid-October, but before the first frost. This time ensures that in the event of short-term warming, garlic does not begin to sprout prematurely.

garlic soil preparation

Soil preparation should be started a month before the planned planting and include all necessary measures. First you need to make fertilizers (humus and ash), and then the earth is dug up. After 30 days, you can start sowing.

Landing site selection

It is important to choose the right landing place. You can not plant onions and garlic in the same area every year. The most favorable place is after legumes, nightshade, cabbage. Autumn planting provides the formation of a powerful root system, for this the depth should not exceed 5 cm. Also, do not push the bulbs or cloves into the ground strongly.

Autumn preparation of beds for cucumbers

Each gardener knows that in the spring there is a lot of work on the plot, so autumn preparation of the soil makes it much easier. Cucumbers are very demanding on humidity and temperature. Therefore, choosing a site, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances.

The first stage of land preparation involves the treatment of possible diseases. To do this, it is necessary to "disinfect" the soil with copper sulfate, the concentration of which should be one tablespoon per 10 liters of water. A week after that, compost is added to the soil and repaired. In the fall you can use unripe compost. Good results are obtained by the introduction of manure. The most optimal for growing cucumbers are soils containing sand and characterized by high acidity.

soil preparation cucumbers

When choosing a site, crop rotation must be considered. The best option is if before that tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, onions grew on the beds. Do not plant cucumbers after zucchini, watermelons, pumpkins. This is due to the fact that these plants take the same nutrients from the soil, and are also susceptible to the same diseases and pests. The plot prepared in autumn must be loosened. Prior to planting seedlings or seeds in the soil, weeds should be regularly removed. Soil, the preparation of which is the main condition for a plentiful harvest, should be generously fertilized and loosened. The implementation of these simple rules, as well as the observance of crop rotation, makes it possible to maintain a model garden even for beginner summer residents.


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