Rhubarb. Cultivation and care

Rhubarb (from the Greek. "Reos") is a useful frost-resistant herbaceous perennial of the buckwheat family with large triangular-shaped leaves. It has been grown for several millennia. As a wild-growing this bush is widespread in Siberia, it is found in the Far East, Asia. The most popular plant in Western Europe and the Baltic countries.

Two types of rhubarb are grown - vegetable and medicinal. The taste is sour, like an apple. Young petioles are consumed. They contain citric, malic, ascorbic acids, protein, carotene, sugar, trace elements, potassium salts, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium. Rhubarb is stewed, boiled, frozen, canned, prepared from it fillings, preserves, candied fruits, compote. In medicine, rhubarb root is used as a means to improve the digestive system, stimulate appetite. Powder, tablets, extracts are prepared from it.

rhubarb cultivation

Rhubarb is shade tolerant, but to get the maximum yield it is best to plant it on the sunny side of the plot. He loves rich in organic, light slightly acidic soils. It is usually placed at the corners of the plantation or along the fence. The fruiting period in one place is up to 15 years. Petioles can be harvested from a second-year plant.

Rhubarb - growing. Landing methods:

1. Seeds

They must first be soaked in water for 48 hours. Sown in March-April, July or in the fall (on frozen ground). The distance between the rows is 0.2 m, the planting depth is 2 cm. Sprouts emerge on the 6th day. In autumn, seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place or thinned by 0.6 m. For one adult plant, a plot of at least 0.4 square meters is necessary, since the root grows three meters apart.

2. Vegetative (rhizome)

Rhubarb root is best planted in the third decade of August. For this purpose, a rhizome with a bud from a healthy 4-year-old plant is taken and buried in a hole with humus. The next day, the seedling can be watered, during which time the wounds on the plant will have time to dry.

Rhubarb - growing. Secrets of a good harvest

rhubarb root

- Do not deepen the kidney when planting in the soil;

- You can not use old seedlings or with many buds of rhizomes for seedlings, otherwise the plant will bloom quickly;

- flower arrows must be cut immediately;

- if the plant constantly blooms - it is old. Such an instance should be replaced;

- it is necessary to remove old dried leaves in time - they die annually, and rhizomes winter in the soil;

- if in the spring the kidney rises much above the soil, it needs to be slightly deepened, otherwise it will dry out;

Plant care is simple - regular watering on hot days, 2 organic top dressings per season, loosening the soil if necessary.

Rhubarb - Growing: Pest Control

To prevent the development of various diseases will help timely autumn cleaning of all leaves. The plant is susceptible to fungal diseases. The leaves turn red, then dry. Spraying with a weak solution of potassium permanganate will help to cope with the disease.

Rhubarb - growing. How to collect?

Gently break off the petiole at the base, being careful not to damage the kidneys. Do not remove the film from the bottom and leave a small fraction of the foliage on the cut petiole. Rhubarb collected in this way remains juicy for a long time, as it will be “clogged” on both sides. Below you can see how well-groomed rhubarb looks : a photo of a plant grown in accordance with all the rules

rhubarb photo

To grow a healthy giant plant, follow three basic rules:

- choose a sunny area for landing;

- Do not land anything at a radius of three meters from it;

- timely care for rhubarb - water, loosen the soil.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22330/

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