Theme of poet and poetry in the lyrics of Pushkin (briefly)

The problem of creativity was addressed by many famous writers. The theme of poet and poetry in Pushkin’s lyrics, for example, occupies a rather large place. He speaks of her special role, high mission in many of his poems. Here are just a few of them: Desert Sower of Liberty (written in 1823), Prophet (in 1826), Poet (in 1827), Echo (in 1831), Monument (in 1836).

the theme of poet and poetry in Pushkin's lyrics

What did Pushkin mean by poetry?

Poetry is a responsible and difficult matter, believes Alexander Sergeevich. A poet differs from ordinary people in that he is given the ability to hear, see, understand what he does not hear, does not see and does not understand an ordinary person. The author acts on his soul for nothing, since he is able to “burn verb” human hearts. But poetic talent is not just a gift, but also a great responsibility and a heavy burden. Therefore, the theme of poet and poetry in Pushkin’s lyrics deserves special attention.

The effect of poetry on people

Its influence on people is very great, so the poet himself must be a model of civic behavior, fighting public injustice and showing steadfastness in this struggle. He must become a discerning judge, not only in relation to others, but above all to himself. True poetry, according to Pushkin, should be life-affirming, human, awaken humanism and kindness. In the above poems, Pushkin discusses the poet’s difficult relationship with the people and the authorities, and the freedom of creativity.


theme of poet and poetry in Pushkin's lyrics 10th grade

In high school, the theme of poetry and poetry in Pushkin’s lyrics is examined in detail. A lesson in the 9th grade is necessarily devoted to this poem. The prophet is, in the opinion of Alexander Sergeyevich, the ideal image of a real poet in his highest calling and essence. This poem was created in 1826 - a difficult time for the poet during his spiritual crisis, which triggered the news of the execution of the Decembrists. This work reveals in detail the theme of the poet and poetry in the lyrics of Pushkin.

Alexander Sergeevich refers to the book of the prophet Isaiah. He was also in despair, watching the world, seeing that he was mired in vices and lawlessness. For the true creator, the everyday content that fills the minds and hearts of people should become a gloomy desert ... He seeks spiritual satisfaction and strives for it. Nothing more is required of him, since those who are hungry and hungry will certainly be satisfied.

theme of poet and poetry in Pushkin's lyrics lesson in grade 9

The prophet poet penetrated the life of the lower and higher nature, heard and contemplated everything that happens in the world, from the flight of angels to the course of reptiles, from the rotation of heaven to the vegetation of earthly plants. He who has seen his sight in order to see all the beauty of the world, painfully feels the ugliness of reality in which people live. And he must and will fight her. The weapon and action of the poet is the word of truth. But in order for it not to ulcerate, namely to burn the heart, it is necessary that the sting of wisdom be kindled by the fire of great love. In addition to the image of the six-winged seraph from the Bible, the last action of God's messenger was taken from it:

"And coal burning with fire,
I put a hole in my chest. "

The Bible also has the general tone of this poem, sublime and calmly majestic. The absence of relative pronouns, subordinate clauses and logical unions under the dominance of one union - “and” (it is repeated twenty times in thirty verses), according to V. Solovyov, brings the Pushkin language closer to the biblical language.

In the "Prophet", the lyrical hero of the poem does not feel himself desecrated by the lawlessness in the society, but he is not indifferent to what is happening around, although he cannot change anything.

the theme of the poet and poetry in the lyrics of Pushkin's poem

"In hours of fun ..."

The considered work is not limited to the theme of poet and poetry in Pushkin's lyrics. Poems dedicated to her are numerous. So, some features, echoes of the "Prophet" can be found in the later creation of Alexander Sergeyevich "In the hours of fun ...". It was written in 1830. The theme of poet and poetry in Pushkin’s lyrics sounds a little different here. In it, the author’s spiritual transformation resonates with the transformation of the prophet, physical and moral, which occurs after he was seared in the crucible of human suffering.

Pushkin's whole life was vivid evidence that his thoughts were true. His free, bold poetry protested against the slave oppression of the people, called for a struggle for the liberation of people. She supported the strength of spirit of the decembrist friends of Pushkin who were in exile, inspired them with steadfastness and courage.


The theme of poet and poetry in Pushkin’s lyrics is very multifaceted. Briefly describe the following poem - "Arion", created in 1827. It speaks of the need for courage and perseverance. The poem in allegorical form recreates the tragic events of the Decembrist uprising of 1825.

Despite the fact that the “Decembrist swimmers” died, singer Arion remained faithful to the noble mission, continuing to preach the ideals of justice and freedom. He declares: "I sing the old hymns."

In later poems by Alexander Sergeyevich, meditations about the meaning of human life, its frailty, transience begin to sound more often, a foreboding of the imminent death of the poet is felt. At this time, Pushkin, as it were, summarizes the creative activity, trying to objectively assess the significance of his heritage.

the theme of poet and poetry in Pushkin’s lyrics briefly


In the last years of life and work, the theme of poet and poetry in Pushkin’s lyrics continues to be heard. Poems dedicated to her are invariably distinguished by an exalted style. So, in the poem "Monument" written in 1836, the poet refers to the ancient heritage, because this work is a free translation of one of Horace's odes. Pushkin expresses his confidence that he will remain alive in the memory of the people. This right gives him the created "miraculous" monument, which he erected for himself, since he was always a prophet, the voice of the Russian people.

In this poem, Pushkin succinctly and succinctly talks about the purpose and meaning of his poetry, seeing the main merit of his personality in the fact that as a prophet poet he aroused mercy, kindness, the pursuit of justice and freedom in people. Having come into contact with Pushkin's poetry, we begin to feel a desire to become cleaner, better, we learn to see harmony and beauty around. Therefore, poetry can truly transform the world.

The ending of the poem is a traditional appeal to the muse, which must obey the commands of God, that is, the voice of truth, and, ignoring the opinion of "ignorant fools," follow the goal.

Alexander Sergeevich in many poems raised the theme of loneliness of the great poet among the indifferent crowd. A striking example of this is the poem "Poet." Pushkin urges to remain firm, calm and gloomy in the face of the crowd and the court of a fool.

"The conversation of the bookseller with the poet"

the theme of the poet and poetry in the poetry lyrics of Pushkin

In another work, The Conversation of the Book Seller with the Poet (1824), a similar appeal occurs when the author reflects on fame.

In the period when this poem was written, the poet took leave of romanticism, his transition to harsh realism. It was written on the current topic of literary creativity as a way to earn a living, as a profession. These questions worried the author, since he was one of the first to live on his literary earnings.

Here, from an atypical point of view, the theme of poet and poetry in Pushkin’s lyrics is highlighted. The summary of the poem is as follows. It talks about the duel between the poet and the bookseller, romance and pragmatist. In the dialogue of the two heroes, “poetry” and “prose” are contrasted in the meaning of romantic, “sublime” ideas and a “prosaic”, sober perception of life. It ends with the victory of the bookseller. The poet goes into the language of the transaction, and poetic speech is replaced by prose.

The theme of poet and poetry in Pushkin’s lyrics

"From Pindemonti"

Do not think that Pushkin considered himself superior to other people when he spoke of "fools" and "ignoramuses." He only emphasized that his judgments are independent, that he has the right to go where he is attracted by the “free mind”. Here Alexander Sergeevich speaks out unambiguously. The poem "From Pindemonti", written in 1836, says that to be free means not to identify with any of the social groups, not to participate in public unrest, not to depend on the king.

The muse of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin bravely and faithfully served beauty, freedom, justice, good. Is this not the role and essence of true poetry?

At school, the subject of poetry and poetry is studied in detail in the lyrics of Pushkin (grade 10). For more detailed information, you can refer to any textbook on Russian literature.


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