Strawberry Queen Elizabeth - high-yielding berry

Strawberry Queen Elizabeth is one of the repair varieties that has gained wide popularity. The berry is considered high-yielding. It gives the first fruits in early June, the second in July, and the third in late August. And if weather conditions and the zeal of the gardener allow, the fruiting will last until October.

wild strawberry queen elizabeth
Strawberries Koroleva Elizabeth, the photo clearly shows this, gives red with a glossy tint, large round berries with an average weight of 40-50 grams. There are instances reaching up to 100 grams. Despite its size, the strawberry Queen Elizabeth has a pleasant, pronounced strawberry taste and smell, which is especially valuable since most berries sold in the market and in the store are tasteless, although some smell wonderful. Deception, and more! Unfortunately, the autumn harvest cannot boast of excellent taste, yet the lack of sun and heat affects it.

Recently, strawberries Koroleva Elizabeth 2 have been gaining some popularity. This variety appeared in the south of Russia in 2001 and from there began to spread rapidly first in the southern and central regions, gradually moving to the north of the country. How do these two varieties differ from each other?

Strawberry Queen Elizabeth 2
Elizabeth II gives larger berries, up to one hundred grams. The first could do this only in exceptional cases. The pulp is dense, stored longer (this is good for long-term transportation). The berry retains its shape during cooking and freezing. This is the dream of many housewives. What tricks were not allowed to preserve the integrity of the berries. And then you do not need to invent anything.

How to ensure that strawberries Queen Elizabeth the first and second gave large yields? Both varieties can be grown both in open ground and in greenhouses or just containers that can be placed on the balcony, near the house. If planting is planned in the ground, you need to prepare the ridge. It is made high, and even better if it is a separate building from the frame. The bottom is laid with a film to prevent germination of weeds with a powerful root system, and prepared soil is poured on top. It should consist of three parts: land, peat and humus. Phosphoric and potassium fertilizers are required.

Strawberry Koroleva Elizabeth is planted in July, in extreme cases in early September, then she will take root well, her buds will be tied, which will turn into berries already in early June of next year. Do not forget that the variety is repairing, which means it is quickly depleted. One bush can bear fruit for a year or two, then it gives less and less berries. Therefore, you need to monitor all the time so that

wild strawberry queen elizabeth photo
The update was ongoing. But at the first landing, it is better to cut off the mustache, as this can prevent the plant from taking root well and begin to bear fruit. In the future, it is worth leaving three to four mustaches from the bush, the rest should be removed so that they do not interfere and do not take food.

Watering strawberries is plentiful, but waterlogging should not be allowed. Oxygen must flow unhindered to the roots. Therefore, it is necessary to loosen the soil or apply mulching (covering strawberries with straw, sawdust or dry grass). Twice a year under each bush it will be useful to pour a glass of ash - this is a very good fertilizer.

If you correctly apply the agricultural technology of cultivating remontant strawberries, you can get up to 120 kg of berries per season from one hundred parts.


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