"Roundup" - instructions for use and dosage.

Tired of weed control, people came up with continuous herbicides. The group of these drugs is quite large and includes funds for agricultural and free land. For gardeners with small areas, the unique drug Roundup is perfect. An instruction that fully answers all questions regarding the dosage and method of use.

Let's take a closer look at this universal tool. The Roundup herbicide is one of the five most used drugs in the world for weed control and small shrubs. It can become your lifesaver when processing garden paths and sections along the fence, which are problematic for weeding.

Do you doubt the possibility of using the drug "Roundup"? The instructions will help to understand the type of weeds susceptible to impact and the rules for processing the selected area. First, carefully study the information that the manufacturer provides.

Pay attention to the wide range of weeds that the Roundup can destroy. The use of the drug is advisable to remove both perennial and annual plants, cereals or dicotyledons. Plants such as nettle, dandelion, field bindweed, creeping buttercup, sow thistle, coltsfoot and swamp nettle are not particularly susceptible to exposure . But this tool will be an ideal option for the destruction of wheat grass creeping, sorrel and peppermint.

Solution treatment should be spot. The site should not be sprayed if fruit trees, shrubs or vegetable beds are located next to it. "Roundup" is an herbicide of extensive action and does not distinguish between plants harmful to you and useful. Trying to destroy weeds can do great damage to the crops.

It should be remembered that the processing must be carried out in the spring, when the weeds have already managed to give a few leaves. Choose a sunny day with calm weather. Even a little rain will wash most of the preparation from the leaves, which will reduce the positive effect.

Use the roundup correctly. The instruction will help you determine the required dosage. This herbicide is available in packages of 4, 25, 50, 125 ml, 0.5 and 20 liters. For continuous processing of a site with an area of โ€‹โ€‹100 square meters, a solution prepared from 50 milliliters of the drug will be enough. A half-liter packaging is enough to destroy grass on ten hundred square meters of personal garden. Flasks with a large capacity are necessarily equipped with a measuring scale and a special measuring cap for the convenience of consumers.

Try to apply a solution of the drug "Roundup" in a small area. The instruction gives information about the symptoms by which you can track the effect of this drug on plants. Only 5-10 days will pass from the moment of processing and you can observe the appearance of dry spots on the leaves of weeds. Spreading throughout the plant and accumulating in areas of active cell division, Roundup deprives them of cellular respiration, which leads to complete death after 20-30 days.

It is advisable to carry out processing in the evening. This will avoid poisoning pets and bees with a toxic drug. Cats and dogs must be isolated for several days. Although the manufacturer guarantees the safety of the drug for humans and animals, follow simple safety rules.

The person handling any herbicide must be dressed in a closed suit with long sleeves and legs. Wear boots or rubber boots. The face is covered with protective transparent glasses and a medical mask or respirator. Gloves are worn on the hands. Do not smoke, eat, or drink water while treating weeds. At the end of the work, you must take a shower and wash your clothes.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22351/

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