Gas boiler: device. Wall-mounted gas heating boilers: principle of operation and internal design

Gas heating equipment is by far the most popular and, as a result, in demand. This is due to a high degree of fuel availability. The resulting heat energy during the combustion of natural gas is used to heat various rooms and facilities. It is safe to say that this method of heating and producing hot water will be popular for many years to come, at least an increase in the production of natural gas throughout the world indicates this. Let's take a closer look at the gas boiler. The device and the principle of operation - all this will be discussed in the article.

gas boiler device

A bit of general information

Most people today can afford to install such equipment. All that is needed is the presence of a nearby central gas pipe and the permission of the relevant authorities. Then your business - you can put a floor or wall boiler. By the way, the latter are considered more modern and preferable, but we will talk about this a little later.

It is worth noting that a gas boiler, the device of which is completely enclosed in a metal case, is a very safe heating equipment. Of course, you must be aware of the dangers and the potential for leakage and therefore all important rules must be followed. Another key feature is the automatic operation. You will need to set the desired temperature and periodically add or bleed the coolant. Well, now let's move on.

Gas boilers: equipment prices

One of the first issues that interest consumers is the cost of the unit. Of course, for the money spent, I want to get a reliable and durable device that will provide the apartment or house with heat. As for the price, at most it depends on several factors, the key is the manufacturer. It is from where the equipment was manufactured, and its value will be formed. For example, gas-fired heating equipment of domestic production or, say, from Ukraine will cost you a little cheaper than the same European counterparts. Bosch products from Germany can rightfully be considered reference products. The quality of the equipment is top notch, and the accuracy is sometimes amazing. But you need to understand that a boiler with a capacity of 24 kW will cost about 40,000 rubles. If we take the domestic analogue, then with the same parameters, the purchase will cost 10-15% cheaper. By the way, the second factor that affects the price is power. The higher it is, the greater the cost, do not forget about it when you buy gas boilers. Prices for all equipment range from 12,000 to 100,000 rubles and above.

gas boilers prices

Number of circuits

You must understand that some equipment is not intended for heating water for domestic purposes. Such boilers are called single-circuit. Of course, dual-circuit units are more preferred. This is due to the fact that there is hot water and the house is warm. Nevertheless, if you put the boiler in a cottage where there is no need for heating water, then a single-circuit option is suitable. So you save not only money, but also the area in the room.

Types of ignition

Another important point is the type of ignition. Today there is manual (piezo ignition) and automatic (electronic). It is difficult to talk about a more or less preferred option. If you choose piezo ignition, you can be sure that even the lack of electricity in the house will not leave you in the cold, and this is due to the fact that such equipment is completely non-volatile. But there is a minus. For example, if the boiler goes out, you will know about it when the room starts to cool. Electronic ignition is good because the equipment ignites automatically. Even if the boiler goes out, it will turn on itself. If you have no problems with electricity, then such a gas boiler is preferable. Its device is somewhat more complicated, since the number of electronics is greater, but in return you will get comfort.

floor gas boiler

Key elements of a gas boiler

Regardless of whether you use the wall or floor version of the placement, the internal content will be approximately the same. "Stuffing" consists of the following elements:

  • Gas burner - a rectangular design with nozzles inside. Through them, gas is supplied to the combustion chamber, and due to its uniform distribution, heat is distributed balanced.
  • Heat exchanger - is a metal product in the form of a box. A radiator with tubes along which the coolant moves is installed inside. This element heats up from the burner. A single-circuit boiler contains one heat exchanger, a double-circuit boiler - two - primary and secondary.
  • Circulation pump - needed for forced circulation, that is, to ensure pressure in a closed system. Available on all models.
  • The expansion tank is a kind of battery. They are equipped with all gas boilers for the home. Accumulates the coolant during its intense heating.
  • Automation - equipment control unit. It contains the electrical circuit of the gas boiler, which relies on the sensors for operation.

Principle of operation

Let's take an example of an electronic single-circuit boiler. After the first power-up, the hardware starts up. At this stage, the room temperature is determined and the operability of the system as a whole is checked. Further, any gas boilers for the home include an ignition system. With the fuel supply a spark is supplied and the burner starts to work. The heat exchanger and heat carrier are gradually heated. The latter with the help of a circulation pump through the tubes is transmitted to radiators installed in the apartment or house.

gas boiler circuit
As for double-circuit boilers, the fundamental difference from the above technology is that there is a second circuit that provides domestic hot water. It must be understood that two circuits cannot work simultaneously. If you turn on the radiators, the water does not heat up, and vice versa. But this small nuance can hardly be called a disadvantage of double-circuit boilers, since, according to consumers, this does not cause any trouble.

Gas boilers: consumer reviews

It is extremely important to always pay attention to what ordinary buyers of such equipment write. Many users say that a dual-circuit boiler is extremely convenient and effective. Such equipment may well provide a small family of 3-4 people with both heat and hot water. But if the needs are slightly higher, then you need to install a boiler. Customer reviews say that modern gas boilers can produce about 10 liters of hot coolant per minute. Oddly enough, there are more adherents of piezo ignition than electronic. Many say that a sudden outage on a winter night can ruin the mood, but this is the case with electronics. But if gas boilers, reviews of which are just wonderful, are non-volatile, then nothing. The equipment of Ariston, Bosch and other companies is very popular among customers.

Features, advantages and disadvantages of floor boilers

A few years ago, the outdoor placement of heating equipment was extremely popular, now wall-mounted boilers are increasingly being installed. However, let's look at the features that floor units have. The main one is high power. This is due to the fact that in most cases the weight and dimensions are not limited to, say, 20 kilograms. For this simple reason, a floor gas boiler is an ideal solution for a summer house or a large house. In addition, a special foundation is not required for installation, although you still need to prepare a niche in advance.

gas boilers for home
The main disadvantages are the large size and complexity of the service. As for the dimensions, it’s clear here - the big power is due to the size. As for the complexity of periodic maintenance, this does not apply to all models and largely depends on the placement of equipment. From the foregoing, we can conclude that the floor gas boiler is better suited for installation in spacious or basement rooms.

Description of wall-mounted boilers

Special attention should be paid to equipment that is placed on the wall. As a rule, these are electronic models that were actively launched 5-7 years ago. The arrangement of these units is somewhat more complicated, and the use of advanced technologies has made it possible to make a gas wall-mounted boiler more compact. Another feature is light weight. Usually it does not exceed 20-25 kilograms for medium power equipment. This allows you to securely fix the boiler to the wall and not worry about the heavy load.

Of course, there are also disadvantages. One of them is low power. This is due to the fact that in most cases there are restrictions in the form of dimensions and mass, and this does not allow you to constantly increase power, as in, say, floor-standing models. However, currently the gas wall-mounted boiler is an ideal solution for small rooms where you need to save space and there is no basement. In this case, the equipment placed on the wall will not bother you, and its maintenance is greatly simplified.

gas boiler circuit

A little about service

Modern heating equipment requires minimal periodic maintenance. Approximately 1-2 times a year, equipment prophylaxis is needed. To do this, call the master from the service company, and he performs the necessary work for a fee. The list of services includes: cleaning the burner, its repair, cleaning the system, heat exchanger, etc. In essence, servicing gas boilers is a whole complex of works that cannot be performed without special preparation. However, it is not necessary that all work be done by a specialist. You must admit that when pressure drops in the system or when it grows, it is foolish to call a master. Such work can be done by yourself. To do this, there are two valves - through one water is discharged, and through the second it is launched into the system. It is also possible to change the filters of fine and rough cleaning yourself, as there are no difficulties.

gas boiler wall


That's all there is to say about equipment such as a gas boiler. The device and the principle of operation of heating equipment we examined. Now you know what suits you best - automatic ignition or manual, floor or wall placement. Do not forget that wall mounted boilers have exactly the same device as floor standing ones. The difference can only be that the maintenance of gas boilers will have different costs. In order not to stay in the winter in the cold, often call a specialist who will perform preventive work. Given the fact that the water quality in our country leaves much to be desired, it is necessary to check the inside of the equipment as often and thoroughly as possible. On the copper tubes of the heat exchanger can accumulate scale, which will interfere with the free movement of the liquid.


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