Wells in St. Petersburg: addresses, history

St. Petersburg is a city famous for its fountains, palaces and ... well-yards. Similar architectural solutions can be found in many countries of the world, but it is in the Northern capital that there are a lot of them. Well-yards in St. Petersburg - this is one of the hallmarks of the city, a landmark that you should definitely see with your own eyes at the first opportunity.

A fictional story

Once upon a time, Emperor Peter the Great ordered to build “one facade” buildings on the central streets. As a result of this order, very soon in St. Petersburg it was possible to see houses spanning several blocks. Most of them had arches in the courtyards or through entrances. Behind the main building there were usually outbuildings and small outbuildings.

Very soon, the so-called well courtyards began to appear in St. Petersburg. Land in the city center went up annually, each owner sought to get the maximum profit from his plot. Profitable houses become profitable - multi-unit residential buildings intended for rental. They are built by all wealthy residents of the city, and gradually behind the front facades whole mazes grow from new buildings.

Wells yards in St. Petersburg

Yard-well: signs and main varieties

Traditionally, a "well" is a courtyard surrounded on all sides by houses built close to each other. The internal space between neighboring buildings may be quite large, and may not exceed the standard storage area. You can get into the well-yard through an arch or main entrance. During the Soviet era, many passages were closed, but tourists are not discouraged, and if you want, you can always find a hole.

Well hit yards in St. Petersburg are especially impressive for visitors. Seeing such a miracle of architectural thought, everyone asks the question: how to live in an apartment whose windows do not know sunlight and overlook the facade of a neighboring house? It is worth paying tribute to architects of the past, in most of these residential buildings a special layout. All windows overlooking the well-yard are related to stairs, hallways, bathrooms and kitchens, as well as other utility rooms. In addition, on the first floors of buildings located too close to neighboring buildings, there are usually no windows at all.

Wilhelm Pel and his griffins

One of the most unusual and interesting courtyards-wells is located on Vasilyevsky Island. Behind the old facade of house number 18 of the 7th line there is a small courtyard, most of which is the Griffin Tower. This is a brick cylindrical structure, the diameter of which is about 2 meters and a height of about 11 meters. There is an unusual attraction in the old quarter of pharmacists. The front facade of the well-yard is a building that houses one of the oldest pharmacies in the city.

Griffin tower

Since the mid-nineteenth century, Dr. Wilhelm Pell has lived and worked here. Many legends tell that this man was not only a pharmacist, but also a talented alchemist. The tower is also associated with the name Pelya. According to some versions, the scientist’s laboratory was located inside, according to others, it served as an exhaust for the underground laboratory. Skeptics believe that in front of them is a fragment of the pipe of an old boiler room.

The Griffin Tower got its name because of another myth common among tourists. It is believed that Pel discovered the formula for happiness and instructed to guard his griffins, which are hidden during the day inside a brick pipe. The numbers are shown on the walls of the tower, if you read them all, you can find out the very code and achieve all your desires. Unfortunately, this is nothing more than a beautiful urban legend - “mysterious” letters appeared on the Tower in 1994 at the initiative of a creative group of contemporary artists.

Tolstov House

One of the most famous and beautiful houses of St. Petersburg was built by order of Count M.P. Tolstoy. The exact address of this impressive architectural structure: Rubinstein street, 15-17.

Tolstoy house

The Tolstoy house, as it was popularly called, is a worthy example of northern Art Nouveau. The front facade is decorated with high arches, on the upper floors there are loggias. What is noteworthy, this house was initially commissioned with plumbing, an elevator and laundries. The owner of the building has thought through everything to the smallest detail, the living quarters are significantly different in size and comfort. The thing is that the Tolstoy House was built as a nation-wide, designed for residents of various classes.

Today, not all local residents are aware that behind the front facade of this building are several hiding well-shaped courtyards. If you decide to visit this attraction, do not be too lazy to look into the arches.

The most famous well-courtyards in St. Petersburg: addresses

Typically, attractions in this category are not included in travel guides. But if you want to see the true face of St. Petersburg, we recommend that you personally visit at least 2-3 courtyards-wells. Be prepared for the fact that getting behind the front facade will not be easy. Passages to many such courtyards are protected by combination locks, but you can negotiate with the locals.

One of the most popular places for tourists is the Courtyard of Spirits, located on the 4th line of Vasilyevsky Island. There is very little space between neighboring houses, and the roof is protected by a grill on top. If you get inside and look at the "sky in the box", you can make a wish, and it will come true.

Unique even by the standards of St. Petersburg, the courtyard-ring is located at the embankment of the Fontanka River, 92. The houses standing next to it do form a regular circle. The courtyard itself is large enough, but for some reason most people in it feel discomfort.

Yards wells in St. Petersburg addresses

An interesting architectural phenomenon and an octagonal courtyard. You can visit it at the address: Small Avenue, 1B. Come into the arch and enjoy an even polygon above your head.

In fact, there are a lot more well-yards in St. Petersburg, you can search for them yourself. Just carefully consider the city map and go for a walk.

City legends and facts about St. Petersburg wells

Modern courtyards in St. Petersburg look different. Some are very small, gloomy and cluttered, while others resemble European courtyards - with neat flower beds and lots of greenery. Most well yards are located in the historical and most expensive areas of the city. And this means that such housing is considered to be elite.

Residential buildings spb

Psychologists do not see anything good in wells, and believe that such a confined space negatively affects the psyche of people. Nevertheless, ancient residential buildings (St. Petersburg) are beautiful in their own way and can boast a special atmosphere. Non-governmental organizations and many residents of the city advocate the preservation of courtyards, wells, and timely repair.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22363/

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