How to weave bracelets from rubber bands on a slingshot: instructions, technology, recommendations and reviews. The technique of weaving bracelets from rubber bands on a slingshot

If you decide to learn how to weave bracelets from rubber bands on a slingshot, it is worth starting with simple options. Even the easiest ways allow you to create beautiful and spectacular jewelry. Try to make products monochrome and with contrasting combinations, with beads, wide and narrow. Look for your style. Create fashion items with your own hands.

slingshot rubber bracelets

What is required for work

If you decide to weave rubber bands on a slingshot, prepare the following:

  • mini-machine, consisting of two columns;
  • elastic bands of suitable shades;
  • hook for ease of work;
  • plastic fastener clips.

This is all that is needed, and even fingers can be used instead of a slingshot, if there is no hook, it does not matter, and choose the colors of the elastic bands depending on the type of weaving. Some products look spectacular even from rubber bands of the same shade.

How to weave rubber bands on a slingshot

If we talk about general principles, then the work always begins with the placement of one twisted eight gum on both columns of the slingshot. Weaving ends, as a rule, with the fact that an elastic band is placed on both horns without twisting, and all the loops on both columns fold to the center. Then the remaining loops formed by the last rubber band are thrown onto one column and removed on the clip-on clasp. The same is done with the first loop of weaving. The rest of the work is done according to a specific pattern. Typically, similar actions are carried out on each column in turn. This technology is used, in general terms. To understand how to weave bracelets from rubber bands on a slingshot of a particular type, you need to follow the appropriate instructions. Choose your favorite, combine different colors. Indeed, even on the basis of one scheme, you can create different designs of jewelry.

Simple options

The most basic bracelets made of rubber bands on a slingshot can be made without complicated instructions.

how to weave rubber bands on a slingshot
Try this way:

  1. Twist the first gum with a figure eight and put on both horns of a slingshot.
  2. Put on the second one in the same way, but without crossing.
  3. Drop the loops of the lower gum through the tops of the columns to the center.
  4. Repeat the previous two steps until the desired length.
  5. Fasten the weave by gently hooking the final two loops onto the clip fastener.
  6. Also do the first elastic in the bracelet, securing the fasteners on the other side.

By the way, instead of just elastic bands that are worn on posts without crossing, you can use elastic bands with strung beads. It will look original. You can put a bead on an elastic band using a piece of wire or thread with a needle.

weaving bracelets from rubber bands on a slingshot

"Fish tail"

Weaving bracelets from rubber bands on a slingshot is an interesting and fairly simple task. To make this type of decoration, work like this:

  1. Take two or more shades of elastic. You will need to use them in turn.
  2. Put the first elastic on both horns, twisting it with an eight.
  3. Put on the second rubber band of the next color on both horns without twisting.
  4. Put on the third gum of another shade or the same as the first, on both horns without crossing.
  5. Drop the right and left lower loops through the top of the horn to the middle in any sequence (for example, first on the right side), put the next elastic on both columns without crossing and repeat in the same way to the desired length.
  6. To fix the product, it is enough to transfer the last loops from two columns to one, and then gently hook them onto the clip fastener.

All is ready.

how to weave a rubber band on a slingshot

French braid

Weaving bracelets from rubber bands on a slingshot in this way should be done as follows:

  1. Take the elastic bands of two different colors 1 and 2. When weaving, they will alternate one after another.
  2. Put the elastic 1, twisted eight, on both columns of the slingshot.
  3. Gum 2 also put on both horns, but without twisting.
  4. Again, put on gum 1 without twisting.
  5. Drop one lower loop on each of the horns towards the middle.
  6. Put on both columns elastic 2 without twisting.
  7. From the right column, discard the middle loop in the middle, and from the left - the lower loop.
  8. Then, in turn, put on elastic bands of different colors, and between these actions repeat the previous step either similarly or in a mirror, that is, if on the horn, after putting on the elastic of the next color, the middle one appears to be contrasting to the upper and lower, then it is removed to the middle, and on that column , where the middle and the lower are the same, the lower is thrown off to the middle.
  9. Weaving is carried out to the desired length and is fixed by folding the lower elastic loops up to the middle and then throwing the upper loops one column and hooking on the clip-fastener element.

bracelets made of rubber bands on a slingshot scythe

Slingshot bracelets: "Mermaid Scythe"

  1. Take the elastic bands of two contrasting colors 1 and 2. Turn the slingshot with its notches toward you.
  2. Put on two columns the figure-eight elastic 1.
  3. On the right horn, place the twisted elastic band 2.
  4. Put another elastic 1 on both posts without twisting. Color 2 will correspond to the middle of the bracelet, and 1 - to the lateral braiding of the central part.
  5. Take the hook and pass it through the center of the ringlet of the twisted double elastic band placed on the right horn, pull out the lower eyelet and discard it to the middle between the posts.
  6. Put on the left horn also a twisted elastic band 2.
  7. Place the elastic 1 on both posts without twisting.
  8. Pass the hook through the double elastic band on the left column, pick up the lower loops and discard both to the middle of the slingshot.
  9. Go back to the right horn: place a double elastic band 2 and another 1 on both columns without twisting. Also, hook through the double ring, thread the lower elastic bands and discard them to the center of the slingshot.
  10. In fact, you already learned how to weave a bracelet made of rubber bands on a slingshot called โ€œMermaid Scytheโ€, because then all the actions are repeated in the same sequence to the desired length of the product.
  11. To finish weaving, put untwisted elastic 1 on both posts.
  12. Discard all available loops from both horns to the center.
  13. Place the remaining two loops on one horn (on the right or left).
  14. Gently hook both loops and hook them onto the plastic clip-clasp.
  15. Hook the other side of the fastener onto the first loop.

bracelets made of rubber bands on a slingshot scythe

The product is ready. You can try on.

As you can see, weaving bracelets from rubber bands on a slingshot is not difficult at all. Even on the basis of one scheme of work, you can create different beautiful and spectacular products. Try, train, create jewelry with your own hands.


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