Guinea pig: pros and cons of content

Guinea pigs are considered one of the most unusual pets. The pros and cons of these animals make people carefully analyze their situation and only then make a specific decision. Not everyone succeeds in time to recognize all the necessary components, draw conclusions and never regret the decision.

guinea pig in nature

Much more than those who, under the influence of a strong emotional impulse, start an animal, and then complain to others that the pet takes a lot of time and effort. Pros and cons of guinea pig in the apartment will be discussed in this article.

Positive sides

These animals must be properly looked after. If this is not done, then problems will inevitably arise. The pros and cons of guinea pigs will help doubting people to decide on their choice and make the right decision. First, you should consider the positive aspects of the content of these amazing animals. Still, they bring a lot of joy and give a good mood. If people were not afraid of "difficult care", they would have more chances to maintain the ability to be surprised, to be in a state of enthusiasm.


Speaking about the pros and cons of guinea pig, it should be noted that these are very neat animals. In the apartment they practically do not give out their presence: there is no characteristic smell, loud emitted sounds. It is quite comfortable to live with these rodents, to share a common space. If people start them, then only out of a great desire to observe the life of these amazing animals. With proper feeding and care, the rodent hair looks neat and shiny, it is incredibly pleasant to the touch.

cute pig

Sometimes there are such cases that pigs are so used to daily care that they are very happy when they are picked up, stroked, and show affection and care for them.

No allergies

Many people have to abandon the idea of ​​having an animal at home only because the pet will complicate their health. When you have to deal with an allergic reaction, most of us choose not to take risks. And this is the right approach. Even after reading a bunch of positive reviews about the pros and cons of guinea pigs, not everyone agrees to keep an animal at home. Although in fact, these little fluffy animals just do not cause any allergies. Unlike cats and dogs, they are unlikely to cause a person to feel unwell. It will be incredibly comfortable with them as an elderly pensioner, or just any caring adult or child. It is really gratifying and pleasant.

Anti-stress effect

In our difficult time, many people experience incredible fatigue caused by the need to deal with stress daily. And here everyone finds the necessary outlet for himself. Someone is trying to console themselves with walks with friends, while others are in a hurry to get pets. Guinea pigs cause a lot of positive emotions.

furry guinea pig

These are real powerful antidepressants. If such an animal is next to you, you will not be sad. Instead of buying various sedatives, you should pay attention to the prospect of having such an animal as a hamster or guinea pig at home. Pros and cons will make the choice. Most often, as a result of this action, a person begins to feel additional meaning in all his daily activities. Having a little furry friend at home helps in many ways to deal with a bad mood and various fears.

Funny animals

Guinea pigs are very exciting to watch. It is really hard to argue with this statement. From the side, they may seem inert creatures, but this is completely not so. You can spend hours at the cage and watch with enthusiasm how the pets interact with each other. They are quite funny: they squeak, run after their relative, constantly sniff new objects. Most likely, over time, the owner will be able to detect a lot of other positive features that are not immediately visible. Most people become attached to their pets, try to feed them properly and take good care of them. This must be sought.

Negative sides

The pros and cons of guinea pigs must be considered in order to be able to make the right decision. It is much worse when people initially underestimate their capabilities, and then they are surprised that the animal looks lethargic, apathetic and constantly sick. A responsible person always examines the information before starting a guinea pig at home, considers the pros and cons separately. So what are the downsides? What should be remembered when making such a crucial decision?

Maintenance costs

It is worth noting that keeping an animal at home is a rather expensive pleasure. Although guinea pigs do not eat much, their diet requires a great deal of variety. You can’t feed them with anything horrible, because from improper care they can get sick and even die. Many owners say that they could not even imagine that the cost of maintaining animals would be so high. Guinea pigs need high quality feed.

feeding pigs

Also, fresh vegetables and fruits should be included in their diet, and their animals should receive them all year round, regardless of the financial situation of the owner. When material problems arise, many owners, unfortunately, give up their duties. To prevent this from happening to you, you need to carefully think through everything, weigh it.

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This is also a difficult moment, which must be taken into account in a timely manner. Guinea pigs should be kept exclusively gay couples. If the animal is kept alone, be sure that it will soon become ill and die. Guinea pigs are incredibly social rodents. They need communication just like air. Breeding them is quite difficult, offspring are often born unhealthy.

two pigs

For this reason, a relative of the same sex should be put in a cage for one pig. It is better to do this soon, as soon as you have a pig, or buy two pets at once.

big and small pet

Accordingly, all costs are doubled. If a person is not rich enough, then it will be difficult for him to allocate funds for the maintenance of pets.

Spacious cage

Guinea pigs need to have personal space, like any living thing. To do this, you need to purchase a large cage in advance. In the building itself, it is necessary to put containers for food and drink, make a small shelter where the animal can hide and feel comfortable. Watching animals is very interesting, but first you need to create suitable conditions for life.

Guinea pig for a baby

An adult can see the pros and cons of this decision exactly when the period of euphoria and joy over the purchase of a pet passes. If the child is quite responsible and you can trust him with a beast, then the acquisition may be useful. As a result, empathy develops, more motivation for self-development appears. When a child is not too eager to fulfill his duties, it is too early to start any animal. Everything needs to be carefully considered, to understand which solution will be right.

guinea pig care

Thus, before you start an animal in the apartment, you need to study the pros and cons of guinea pigs. It is better to have reliable information initially, in order to correctly evaluate your strength, to prepare for the adoption of a new member in the family. Do not get a pet if you know for sure that you do not have enough time to look after him. In the case when there is not enough financial means, one also does not need to succumb to a momentary impulse. An abandoned animal causes irritation, a storm of negative emotions, but does not bring joy at all. If the owner takes a responsible approach to the content of his pet, then he himself becomes happier, because there is no greater happiness than to give warmth and care.


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