What dogs are afraid of: reasons and useful tips to help fight phobias

Dogs are amazing animals. Watching them, you will discover a completely different world with a universal model of behavior. Four-legged friends sometimes amuse, and sometimes forced to run away from them. Let's find out what dogs are afraid of more than anything else?

what are dogs afraid of

Loud noises

What a dog may fear is any loud and especially sudden sounds. These include fireworks with explosions of firecrackers, and thunder, and shots, and even a ladle hit on a metal pan.

There can be several reasons for the fear of loud sounds. Firstly, a four-legged friend could be scared intentionally or used noise for educational purposes. Secondly, dogs, like people, can have psychological problems and experience not just fears, but real phobias.

The list of loud sounds includes a bursting balloon, and the launch of a starting pistol, and an imitation of a growl, and a car signal.

what dogs are afraid of useful tips


Animals have a strong sense of self-preservation, so an adequate animal will never climb into the fire without good reason. However, not all living things can be scared by a bonfire. For example, forest animals often encounter fires, so they know how to behave with fire and which side to circumvent. The opposite is the case with domestic inhabitants - the first acquaintance with a hot object can cause them a real phobia.

So what are dogs afraid of? Not just a bonfire, but a burning object that is about to attack (in their opinion). Strong fear develops in animals from early childhood, if they are faced with tête-à-tête fire. For example, if the owner accidentally (or intentionally) burned his four-legged friend, then subsequently such a dog would not dare to approach the fire. Firstly, because it’s hot. Secondly, because it hurts. And who wants not only to feel pain, but also to lick their wounds?

what dogs are usually afraid of


What dogs usually fear is a stick. This phenomenon is bewildering for pet owners, because many of them have never suffered from beating by any objects.

It is important to understand that a four-legged friend is not afraid of the appearance of a stick, but of a threat when a person raises his hand with a large object over his head. We are not talking about those dogs who are regularly punished. It is important to understand that pets brought up by infantile tame dogs can still be aware of the danger at an instinctive level. However, like a person. If your interlocutor swings his hand sharply, then you involuntarily close your eyes, and your heart will begin to beat treacherously. But this does not mean that you are a real coward and were afraid of a simple gesture? Even if you were not subjected to cruelty and violence as a child, a raised hand will still make you worry for a split second. This happens on an instinctive level - as with four-legged friends.

what can a dog be afraid of

Other dogs

A dog is afraid of other dogs - it is a fact. The main reasons for this phobia are insecurity in their strength. The problem is that the indoor dog is so tender and vulnerable that any kind of strange creature leads to an uncontrolled bowel movement, flight or tremor of the whole body. For owners, this behavior seems funny and is often accompanied by jokes, but imagine what it is like at that moment to an animal that absolutely does not know how to communicate with its relatives.

Imagine yourself in the place of a four-legged friend: and if you did not understand that all the people around are not enemies? In the first stages, a person would simply lock himself in and not leave his home, then at the sight of a representative of his kind he would simply run away and hide behind a tree. The very last stage - a person falls to the ground and grabs his head in his hands. Such a sight does not cause sympathy, therefore, in canine perception, the fear of other dogs proceeds in a more complex form.

what can a dog be afraid of


What dogs are afraid of is ultrasound. For a long time, whistles went on sale, but not quite ordinary. A person does not hear the sound that an effective repeller makes. The reason is simple: a person’s hearing cannot tune in to the frequency of the whistle, but the dogs catch it perfectly. It acts as an irritant, which allows you to instantly calm and even scare a four-legged pet.

It is important to understand what dogs are afraid of in order to scare away an aggressive and excited animal in time. The whistle copes with this task, causing headache and irritation in the dog. In this case, it is not recommended to "indulge" with the device, and use it only for self-defense. The whistle may not work if sent to a sick animal. And if you decide to test the effectiveness of the device, then you do not need to test it on those dogs that behave peacefully - ultrasound can cause an attack of aggression in the dog.

the dog is afraid of other dogs

What dogs are afraid of: useful tips to help fight phobias

Raise an animal and give him attention since childhood - just like when caring for your baby. We give an example: when a new member of the family is born, then at first the child wakes up from any noise. Gradually you accustom him to extraneous sounds and the child can calmly fall asleep under the included TV or a hammer knock. You must accustom your four-legged friend to noise so that he is not afraid of thunder, fireworks, or sudden bangs.

Never hit your animal - you can raise in a different way. First, dogs understand when they are talking to them in elevated tones. Secondly, you can slightly click on the nose or splash with water if the pet does not obey. Do not make a dog home decor, which is not able to contact with their relatives. So that the dog does not develop phobias, it is important from an early age to lead an active lifestyle with him: walk in the park, drive to dog sites, take him out into the countryside.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22370/

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