Reliability ratings of air conditioners: an overview of models, specifications, manufacturers and reviews

If you have decided on the type of air conditioner and figured out the acceptable power of the device for yourself, you can proceed to the next (most difficult) step - choosing a brand. It is impossible to give unambiguous or specific recommendations, because the distinguishing characteristics between air conditioners in the same price group are not critical.

air conditioner ratings

Nevertheless, we will try to classify popular brands and models in terms of their reliability and, of course, cost. In order to make it easier to navigate, we’ll make a small rating of the best air conditioners for the apartment, taking into account the opinions of experts in this area and the reviews of ordinary owners of these devices.

What do they sell in stores

The number of companies that are represented in our market is increasing annually. But there is one caveat: the number of manufacturers of this kind of equipment is practically unchanged. New brands and names are just OEM brands. Simply put - custom assembly on the territory of independent manufacturers. The leaders in OEM products do not hide their scale and are known to any dealer. These are the three main giants that almost completely control the Chinese market - Gree, Midea and Haier. If the equipment was assembled at little-known and small factories, then problems with the quality of the assembled products are possible.

reliability rating of air conditioners

Ratings of air conditioners and similar equipment are compiled by eminent companies that have made a name for themselves in the global market. But more often one unhealthy trend is being traced: companies, striving to occupy all market segments, produce several lines of equipment under the name of the same brand, which differ in reliability, functionality and price. Therefore, there are frequent cases when a budget air conditioner from some venerable brand can be not only cheaper, but also worse in functionality of an ordinary Chinese product of the same plan.

In this regard, it has become very problematic to make ratings of air conditioners for reliability and quality, and therefore it is much easier to adhere to the following classification below, which more realistically shows the state of things.

Premium class

Models of this class can be designated as "the first group of reliability." Here we will see Japanese companies that have a long history of scientific research in the field of climate technology along with their own production and a streamlined quality control system, and regardless of the location of the conveyor. It is worth noting that the presence of our own factories and conveyors does not prevent these brands from placing orders at third-party partner factories.

Middle class

This is the “second reliability group”, and the ratings of air conditioners here are of a completely different plan. There are more or less well-known brands that have been working closely with the climate market for a long time, collecting products both in their own factories and with the help of third-party partner factories.

rating of air conditioners in an apartment

Companies of this class pay sufficient attention to the quality of manufactured units in their factories, along with the control of conveyor lines of partners. This also includes the OEM brands indicated above, whose products are not satisfactory in terms of origin and quality.

Budget class

The “Third Reliability Group” consists of new companies and well-known OEM brands that disguise themselves as real manufacturers. In this case, making any ratings of air conditioners is simply pointless, because it is very difficult to determine the real manufacturers of these units. A lot of components that were assembled at numerous Chinese factories, by no means can guarantee a decent or at least stable quality, so this class should not be taken into account.

We will consider the rating of air conditioners in an apartment for reliability of premium and middle class, because the budget options are too complicated to evaluate (there is no stability, there is no information about the manufacturer).

Model Overview

Consider each individual model more specifically. The rating of air conditioners for reliability is opened by the following units:

  • Electrolux EACM-10DR / N3.
  • General Climate GCP-09ERC1N1.
  • Toshiba RAS-10N3KVR-E.

Electrolux EACM-10DR / N3

This is a fairly popular portable model of the middle class, which is in enviable demand among Russian consumers. Judging by the reviews of the owners, the unit, albeit slowly, but quite well, cools the room. The owners also note that the possibility of inserting a corrugation into a wall or window allows you to make the unit stationary and beautifully "pour" it into the design of the room.

rating of air conditioners in an apartment for reliability

This model replenished the rating of air conditioners in an apartment due to its practicality, mobility and high-quality assembly, which is very rare for portable units of this class. In addition, the series has excellent reliability indicators, models can be controlled from a remote control, and all this is summed up at a very affordable price. Estimated cost - 18 000 rubles.

General Climate GCP-09ERC1N1

This is the best air conditioning (premium rating) in the segment of mobile climate units. The model has a nice and versatile design that will fit into the modern interior of any type. The unit is equipped with a large, clear and clear display, it is possible to mount the corrugation for stationary mode, and there is also a remote control.

best air conditioning rating

The owners in their reviews appreciated the neat and pleasant design of the model, as well as the quality of the work of the equipment. Some users have noted minor disadvantages like noise, short corrugation and the fact that water has to be poured too often. Estimated price - 22 000 rubles.

Toshiba RAS-10N3KVR-E

This is an inverter climate system (wall split system) of a premium class from a well-known and reliable manufacturer. The model works great in cooling, ventilation, heating and has excellent automation. The design provides highly efficient filters for fine air purification.

Among the advantages of the model, the owners note the economy, the absence of noise, a pleasant and clear color display, as well as a beautiful and at the same time concise design. The device is equipped with self-diagnosis modules and has extensive functionality (plasma filter, self-drying, ionizer, etc.).

rating of the best air conditioners for an apartment

Despite the success of the model, the owners in their reviews note some of its shortcomings: the lack of backlight on the remote control, the inconvenient adjustment of vertical blinds (only manual), the lack of a current temperature sensor. Many are frightened by the price, but experts believe that the Toshiba RAS series is an almost perfect combination of cost and return, where quality and reliability of the design from the famous and reputable brand are in the first place. Even despite the aforementioned shortcomings, the model is in enviable demand among domestic consumers.

Estimated price - 45 000 rubles.


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