Do-it-yourself skirt on the floor to the envy of friends

One of the few skirts that can truly be considered universal is a long one. She belongs to this category due to the fact that she can be worn at work, in the office, and on a date. To create this wonderful thing you only need to choose a color and material and follow the following instructions.

do-it-yourself skirt to the floor
First you need to use a centimeter tape to take the measurements necessary for sewing, namely:

A. Hips

B. Waist Size.

B. Length (optional).

After the necessary measurements to the indicator indicating the volume of the hips, it is necessary to add 2 centimeters for free fitting. After that, the obtained parameter should be divided by 6. The resulting figure will be a parameter that displays the wedge width of our skirt at the waist.

After the aforesaid, add 4 centimeters to the parameter of the thigh volume for a free fit of the skirt, then divide the result by 6. This result will be a parameter of the width of one wedge of our future skirt on the hips.

After all the measurements are ready, the skirt on the floor with his own hands begins to unfold. To complete this procedure, draw a rectangle ABCD on a large piece of paper. AB is a width parameter that is equal to the width of the wedge at the hips. AD is the length of the future skirt. After these steps are completed, it is necessary to draw a line down in the middle of the rectangle.

chiffon skirts

After that, it is necessary to mark the middle on the AB side, then back down from it by 16–20 centimeters. The length will depend on what kind of skirt you want to make on the floor: freely falling (for it, the indentation will be 20 centimeters) or lush (for this type of indentation will be 16-18 centimeters).

After the indentation, you need to draw a horizontal line from one side to the other - this will be the line of the hips. And on the upper side of our rectangle, it is necessary to mark the waist line, stepping back along the edges. In this case, you need to use a parameter that indicates the width of the wedge of the skirt at the waist.

The next step is to connect the straight lines of the hips and waist. After that, these lines should be continued down to the border of the rectangle located below. Further, stepping back from the angle D 5–10 centimeters up, connect this point with the middle of the wedge in a smooth line. The same actions must be performed with angle C.

And finally, one stage remained. You need to decompose the resulting pattern on the fabric of your choice. At the same time, do not forget that for every seam it is necessary to leave a reserve. Below you need to leave 2.5–3 centimeters, on the sides of the wedge 1.5–2 centimeters. After all of the above steps are completed and everything is ready, you need to grind all the parts together, bending the fabric from the bottom and top. Then you just need to process the resulting product. Congratulations, your do-it-yourself skirt to the floor!

elastic skirt

In summer, you want to wear something light and delicate. Skirts from chiffon to the floor will be the perfect choice.

In order to sew a skirt of chiffon, you will need the following:

1. Fabric - 2x1.5 meters.

2. Threads in the color of the selected material.

3. Wide elastic.

Due to the fact that the material is transparent, it will be necessary to sew a skirt from chiffon to the floor with a petticoat (its length will be 30 centimeters).
Let's get started! It is necessary to take the material from which the skirt will be created on the floor with your own hands, fold it in half, sew the edges together, and process the seams. Then you should cut off the elastic band of the right size and sew it in a circle, and then sew it to the base of our skirt.

A skirt on the floor with an elastic band is a great thing! She makes her owner slimmer and more feminine. A self-made skirt on the floor will be a worthy occasion to be proud of it in front of your friends.


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