Place of rest - Philippines: reviews of experienced travelers

It is interesting that the islands of the Philippine archipelago for ordinary tourists until recently were Terra incognita. Only a few desperate enthusiasts paved the path here, which subsequently poured an endless stream of tourists. Severe political regimes, an unpredictable tropical climate and an underdeveloped tourist service scared off vacationers looking for moderately sharp entertainment. Until the 70s of the last century, vacation in the Philippines was considered very eccentric and extreme. But the peace-loving inhabitants carried out two bloodless revolutions, overthrowing the corrupt regime, developed a tourist infrastructure, and the Philippines turned into a tourist Mecca. The β€œdrawback” of this country - the pristine nature that the era of industrialization has not touched - has become a virtue for lovers of environmental recreation.

The Philippines was discovered by the famous navigator Fernan Magellan, who named the archipelago of 7107 fabulously beautiful islands in honor of Philip, King of Spain. Many of them are still wild and uninhabited, but those who choose a vacation in the Philippines leave the most enthusiastic reviews. Wild nature and sophisticated service are perfectly combined here. Jungle, vents of volcanoes, very close to spa centers, golf clubs and wonderful hotels. The Philippines gives everyone a vacation for every taste: a relaxing beach in the southern part of the archipelago, one that is closer to the island of Borneo, and the northern part of the archipelago with its volcanoes, jungle and mountains awaits thrill-seekers.

The Philippines is an amazing country. This is the third largest English-speaking state in the world. In addition, it is the largest Catholic country in Southeast Asia. Amazingly beautiful nature, endless beaches of golden sand, calm azure sea, underwater wealth of coral reefs, loess rice fields, rich culture amazes those who visited the Philippines. Reviews speak of observing the mating games of whales - the largest mammals on earth, and of close acquaintance with the "tarsiers" - the smallest primates that fit in the palm of your hand. This country is able to satisfy the vagaries of the most demanding tourists - here you can do thorough, but not empty wallet shopping, spend days on the beach and hear only the sound of waves and the rustle of palm trees, and you can do outdoor activities - surfing, diving, climbing, hiking, speleology , cycling, parachuting and much more.

Among the diverse areas of the tourism industry there is another, very original - health-esoteric. Who has not heard of the mysterious healers who glorified the Philippines? Reviews of eyewitnesses claim that they perform the most complex surgical operations without using a scalpel, only with the help of hands.

When should you go on vacation to the Philippines? Reviews of tourists on this issue are somewhat different from each other: some consider the best time December-April, while others call the high season the period from November to May. One thing is certain: when we have a hot summer, the monsoon climate dominates in the Philippines , bringing rain and typhoons. It is better to go to this country in the winter, fleeing from a cold. Here in the winter months the temperature of water and air is approximately equal: + 28 Β° .

And the last: where exactly is it worth going to the Philippines? Reviews are called 11 resort areas. The following islands are considered the most popular places for youth recreation: Boracay, Cebu and Bohol. The newlyweds and romantic natures seek the solitude of the tiny islands of Mactan and Badian. For diving and snorkeling, Puerto Galera, Anilao and Balikasag are suitable. Thirsty discoveries are welcomed by the large island of Manila, where the exotic of the East is fantastically combined with the culture of the West, and local beliefs with Catholicism. In the city of Manila, you can see the cathedrals and ancient Spanish military forts, as well as make dizzying shopping. Bohol's chocolate hills and Banaue's rice terraces will not leave anyone indifferent.


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