The parrot is a bright exotic bird. How many species of parrots exist in the world?

Where else in the nature can you see so many bright colors, as in the colors of the feathers of parrots?

And what else can surprise us with the multifaceted nature? An amazing fabulous exotic bird - a parrot will not leave anyone indifferent. Whatever you sometimes do not meet! With the most diverse bright plumage, speaking, vociferous ... A miracle of nature!

How many species of parrots exist in the world?
How many species of parrots exist in the world? What territories of the vast Earth do they inhabit? What is their lifestyle and what do they eat? We will briefly try to talk about all this in this article.

How many species of parrots exist in the world? Habitat

The parrot is the common name for representatives from the order Psittaciformes. It consists of a large number of species beautifully and brightly colored, spread throughout the tropics of birds.

These birds are usually divided into two families: cockatoos and simple parrots. However, there are sources that adhere to their separation into three families.

It is very difficult to calculate how many species of parrots exist in nature and how many of them in general.

Parrots are mainly distributed in South Asia, Africa (northern), Australia and the Malayan islands (a little more than 100 species).

Description, description, types. The similarity and difference of parrots from other species of birds

And how many species of parrots in the world! These amazingly beautiful exotic birds with unusual bright colors are very attractive and even smart.

How many species of parrots exist in nature?
Any parrot has a large head and a short neck, legs are strong, in the front and back of which are two fingers, facilitating the processes of movement and jumping. Their beaks are thick and very curved. Usually these birds live on various trees, and they feed on seeds and fruits.

Parrots have several similarities with pigeons and cuckoos. Just like these birds, parrots feed their babies with a regurgitation method. And they have nostrils at the base of the beak.

Parrots have a feature. Thanks to a special voice unit, they can produce a wide range of sounds, and some types of parrots can even learn to imitate the human voice. The most capable in this regard are the gray African parrots (Psittacus erithacus) and the Amazon parrots (genus Amazona).

how many species of parrots are there in the world of photos

The sizes of parrots vary from 9 centimeters (pygmy from the south of the Pacific region) to 1 meter (South American Amazon). And by structure, they are all the most diverse - from the stocky lovebirds (masquerade lovebird) to small loris and cockatoos.

Feathers are unusually brightly colored on their heads (yellow, blue), and their bodies can have green, red, yellow, white and even black.

How many species of parrots exist in nature
It seems that how many species of parrots exist in the world (the photo shows their diversity), so many colors of their feathers, and even more, because in one parrot an amazingly many bright colors can be contrasted. For example, only Australian cockatoos can be with bright pink, white, yellow, or even a black crest with a completely different color of feathers on the body.

In Australia, small parrots have a gray-yellow plumage.

Many species of these amazing birds are named according to their bright colors. For example, macaw red, red-green macaw and macaw golden blue.

Families, Subfamilies

Scientists have divided these birds into two families: parrots and cockatoo. According to classification, cockatoos were previously considered as a subfamily.

How many species of parrots exist in the world? In parrot families and cockatoo species, more than 350. 27 of them are listed in the IUCN Red List. The cockatoo family includes three subfamilies: black-billed (palm), black (helmet-bearing, Korella, mourning) and white (pink, Inca and cockatoo). The parrot family includes five subfamilies. Their main representatives are real parrots, non-breeding, owl parrots, lory and woodpeckers.


Parrots feed mainly on nuts, grains, vegetables, fruits and herbs; they drink water. Only the New Zealand kea parrot sometimes eats carrion during the winter.

Today, ornithologists have calculated (approximately) how many species of parrots exist. According to some sources, there are more than 350 species and more than 80 species of them in the world (as noted above).

How many species of parrots exist in the world?
The most common and well-known of them are the following breeds of parrots - (in decreasing order of popularity): wavy, Amazonian, corella, cockatoo, rosella, necklace, lovebirds, Jacques brown-tailed, macaw.


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