Registration of marriage during pregnancy: terms and documents

Registration of marriage during pregnancy for some people is a real test. It's no secret that couples often do not sign officially until the coveted two stripes appear on the pregnancy test. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to cope with the task. Next, we will try to find out what to prepare for in this or that case. Mural during pregnancy is a responsible and important event. And it, as a rule, requires special preparation. Otherwise, future parents may have some difficulties with formalizing the relationship.

documents for registration of marriage during pregnancy

The right to paint

Registration of marriage during pregnancy is possible or not? The legislation of the Russian Federation does not prohibit formalizing relations in the presence of an interesting position for the bride. Moreover, such a condition of the girl gives some "bonuses". We will talk about them later.

In any case, a couple where the woman is pregnant can apply to the authorized body and then sign it. What is required for this? And what special powers are offered to such citizens?

Age for marriage

Registration of marriage during pregnancy, as already mentioned, offers the population special opportunities. For example, reducing the age of filing an application with authorized bodies.

If the future wife is in a position, you can apply to the registry office after reaching 16 years, and sometimes even 14. Ordinary marriage is possible only with adulthood or full legal capacity.

maternity registration how fast


Some are interested in the timing of marriage registration during pregnancy. We will talk about this moment later. First, we’ll try to understand how much time it takes to apply to the authorized body with a request of the established form.

To date, applications for painting at the registry office are accepted a month before the official registration of family relations. You can book a specific date in advance. For example, for six months or even 12 months.

If a woman in a pair is in an “interesting” position, a reduction in the deadline for submitting applications is possible. How much? It all depends on the load on the selected authorized body. Often, an application for registration of marriage during pregnancy can be submitted 1-2 days before painting. Very convenient, and most importantly, fast.

More accurate information is best clarified in a specific authorized body. Only there will they be able to help you sort out the deadlines for submitting applications for painting. In any case, pregnancy is a good reason to speed up the procedure being studied.

If on conservation

Registration of marriage on a pregnancy certificate is no longer such a rarity. Some do not intentionally sign before the onset of an interesting situation in order to ultimately accelerate the corresponding process. For example, if a couple does not want loud festivities and is looking for an excuse.

Unfortunately, pregnancy is an unpredictable process. Threats of miscarriage, severe ailments and illnesses can overtake the bride at the most inopportune moment. In this case, there is no need to be afraid of painting.

Civil Registry Offices of the Russian Federation offer exit registration of marriage. The thing is that when the bride is in conservation or in the hospital, employees of the authorized service can visit a woman in the hospital. In such circumstances, the couple simply exchanges rings, and also signs in the marriage register. After this, the bridegroom is issued a passport with stamps. Very comfortably.

registration of marriage during pregnancy

From 14 years old

As already mentioned, the presence of pregnancy is a good reason for a wedding. It can be officially played even at age 14, but with a small caveat.

In order to file an application with the registry office at this age, it is required to obtain the written consent of the parents or other legal representatives of the girl. If there are none, you will have to enlist the support of guardians.

From the age of 16, a wedding permit when the bride is in position is not required, which greatly facilitates the whole process. This is especially true for those who responsibly approach their decisions and actions.

Where to go

Where do I need to apply for marriage? During pregnancy, women can seek help from the same authorized services as in her absence.


  • in the registry office (any);
  • at the MFC;
  • to the "single window" service.

In addition, an application can be submitted electronically. To do this, you will have to resort to the help of the ESIA "State Services" portal. True, this technique is not used too often. It is still considered unusual. And therefore, couples often have difficulty remote access to the registry office. We will not consider such an option in more detail.

pregnancy registration deadlines

Quick guide

How is marriage registered during pregnancy? Part of the population is afraid and even panicky afraid of such a process. Fortunately, there is nothing wrong with it. You can play a gala wedding or sign quietly. In the same way as without pregnancy. Just an interesting position significantly speeds up the corresponding procedure.

How to get married in our case? To cope with this task, citizens are encouraged to act as follows:

  1. Generate a specific package of documents. About it in more detail below.
  2. Fill in the application for painting at the registry office. The form of the established form can be downloaded from the State Services or obtained from one of the previously mentioned authorized bodies.
  3. Contribute funds to the state treasury as a duty. Pregnancy is not a reason for exemption from state duties.
  4. Submit the application of the established sample to the selected place of painting or to the multifunctional center. In the second case, the procedure will take longer than with a direct appeal to the registry office.
  5. Come to the authorized body at the agreed time to complete the marriage registration procedure. The parties must have a civil passport with them.

That's all. In general, the painting procedure in the presence of the bride in the position is no different from an ordinary wedding. Just with this option, the direct official family formation will be carried out more quickly.

Key Documents

Documents during registration of marriage during pregnancy - this is the area that causes a lot of trouble. The thing is that in this situation, you have to try pretty hard. A couple needs to prove the fact of having a pregnancy, and this is a certain additional paperwork.

marriage registration during pregnancy terms and documents

To begin, consider the documents without which you can’t play a wedding. Marriage needs to prepare:

  • passports
  • joint statement;
  • a check on the payment of state duty;
  • certificates of pregnancy.

The last document will be given special attention. The thing is that a pregnancy certificate can be invalidated if it does not have any information. And this will interfere with the application to the authorized service.

Additional statements

What else can a future family come in handy for official registration at the registry office? The answer depends on the specific situation.

For example, if someone has already married, you need to bring a divorce certificate. And when painting with a foreigner, a citizen of another state additionally attaches to the application:

  • migration card;
  • extracts from the place of residence;
  • evidence of legal stay in the Russian Federation (residence permit or RVP);
  • notarized translations of available civil documents into Russian.

If you are a citizen of the Russian Federation, it is enough to bring along the relevant evidence. In this case, the application will be considered as filed by citizens of the Russian Federation.

About Help

How fast is marriage registration for pregnancy carried out? The answer to this question is not so simple. Officially, a relationship can be registered both in a couple of days and in a week. A month laid down in the absence of an interesting situation, as a rule, does not have to wait.

application for registration of marriage during pregnancy

It was previously said that special attention should be paid to a pregnancy certificate. This is an official document issued in a antenatal clinic or in a private clinic where a woman is pregnant.

The statement of the established form must contain the following information:

  • name of organization that issued the form;
  • F.I.O. women;
  • date of birth of the expectant mother;
  • term of interest;
  • date of delivery of the certificate;
  • F. I. O. of the doctor who monitors the pregnancy of the girl;
  • medical facility printing;
  • Signature of the gynecologist.

Usually in the pregnancy certificate indicate the approximate period of an interesting situation, especially when it comes to early registration. This form is issued at the request of a woman absolutely free.

Important: the validity of the pregnancy certificate is not legally established, but it is better if at the time of going to the registry office it will be no more than a few days.


How much does marriage registration cost during pregnancy? This is another question without a clear answer. This is due to the fact that the cost of painting in the registry office varies, depending on the requirements and desires of the couple.

The state duty for submitting the application of the established form to the authorized service is established at the legislative level. She is 650 rubles. Funds are charged to the couple as a whole. And it does not matter who exactly brings them to the state treasury.

If you want to conduct a ceremonial painting, you have to pay extra. How many? This information can only be reported in a registry office selected by a couple. The cost of the celebration varies from 2-3 thousand to 20-30 thousand. Sometimes you even have to pay more. In any case, such expenses are not obligatory. The marriage fee is only 650 rubles.

marriage certificate on pregnancy certificate


We studied the registration of marriage during pregnancy. Terms and documents for the implementation of the task were presented to our attention.

The proposed information will help you quickly sign if the potential bride is pregnant. In general, this process is no different from the usual registration of marriage. So, it is drawn up on a common basis, but with some reservations.


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