Broad-leaved forests: features, topography, plants and animals

The deciduous forest zone is located in Manchuria, the Far East, within the temperate zone of Europe, eastern China, North America. It also affects the southern part of South America and some parts of Central Asia.

broadleaf forests

Broad-leaved forests are most common where a moderately warm climate prevails, and the ratio of moisture to heat is optimal. All this provides favorable conditions during the growing season. The leaf plates of the trees growing there are wide, hence the name of these forests. What other features does this natural zone have? Broad-leaved forests are home to numerous animals, reptiles, birds and insects.

Specific traits

The features of broad-leaved forests are that they can distinguish two distinct tiers. One of them is higher, the other is lower. These forests are shrubby, the existing grasses grow in three tiers, the ground cover is represented by lichens and mosses.

Another characteristic feature is the light mode. In such forests, two light peaks are distinguished. The first is observed in the spring, when the trees are not yet covered with leaves. The second - in the fall, when the leaves are thinning. In summer, light penetration is minimal. The above mode explains the feature of the grass cover.

deciduous forest zone

The soil of broad-leaved forests is rich in organic-mineral compounds. They appear as a result of decomposition of plant litter. Deciduous forest trees contain ash. Especially a lot of it in the leaves - about five percent. Ash, in turn, is rich in calcium (twenty percent of the total). It also includes potassium (about two percent) and silicon (up to three percent).

Deciduous forest trees

Forests of this type are characterized by a rich variety of tree species. The last here can be counted about ten. Broad-leaved forests of the taiga, for example, are not so rich in this regard. The reason is that the conditions of the severe taiga climate do not so favor the growth and development of the flora. Many tree species demanding soil composition and climate simply will not survive in adverse conditions.

In the southern part of the Tula region is a well-known forest. It gives an excellent idea of ​​what broad-leaved forests can be. The soil of this territory is favorable for the growth of trees such as petioles, small-leaved lindens, holly and field maples, common ash, elm, elm, wild apple and pear. Oaks and ash trees are the highest, followed by holly maples, elms and lindens. The lowest are field maples, wild pears and apple trees. As a rule, the oak tree dominates, while the rest of the trees act as satellites.

what actions in the deciduous forest

Consider in more detail the above representatives of dendroflora.

  1. Oak. This is the main forest-forming broad-leaved forest in the European territory. Cherry oak is one of the longest growing and largest trees. It is found in private areas in solitary landings. Due to the ability of oak to tolerate pruning, it is possible to form the most beautiful tapeworms with spherical, obovate, tent-shaped crown shapes.
    deciduous forest trees
  2. Elm. Smooth and rough species are found in forests of non-chernozem zones. These large trees make up the dominant tier of coniferous-deciduous and broad-leaved forests. Previously widely used for landscaping, however, recently this trend has declined due to the spread of such ailment as the Dutch elm disease .
  3. Common Ash. The plant reaches thirty to forty meters in height. This tree is characterized by a fairly straight trunk, a light gray bark (darkens over time), a loose openwork crown that transmits a lot of sunlight. His root system is very branched, powerful, inflorescences are dense and paniculate. A distinctive feature - high demands on the composition of the soil. Common ash is one of the main breeds of field protection breeding. This is a warm and photophilous plant; it does not tolerate spring frosts well. Ash flowering occurs in May, the pollination process is carried out using wind. Fruit ripening time is October-November. They fall either in winter or early spring.
  4. Beech forest. Continuing with the enumeration of which trees grow in the deciduous forest, one cannot but mention it. It reaches forty meters in height and a half meters in diameter. Beech bark is light gray, the leaves are elliptical. The most widespread territories are western Europe, the Caucasus, and Crimea. The main value of forest beech lies in its fruits. Nutritious nuts ripen from September to October. They are almost thirty percent composed of semi-drying fatty oil, the same amount of nitrogenous substances. Valuable fruits are also rich in starch, sugars, acids (malic and citric), tannins. Interestingly, a poisonous alkaloid called phagin tends to decompose when roasted nuts. So it becomes absolutely safe for human health. A substitute for coffee is produced from the fruits, and when ground, they are added to ordinary flour in the preparation of flour products. Beech wood is a beautiful and durable decorative material.
  5. Maple. Broad-leaved forests located in the European part of Russia, as well as in the Caucasus, are characterized as a favorable environment for the growth of holly (ordinary) maples. These trees grow up to twenty meters in height. Their leaves are large, dark green, five-lobed. The color of the bark is gray. The shoots and leaves of this tree are widely used for the treatment of various ailments. These gifts of nature contain a large amount of ascorbic acid, alkaloids, tannins. Decoctions and infusions treat wounds and inflammations. They also produce a choleretic, diuretic, antiseptic and analgesic effect. Adherents of herbal medicine know very well which trees in the deciduous forest are most beneficial. So, maple leaves and shoots are recommended for effective treatment of jaundice, kidney stone disease, to get rid of nausea and vomiting.


Broad-leaved forest plants are characterized by large and wide leaf blades. For this reason, they are called broadgrass oak groves. Some herbs grow solitary specimens, they never form impenetrable thickets. Others, on the contrary, form a kind of carpet covering large spaces. Such herbs are dominant. Among them, the common dash, sedge hairy and zelenchuk yellow are distinguished.

deciduous natural area

Most herbaceous plants that exist in deciduous forests are perennial. They live up to several decades. As a rule, their existence is supported by vegetative propagation. By seeds they reproduce poorly. A characteristic feature of these plants - long underground and aboveground shoots, rapidly growing in different directions and actively capturing new land.

The aerial parts of most representatives of the oak-grass wide grass die in the autumn. Only roots and rhizomes located in the soil overwinter. They have special buds, from which new shoots are formed in spring.

Exception to the rule

Rare grasses remain green in both winter and summer. These plants include the following: ungulates, greenfinch, sedge hairy.


As for these representatives of the flora, it is very difficult to meet them in deciduous forests. They are simply not peculiar to oak forests, which cannot be said about coniferous forests, where bushes grow everywhere. The most common are blueberries and lingonberries.

Hurry Oak Ephemeroids

These plants are of greatest interest to specialists studying forest flora. Among them are spring chisty, buttercup anemone, various species of corydalis and goose onions. These plants are usually small in size, but they develop very quickly. Ephemeroids are in a hurry to be born immediately after the disappearance of the snow cover. Some particularly frisky shoots make their way even through the snow. After a week, a maximum of two, their buds are already blooming. A few weeks later, the ripening of fruits and seeds occurs. After this, the plants lie on the ground, turn yellow, after which the part of them that is above the ground dies. Moreover, this process occurs at the very beginning of the summer period, when, as it might seem, the conditions for growth and development are as favorable as possible. The secret is simple. Ephemeroids have their own rhythm of life, which differs from the peculiar development schedule of other plants. They bloom only in spring, and summer is the time for them to wither.

The period most conducive to their development is early spring. At this time of the year, the maximum amount of light is observed in the forest, since shrubs and trees have not yet found their dense green cover. In addition, during this period, the soil is optimally saturated with moisture. As for the high summer temperature, the ephemeroids do not need it at all. All these plants are perennial. They do not die after their aboveground part dries up. Live underground roots are represented by tubers, bulbs or rhizomes. These organs act as containers of nutrients, mainly starch. That is why the stems, leaves and flowers appear so early and grow so rapidly.

Ephemeroids are widespread in deciduous oak forests. In total there are about ten species. Their flowers are painted in bright purple, blue, yellow colors. During flowering, ephemeroids form a thick beautiful carpet.


Broad-leaved forests of Russia are the place of growth of various types of mosses. Unlike taiga forests, in which these plants form a dense green soil cover, mosses in the oak forests do not cover the soil so widely. The role of mosses in deciduous forests is rather modest. The main reason is the fact that the leaf litter of deciduous forests is detrimental to these plants.


The animals of the broad-leaved forests of Russia are ungulates, predators, insectivores, rodents and bats. The greatest diversity is observed in those territories that are not touched by man. So, in deciduous forests you can see roe deer, wild boars, fallow deer, sika and red deer, elk. The order of predators is represented by foxes, wolves, martens, ermines and weasels. Broad-leaved forests, whose fauna is rich and diverse, are home to beavers, squirrels, muskrats and nutria. In addition, these territories are inhabited by mice, rats, moles, hedgehogs, shrews, snakes, lizards and swamp turtles.

animals of deciduous forests of Russia

Birds of deciduous forests - larks, finches, scallops, tits, flytraps, swallows, starlings. Crows, rooks, black grouse, woodpeckers, crossbills, jackdaws, and grouse also live there. Birds of prey are represented by hawks, owls, owls, eagle owls and moons. Swamps - home for waders, cranes, herons, gulls, ducks and geese.

In the past, deciduous forests were inhabited by bison. Now, unfortunately, there are several dozen of them left. These animals are protected by law. They live in Belovezhskaya Pushcha (in the Republic of Belarus), in the Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve (Russian Federation), in some states of Western Europe and in Poland. Several animals were transported to the Caucasus. There they are adjacent to the bison.

The number of red deer has also changed. They became much smaller due to the barbaric actions of man. Mass deforestation and plowing of fields became fatal for these beautiful animals. Deer can reach two and a half meters in length and three hundred and forty kilograms of weight. They usually live in small herds of up to ten animals. The dominant in most cases is the female. Her offspring lives with her.

deciduous forests

In autumn, males collect a kind of harem. Reminiscent of the sound of a pipe, their roar is carried three to four kilometers around. The most successful deer, who have won the battles of their rivals, can gather up to twenty females around them. So another type of deer herd is formed. At the beginning of the summer season, deer cubs are born. They are born weighing eight to eleven kilograms. Up to six months they have experienced intense growth. One-year-old males get horns.

Deer feed on grass, leaves and shoots of trees, mushrooms, lichens, reeds, bitter wormwood. But the needles are not suitable for food. In the wild, deer live for about fifteen years. In captivity, this indicator doubles.

Beavers are another inhabitant of broad-leaved forests. The most favorable conditions for them are observed in Europe, North America, Asia. The maximum recorded weight of this animal is thirty kilograms, and the body length is one meter. A beaver is distinguished by a massive body and a flattened tail. The membranes between the toes of the hind legs help to lead an aquatic lifestyle. The color of the fur can vary from light brown to black. Lubricating their hair with a special secret, beavers are protected from getting wet. When immersed in water, the ears of this animal fold, and the nostrils close. The economical use of air helps him stay under water for up to fifteen minutes.

broadleaf forests wildlife
Beavers prefer to settle on the shores of lakes and elders, as well as rivers with a slow flow. They are attracted by abundant coastal and aquatic vegetation. The beaver's dwelling is a hole or a kind of hut, the entrance to which is under the water surface. These animals build dams if the water level is unstable. Thanks to these facilities, the flow is regulated, which allows water to enter the home. Gnawing branches and even large trees is easy for beavers. So, aspen five to seven centimeters in diameter lends itself to these animals in two minutes. Their favorite food is reed. In addition, they are not averse to feasting on iris, a water lily, a small egg. Beavers live in families. Young growth leaves in search of a couple in the third year of life.

Wild pigs are another typical inhabitant of broad-leaved forests. They have a huge head and a very strong long snout. The most powerful weapon of these animals is sharp trihedral fangs, which are bent up and back. The boar's vision is not very good, but this is offset by excellent hearing and a keen sense of smell. Large individuals reach a weight of three hundred kilograms. The body of this animal is protected by dark brown bristles. She is very durable.

Wild boars are excellent runners and swimmers. These animals can swim through a body of water, the width of which is several kilometers. The basis of their diet is plants, but we can say that wild boars are omnivorous. Their favorite delicacy is acorns and beech nuts; they will not refuse frogs, mice, chicks, insects and snakes.

Representatives of reptiles

Broad-leaved forests are inhabited by snakes, vipers, coppers, spindleworms, green and viviparous lizards. The danger to humans is represented only by vipers. Many people mistakenly believe that copperfish are also poisonous, but this is not so. The most numerous reptiles of deciduous forests are snakes.

coniferous-deciduous forests

Relief features

The zone of broad-leaved forests (and mixed) in the European part of Russia forms a distinctive triangle, the base of which is located at the western borders of the country, and the peak abuts against the Ural Mountains. Since this territory was covered more than once by mainland ice in the Quaternary, its relief is mostly hilly. The most obvious traces of the presence of the Valdai Glacier are preserved in the northwest. There, the zone of broad-leaved and mixed forests is characterized by chaotic piles of hills, steep ridges, closed lakes and hollows. The southern part of the described territory is represented by secondary moraine plains, which were formed due to a decrease in the inclined surface of hilly areas. The relief of mixed and deciduous forests is characterized by the presence of sand plains of different sizes. Their origin is water-glacial. They have waviness, sometimes you can see pronounced sand dunes.

Coniferous-deciduous forests of the Russian Plain

This zone is located in the temperate climate zone. The climate there is relatively mild, humid. The soil of these territories is sod-podzolic. The close location of the Atlantic Ocean determined the features of the relief. The river network in coniferous-deciduous forests is well developed. Ponds have a large area.

The activity of the waterlogging process is determined by the proximity of groundwater and a humid climate. Plants dominant in the grass cover have wide leaf blades.


Broad-leaved forests located in Europe are classified as endangered ecosystems. But even two or three centuries ago, they were one of the most diverse on the planet and were located in most of Europe. So, in the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries, they occupied an area equal to several million hectares. Today, there are not more than one hundred thousand hectares.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, only fragments of the vast broad-leaved belt remained unharmed. At the dawn of this century, in deserted territories, attempts were made to grow oaks. However, this turned out to be rather complicated: the death of young oak groves was caused by constant droughts. At that time, studies were conducted, led by the famous Russian geographer Dokuchaev. As a result, it was found that failures in the cultivation of new trees are associated with large-scale deforestation, as this forever changed the hydrological regime and climate of the territory.

deciduous forest soil

Today, in areas previously occupied by deciduous forests, secondary forests grow, as well as artificial plantings. Coniferous trees prevail in them. Unfortunately, as experts say, the dynamics and structure of natural oak forests are not subject to restoration.


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