Lovely colquitia: planting and care

Lovely colquitia is a beautifully flowering spectacular shrub that can be found in Western Europe. This plant is also grown in central Russia. Here, qolquition grows well if it is possible to create its optimal conditions.

charming quince

Short description

Lovely colquitium is a species that belongs to the family of the Linnaeus. The homeland of the plant is the mountainous regions of China. Its name is Kolquitia, the photo of which can be seen above, got in honor of the botanist Richard Kolkvitts.

This branchy shrub looks like a wiggle. In height, the plant can reach two meters. Young shoots at kolquitia are covered with small hairs.

On the old branches of the colquitium, the bark acquires a brown-red hue and is peeled off by plates. Around mid-April, young leaves begin to bloom, which have a broad ovoid shape and a pointed tip. Their average length is about 8 centimeters. The leaves are arranged opposite.

How does colquitium bloom?

Have you seen how charming Kolkvitsiya blossoms in the Moscow Region? A similar phenomenon can be observed around the middle of summer. The plant blooms abundantly: under a layer of soft pink petals, bright green is practically not visible. The flowers themselves are small. Their length does not exceed 1.5 centimeters. Paired flowers have a fragrant aroma and are very similar to graceful cups.

kolkvitsiya photo

After flowering, fruits are formed - boxes covered with bristles. It happens in the fall. The length of such fruits is not more than 6 millimeters. In this case, the foliage of the plant is painted in bright colors.

Where is it better to plant colquisition?

Lovely colquitia is a photophilous plant that prefers light, but fertile soil. Of course, the shrub needs reliable drainage, as well as regular soil moisture. When choosing a suitable place for colquisition, it is worth paying attention to what winds prevail in the area not only in summer but also in winter. It is very important. The plant does not tolerate winter cold winds. Therefore, the shrub should be carefully hidden, even if this will exacerbate the light.

When and what is the best way to plant colquisition?

Kolkvitsiya, which is usually planted in the spring, does not like the cold. Therefore, the shrub should be planted only after the soil has warmed up, while the buds may not yet be open. If you have a choice, it is better to purchase a seedling in the store with a closed root system, in other words, in a pot.

qolquitia care

In order for colquitia, whose care is simple enough, to grow well, it is necessary to properly prepare the place for planting. A pit should be dug a depth of half a meter, while the diameter of the recess should be at least 40 centimeters. At the bottom of the pit should put a mixture of sand and humus. You should plant colquisition in the evening or in bad weather, and you need to prune the roots of the plant with a pruner. After planting, the shrub must be carefully watered.

In spring or at the very beginning of summer, the plant can be fed. Organic fertilizers are best applied to the soil.


Several times a year, it is necessary to mulch the trunk circle. To do this, you can use pine nutshells, sawdust, bark and wood chips. It is worth noting that the mulch helps protect the roots of the plant in the hot period from overheating, and in the cold - from severe frost. In addition, this material allows you to keep the soil moist much longer.

Mulch should be placed on the soil around the shrub. In this case, the layer thickness should be from 7 to 10 centimeters. If there are weeds near the trunk of the plant, then they should be removed. As for the diameter of the coating, it should be equal to the projection of the crown of quince or be greater than it by about 15 centimeters.

It is better to mulch the soil around the plant in late spring, when the soil gained a lot of moisture, and also in autumn, when the first temperatures appeared below zero.

kolkvitsiya landing

Is it worth protecting colquisition from the cold?

Lovely colquitia in the first year after planting needs additional protection from the cold. The crown of the plant can be wrapped with kraft paper. If this is not the case, it is recommended to use covering non-woven materials - spanbond and lutrasil.

Such a shelter can be removed only in late spring, when the air temperature will not drop below zero. Of course, colquitia refers to frost-resistant plants, but young shoots can freeze in a harsh winter.

In spring, remove all dry twigs. But crown rejuvenation should be carried out only after flowering. This will only positively affect the growth of colquisition.

Bush propagation

So, how is quccia propagated? Photos of this plant are striking in their beauty. Each mistress seeks to grow such a charming girl on her plot. However, not in every store you can find saplings of kolkvitsii. In this case, you can use various methods of propagation of this shrub. As planting material, layering, cuttings and seeds are suitable. In addition, colquition propagates by dividing the bush. The best way is to use layering.

charming quince in the suburbs


Kolvitsiya very quickly takes root in a new place, if properly looked after and regularly watered. Each hostess can grow this plant on her plot. Let it be a little capricious, but for a long time it pleases with its beauty and abundant flowering.


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