Spring node "Strength". Why and how to install it?

It is worth mentioning that the Strength spring assembly began to be used not so long ago. This invention is considered new, and the main scope of its use is the construction of residential facilities from timber, logs or glued lumber.

Device description

The idea itself is not new, as skilled builders have been using valve springs for a long time, which are removed from old cars, from engines. A new design is simple, which arose on the basis of these old parts. It consists of components such as a long screw, galvanized spring and two washers. The main purpose of these items is the uniform shrinkage of the gables during the construction of buildings from wood materials.

spring knot force

What helps using the device

It is important to understand what problems arise when building a house from a bar. Even if materials with normal humidity were used in the construction, then over time the tree will dry out and decrease in size. Because of this, millimeter gaps appear in wooden houses over time. These holes will not close under the own weight of the bars, which means that cold air will seep inside, for example. For this reason, you have to let the building stand for a year, and only then enter. The use of the spring unit "Strength" reduces this period to two to three months. A compressed spring, which is available on the base, pulls the bars together each second. This prevents crevices and gaps from appearing.

If you believe the reviews about this device, it is worth saying that the use of the Strength spring assembly greatly accelerates the construction process, and also makes it more technologically advanced when comparing the construction of housing using wooden dowels or metal studs. Another small advantage is the availability of a special tool for mounting any unit, while for driving in the pins you have to use a sledgehammer and a large amount of physical force.

spring unit force Moscow


It is quite possible to do the installation of the spring unit "Strength" with your own hands. In order to carry out all the work, you need two kilowatt drills that are able to maintain a constant low speed. In addition, it is necessary to have a special nozzle on the drill, as well as a drill that can create a hole of two diameters in one pass. A larger diameter is needed for the cap, thin - for the screw.

Assembly of the unit is quite simple:

  • A hole is drilled in the uppermost beam. The length of the hole is about half the thickness of the wood material. To avoid cracking, at least 20 cm should be retreated from the end.
  • Next, the spring force unit is inserted into the resulting hole so that the hat is not inside, but outside the beam.
  • After this, you need to change the drill to the one in which the nozzle is installed under the head of the assembly, and tighten it until it stops. This is very important, since the spring must be compressed completely to create a force of 100-130 kg.
  • Mounting is carried out every two meters in a checkerboard pattern. At least two fasteners should go on each crown.

do-it-yourself spring knot

Fastener Advantages

Naturally, the spring assemblies are much more reliable and practical than the now obsolete studs and other fasteners. Among the main advantages, several points can be distinguished:

  • The use of nodes is permissible where the studs were impossible to apply.
  • With these elements you can connect cuttings, and it is also convenient to use them at any height. Knots are suitable for assembling structures with any complexity.
  • One of the most important advantages is that the spring pressure on the bolts remains the same all the time. This means that the shrinkage will take place evenly, which will save a large amount of material resources for repairs or adjustments after construction.
  • The use of spring units completely eliminates the need for any additional fasteners.

spring knot force reviews

Reviews and purchase

Reviews on the spring unit "Strength" are the most positive. Workers of construction companies most often highlight the fact that all customers are very satisfied with the timing and reliability of the structure. If the amount of material means allows, then fixtures are installed around the perimeter of the building. If there are certain budgetary restrictions, but a reliable fastening is still required, then their installation is carried out in the area of ​​window and door openings. It is also worth noting that the most widely used spring unit is among those who are building a building from a solid beam. The use of these fasteners for assembling a structure from glued beams is much less common.

Customer reviews of construction companies suggest that everyone is satisfied with the quick turnaround time, as well as the great reliability of the facility. If you need to buy the Strela spring assembly in Moscow, it is recommended that you make orders through the website or buy directly at a warehouse located near the city.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22408/

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