How to bring down a high temperature in a child: pediatrician's advice

When the temperature rises in an adult, everything is quite simple. I drank an antipyretic, slept - and you're done. But if the thermometer shows above the treasured "37" in the baby, this, as a rule, causes a real panic in the parents. How to bring down a high temperature in a child so as not to harm him?

how to bring down the heat in a child

First of all, you should provide access to fresh cool (but not cold!) Air in the child’s room. Inhaling it, the baby will lose heat and the temperature will drop slightly.

A very important point in how to bring down the heat in a child is a warm drink. Not cold or hot, but warm. The more your child drinks liquids - the better. A variety of decoctions and compotes based on dried fruits are ideal. Many immediately begin to use raspberries, but it is worth the time. In order to bring down the baby’s temperature by perspiration, first you need to give him a drink so that there is something to sweat. The best choice is raisin water. It is suitable even for infants, but it is not worth drinking it too much, because it can provoke vomiting.

Another old way to bring down the heat in a child is to use vinegar. In equal proportions, you need to mix table vinegar with water, and then rub the hands and feet of the child. If this method makes you doubt, you can wipe your legs and hands with just water at room temperature, while the direction should be to the heart, and not vice versa.

Before bringing down the temperature, it is important to make sure that the crumbs do not have diarrhea or vomiting. So it will be easier to understand in what form it is best to give him an antipyretic (it can be a syrup or a candle).

Do not cover your baby with a wet sheet or towel. However, it is very important to monitor how much the tissue heats up and change it in time. You should also not wrap the crumbs in a towel moistened with ice water.

the child has a high fever

If the child has a high temperature and needs to be knocked down as soon as possible, you can resort to the radical method, namely, rub it with vodka or alcohol. Due to the fact that they evaporate quickly, the surface of the skin is also rapidly cooled. However, this method causes some controversy.

During the period of illness, you do not need to insist that the child eat hearty. The body throws almost all of its resources to fight the disease, and therefore it simply has no time to digest food.

As for antipyretic drugs, in modern pharmacies you can see a lot of those designed specifically for babies. You should not give your child aspirin, which is so popular among adults. With flu, chickenpox and some other diseases, its use can provoke the development of the so-called Reye's syndrome - a severe damage to the brain and liver.

Also, children should not be given preparations containing phenacetin, butadion, amidopyrine (pyramidone), as they are quite toxic.

Metamizole, also known as analgin, is also dangerous for children. In particular, it can cause damage to blood vessels, as well as a persistent decrease in temperature (up to 34-35 degrees). In especially emergency situations, you can enter one injection of analgin.

Children under 12 years of age are also contraindicated in preparations containing nimulide (Nise).

antibiotics for children at high temperature

Preparations that are specially created to bring down the temperature in the smallest patients are “Paracetamol for children”, “Panadol for children”, “Efferalgan”, “Kalpol”, “Cefekon D”, “Nurofen for children”.

But antibiotics for children at high temperature should be prescribed only by a doctor, having previously established what exactly the baby is sick with. Without confirming the diagnosis, giving the baby is not worth it.

Now you know how to bring down the heat in a child. Be healthy!


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