How to quickly upgrade blacksmithing in Skyrim? Skyrim: skills upgrade methods

Not all people playing TES V know how to quickly upgrade blacksmithing in Skyrim. Indeed, unlike other skills, which are mostly designed to participate in various battles, this branch can be pumped quite simply, without even leaving the city. In this article, we will look at the main ways to quickly upgrade blacksmithing in Skyrim, using a minimum of resources.

Why does the blacksmithing branch swing?

how to quickly pump blacksmithing in skyrim

First of all, many pump a branch of blacksmithing in order to provide themselves with the most effective equipment. It is worth noting the fact that while the player has practically no fighting skills, using equipment for him is the best option for completing various missions, and especially for those people who play on high difficulty. It is worth noting that if you are not used to using console commands and are trying to achieve everything yourself, then in Skyrim the skill of blacksmithing will allow you to raise the character level as quickly as possible in order to get the ability points you need for the development of the main battle branches.

Fast and guaranteed

code for skyrim blacksmithing

Many people value time, not the gameplay itself. In order not to delay people who are looking for how to quickly upgrade blacksmithing in Skyrim, and for whom the speed of raising the level of this branch is important, the simplest and fastest method is to use console commands. In this case, there are two main options for pumping branches:

1. Player.setav blacksmithing 100 - standard code for Skyrim. Blacksmithing simply rises in level, but it does not provide the opportunity to pump it, that is, it does not give the skill points themselves that we would get when raising the level by pumping.

2. Player.advskill blacksmithing 1 000 000 - a more optimal version of the code. If you are looking for how to quickly upgrade blacksmithing in Skyrim and at the same time ensure maximum leveling efficiency, this code is the best option for you. He puts 1 000 000 experience points into the branch of blacksmithing, as a result of which the branch rises to the maximum level, at the same time raising the level of your character.

In addition to this on the Internet you can also find all kinds of cheats on Skyrim. Blacksmithing with such cheats can develop and expand, but in most cases these are only additions to the new features of the branch, and not its pumping.

Standard upgrade option

cheats on skyrim blacksmithing

There is also a β€œlegal” opportunity to quickly upgrade blacksmithing to Skyrim. In this case, leveling will be carried out naturally, that is, in order to raise the level of our blacksmith's skill, we will forge it. As with any other branch, there is a simple way in Skyrim to improve blacksmithing - you just need to perform some specific action the maximum number of times. In this case, it does not matter what you do.

What are we doing?

Since we are interested in how to quickly pump blacksmithing in Skyrim, that is, the number of actions performed, and not their type, it is necessary to forge something that requires a minimum amount of resources - we are talking about an iron dagger.

The branch swings in this case is quite simple. Initially, you should accumulate a certain amount of capital (it will take approximately 15,000 to fully pump the branch, but the amount may vary depending on the price of resources), and then begin to make a quick move around the cities in order to buy up absolutely all the bullion, leather and strips of leather from local merchants. If some cities are not open yet, you can use the services of a cart, which for a nominal fee will take you to the gates of any castle. The thing is that each individual merchant of resources will definitely not have enough for you (well, even there all of them will not have enough resources for your capital), so you will have to do a few laps. Most likely, enough time will pass in the process of moving so that by the beginning of the next round the assortment of the first merchant is updated, but if this does not happen, you will need to wait a bit.

It didn’t. What to do next?

skyrim blacksmithing pumping

After you acquire resources for the entire capital, fly to the city, process the skin into strips of leather, and then start crafting daggers in the quantity you need. When you make daggers, sell them in a full bundle to the first merchant (if he, of course, has enough money for your goods). If at this point the blacksmithing has not yet reached its limit, then in this case you re-let the earned money into resources and repeat the procedure. Thus, you will eventually be able to pump the skill quickly to level 100 without any significant time or cost.

The methods given here are an option for maximally quickly pumping this branch. In addition, you can simultaneously create other things, as well as craft equipment for your companions, which will also allow you to eventually pump a branch, but for a longer time and at a high cost.


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