Bosch Quigo laser level, application features and specifications

In modern construction, special devices based on laser operation are used. The so-called laser levels are used for the installation of suspended ceilings, tile laying, leveling during the installation of windows, etc. They have the ability to build two planes - vertical and horizontal.

Bosch Quigo Laser Level

Laser level

Any laser equipment is a high-precision device. The Bosch Quigo laser level also has high accuracy and the ability to project in two planes - vertical and horizontal. With this device it is possible to align walls and ceilings. The Bosch level is also used in the installation of pipes, hedges, installation of formwork for the foundation, as well as for internal decorative repairs - hanging paintings, curtains, laying tiles.

Allocate rotational and positional products. The Bosch Quigo positional laser level is mainly used inside small rooms; in itself, it is not very expensive and consists of LEDs for a set of prisms. This level has a long service life.

The Bosch Quigo rotating laser level has a higher cost and a number of additional functions - one of them, for example, drawing a circular sector at a construction site. It is used for professional construction work, the laser beam reaches 600 m.

The level itself consists of an optical projection system, a tripod mount, and batteries. A semiconductor system produces light photons under the influence of an electric current. Optical mirrors focus the beam and redirect to the projection point, and the light comes out in the form of a laser beam. The Bosch Quigo laser level description says it has a self-leveling system thanks to its built-in gyroscope and servo drives.


Two planes of the laser level

Consider the characteristics of the Bosch Quigo laser level:

  • applied diode at 637 nm;
  • a second-class laser beam is used;
  • maximum line length of the laser beam - 7 m;
  • 2 batteries of 1.5 V AAA class are used for power;
  • during operation, an error of approximately 0.8 mm per 1 m of the laser beam length is possible;
  • the duration of continuous operation is up to 3 hours, after which you can replace the batteries and use the level again;
  • the design has a special mount for 1/4 inch under the tripod, which is included in the level kit;
  • the possibility of cross horizontal and vertical lines;
  • the level has dimensions of 65 x 65 x 65 and a mass of 250 g;
  • The warranty period is at least 2 years.

The level packaging itself includes the level itself, batteries and fasteners. In addition, it is recommended to purchase special glasses that enhance the visibility of the laser beam.


Application of fastening for level

To get started, set the level on a tripod or fix it on any fixed surface. It can be a windowsill, chair, table. After that, it is necessary to direct to the surface, which will be aligned or on which something will be installed. The device turns on and the line is marked with a pencil, then turn the device around and return it to its original position. Thus, an accuracy check is carried out, if the lines coincide, then the device can be used. Further, all the necessary measurements and laying out marking lines are already specifically performed. After finishing work, you must turn off the level.

During operation, in no case should you direct the beam at people or animals, do not let children in, do not allow it to get into the moisture level. When carrying the device must always be turned off.

Advantages and disadvantages

Using a tripod for the laser level

The Bosch Quigo laser level has a number of significant advantages unlike other levels:

  • It is a multifunctional device and has the ability to project two planes - vertical and horizontal, which is similar to modern types of plumb lines;
  • differs in the speed of installation and reconfiguration, and there is no need to transfer the level, as many other types require;
  • human influence when working with the level is minimized, high accuracy of laser lines;
  • in the level there is the possibility of using a tripod on three legs, which greatly facilitates the work.

The main disadvantage of using this special tool is its price, which differs significantly from simpler models. Therefore, when buying a Bosch level, you should take into account your financial capabilities and application features, perhaps in specific cases its presence will not be needed.


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