Home chrysanthemums: care for them or how to achieve abundant flowering

Chrysanthemum is an amazingly beautiful flower. Unlike many other flowers, it blooms when the first frost is already outside the window. Currently, chrysanthemums are grown not only outdoors in the open ground, but also at home. For these purposes, it is advisable to use special low-growing varieties. It is worth noting that home care chrysanthemums love constant. About how to care for home chrysanthemums, Iโ€™ll tell you now.

How to care for home chrysanthemum

If you decide to plant this flower at home, then be prepared to observe several important points. Firstly, chrysanthemums do not like warmth. Temperatures above 18 degrees have a detrimental effect on their appearance, and flowering slows down significantly and can even come to naught. The optimum temperature for growing chrysanthemums is 15 degrees Celsius. At the same time, do not hide the flower in the shade. He loves light very much. Nevertheless, the duration of daylight hours should not be higher than 8-10 hours. I know those who do this: around six oโ€™clock in the evening they cover the flower with a dark plastic bag, and then in the morning at eight they take it off.

You got home chrysanthemums. Care for these flowers should be permanent, and it starts from the moment when you, having entered the flower shop, decided to buy this amazing flower. Be sure to inspect it: whether the plant is sick, whether everything is in order with its leaves, whether the leaves were affected by pests. A sick flower will soon die, so you should carefully choose a chrysanthemum in a store so that you do not get upset because of its death.

Bringing the flower home, do not place it near or together with other indoor plants, wait until the climatization stage passes (2-3 weeks). Well, what to do next, you already know: provide the optimum temperature for growth and a certain light gap. In addition, the plant needs additional nutrition, which should be carried out once every 2 weeks. In order to stimulate the growth of chrysanthemums, nitrogen fertilizers are used, but during the formation of buds, potash fertilizers should be applied.

As for watering, it is important to remember the following: home chrysanthemums, the care of which is mandatory, do not like high humidity. That is why water the plant, but do not overdo it.

Now I want to talk about such a problem as excessive drawing of chrysanthemums. It is not always possible to avoid this, even if you will properly care for the plant. It would seem that itโ€™s scary if the chrysanthemum grows. Simply, if it stretches out, it will become not so beautiful: the flowers will be only at the top, and the branches below will be bare. This situation can be prevented using a special tool that inhibits the growth of chrysanthemums. Well, if you donโ€™t have the opportunity to purchase it, then all that remains is to timely prune the flower. In this case, the plant will have compact shapes and will look like a beautiful miniature bush.

Home Chrysanthemums: Care After Flowering

As soon as your chrysanthemum fades, and this happens in the late autumn, it must be cut and stored in a cool dark place. Water the flower periodically. This must be done so that the roots do not dry out, which in the early spring will give new shoots. The basement is an ideal option for storing cropped chrysanthemums. In spring, the plant should be transplanted, and if necessary, divide it into several parts, thus obtaining much more planting material of beautiful chrysanthemums.

Currently, the development of new varieties of this lovely flower continues. In total, more than a hundred species of chrysanthemums are known . The most important thing is to know which varieties are suitable for growing in the open field, and which ones - at home. But this is a separate conversation.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22427/

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