Massager for feet and ankles

Does a hard day affect health? The whole body aches and crunches, and poor, stressed feet almost cry from fatigue? What to do? In no case do not allow the appearance of systematic painful sensations, but purchase a compact and convenient massager for the feet, with which you can combine business with pleasure: relaxation with the prevention of joint diseases. At the price of such massagers are available, so that in addition you can save on visits to chiropractors.

foot massager reviews

Great power of massage

Can you find a person who admits a genuine dislike of massage? Probably, if there is such an eccentric, it will be a workaholic tortured by life, unable to relax normally and enjoy life. In the process of massage, we act on all layers of the skin, skin vessels and muscles, as well as sweat and sebaceous glands. In general, the process positively affects the central nervous system, calms and tunes in favorable thoughts. The touch of the hands seems to be genuine magic, cause drowsiness and bliss. Even if a man himself cannot completely stretch his body, but if you take a massager for your feet, then at least your legs will enjoy a good rest after a hard day.

foot and ankle massager

The bliss of rest

Of course, it is simpler and more convenient when the unit works without human influence, but such a thing will have to be found. Convenient design has a massager for feet and ankles "Bliss". With it, you can configure the simultaneous massage of two feet at the same time. During the procedure, muscle tone rises, tension is removed from the legs, swelling is eliminated and the problem of flat feet is minimized. Down with fatigue and stress! Massager for feet and ankles "Bliss" contains in its memory the previously laid down programs that can be adjusted in order to set your own parameters for an ideal massage.

foot and ankle massager

What to massage?

It is better to start from the arch of the foot, where there are reflex cells, which are mainly correlated with the spine. If you put pressure in this place with effort, then you can provoke a muscle spasm, but energetic pressure will bring relief in lower back pain. The fingers of the legs are very sensitive to touch, on their lower surface there are cells associated with the condition of the eyes, ears, sinuses and teeth. Proper exposure to the fingers can even improve vision and hearing. It turns out that it is not glasses that help to see better, but a foot massager! Finally, the foot itself is just a storehouse of points important for massage. It consists of 26 small bones. If you stretch the space between the bones, you can relieve tension and achieve lightness in the muscles. Our feet suffer most while walking, and therefore become coarser and denser. By the way, they are directly responsible for the quality of our sleep, the proper functioning of organs and, accordingly, the quality and duration of life. You need to knead the feet in a circular motion using cream or oil.

foot and ankle massager bliss

Note to the ladies

It should be noted that the result of ankle massage is especially pleasant. It is this area that is responsible for menstrual pain in women and the harmonious course of critical days. If the legs burn with fire, then ankle massage relieves temporary pain and allows you to delay problems with varicose veins. The foot massager can extend the youth of the legs.

Ah, what a "Bliss"!

For use, this gadget is simple and straightforward. Manufacturers have tried and combined modern technology with theories of Chinese traditional medicine, proven over centuries of practice. The device is a small "bath" with compartments for the feet and rollers instead of the lower platform. It is the rollers that act on the biological active zones that are on the feet. Both feet receive massage right away, and therefore the result will be obtained more quickly. In addition, the foot massager captures both ankles, which increases its uniqueness and overall efficiency. The device relieves muscle cramps, increases blood microcirculation and provides oxygen to the tissues, which increases the overall tone of the body.

foot massager

Work functions

The massager for feet and ankles has 4 types of massage in its memory, it provides various speeds and modes of rotation of the rollers. In other words, you can independently choose a convenient and enjoyable relaxation program aimed at developing specific areas, preventing diseases and preventing arthrosis. Among the advantages of a particular massager can distinguish automatic and manual modes, the ability to adjust speeds, four built-in programs.

The device itself attracts with its compactness and its efficiency. Works massager for feet from the network. It is necessary to apply it half an hour before a meal or an hour after a meal, since active massage can provoke the production of gastric juice in excess, which is not very useful for the body. It is recommended to set aside no more than 30 minutes per session. During the session, alas, you can not drink anything. Even tea and red wine are excluded. There are contraindications: a foot and ankle foot massager cannot be used for osteoporosis, high fever, problems with the central nervous system, heart disease and individual intolerance to the materials of which the massager is made. In addition, massage is contraindicated for pregnant women, persons who have built-in pacemakers, cardiac implants and other electronic devices.

foot massager

Reviews and Opinions

Those who used the massager for their feet leave different reviews, but mostly with a positive bias. After half an hour of rest with a massager, the feet relax, the general condition improves. This is an indispensable tool for women who prefer high-heeled shoes. Refuse from uncomfortable shoes may no longer be allowed by status, so you have to suffer from morning to night. With the massager, the legs will be smooth and soft, the heels will remain soft and neat, and the fingers will be even. There are no gender restrictions for using the massager, so you can recommend it to the stronger sex.

Of course, this is a "home" gadget that can be used in silence, harmony and tranquility. Allow yourself to relax and give 20-30 minutes of tenderness every evening. After the massage, pain in the lower back, migraine and aches in the joints pass. The resulting effect can be compared with the effect of a warm bath with foam. Four options of the program give a chance to diversify the spa procedure and take the whole course. Older women note that the device allows you to save and maintain the beauty of the body and soul. Young girls believe that the massager is perfect for home gatherings with friends, bachelorette parties or pajama parties. If the plans are pedicures, then stretching yourself through the massager will be very, very helpful. Men refrain from rave reviews, but believe that the gadget is very useful in order to relax.


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