The history of the origin and origin of the surname Markov

A study of the history of the origin and origin of the family name reveals the forgotten pages of the culture and life of our ancestors, can tell us a lot of interesting things about the distant past of our family. It is difficult to talk about the exact time and place of occurrence of a generic name, since the process of formation of each of them lasted more than one century. The history of each family name is unique and inimitable. The article will discuss the origin, history, origin and nationality of the surname Markov.

Generic Name History

The surname Markov belongs to the ancient form of family names, which were formed from baptismal names. The tradition of our ancestors, established with the adoption of Christianity in Russia, obliged to name the baby in honor of the saint, whom the church revered on the day of his birth or baptism. Each Slav during baptism received from the holy father a baptismal Orthodox name.

Origin of Markov surname

The origin of the surname Markov is associated with the baptismal name Mark, which came to the Slavs from Byzantium. The name has ancient Greek roots, it was formed, most likely, from the Latin word "Marcus", which translates as "hammer".

There is a version that the origin of the surname Markov is associated with an adverb that originates from the name of the Roman god Mars - the patron saint of grazing animals, and later the God of war.

Saint mark

In the church name, this name is associated with John-Mark. According to legend, on the night of the suffering of Jesus Christ, Saint Mark followed him, turning into a cloak. After the Ascension of Christ, St. Mark was an associate of the Apostle Paul, Peter and Barnabas. It was St. Mark who went to Egypt, where he founded the Orthodox Church. Many people followed the holy martyr, who consecrated them to the Christian faith.

What does the surname Markov mean?

Our ancient ancestors believed that if you name a genus from the baptismal name of the heavenly patron, then it will protect all members of the family.

Generic Name Education

Most likely, the founder of the genus described was a man from the upper classes. The origin of the surname Markov is associated with the full name. Such an education of clan names had only the privileged social class of the population. In addition, Markov is the oldest form of Slavic clan names. This surname comes from the full masculine name Mark - Markov. Other ancient native patrimonial names were also formed: Ivan-Ivanov, Peter - Petrov, Efim - Efimov.

The generally accepted modern form of Russian family names was not immediately formed; by the beginning of the 17th century, most of the names were formed by adding suffixes –ev, –in, –ov to the base (name, nickname), which gradually turned into indicators of Russian family names.

Famous representatives of the genus

Surname Markov: nationality

In the history of the Russian state, several noble families of Markovs are known. For example, the clan of Kursk nobles originates from Tolmach Mark, whom Grand Prince Ivan III granted to the estate in Moscow district.

The first records of the first kind are found in 1350, when the best boyar children were called to Moscow. One of them was Ivan Markov, and his descendant in 1477 was an envoy from Novgorod to Moscow.

Instead of a conclusion

Around the XV-XVII centuries, in the Russian state, family names began to appear in the upper classes. This was due to the fact that they became necessary in order to clearly limit the circle of heirs. In the XVIII-XIX centuries, all segments of the population began to acquire surnames, this process was finally completed only at the beginning of the 20th century.

Surname Markova

Families from different social circles bore the surname Markov, some of them left their mark in the history of the state. For example, Markov Evgeny Lvovich - literary critic, writer, ethnographer. Or Markov Vladimir Alexandrovich - Hero of the USSR, tanker, participant in the Great Patriotic War.

Nowadays, it’s rather difficult to restore the history of a specific generic name. To do this, you need to have accurate data about who was its first owner. It is difficult to say how the surname Markov is translated and what it means, since it is necessary to know exactly where the ancestor lived and who he was.

It is possible that the meaning of the surname may be related to geographical names. On the territory of Russia there are many settlements with the name Markovo, Markovka and so on. It is possible that among the natives of these villages the origin of the surname Markov is associated with the name of their native land.


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