Do-it-yourself greenhouse by Mitlider: drawing, method, photo. Mitlider Vegetable Growing

Do you want to get so many vegetables from one hundred square meters that they are enough for a family of four and even remain for sale? Sounds fantastic, doesn't it? But Dr. Mitlider’s method claims that it’s real. How to achieve such a result in your garden - read on.

Who is the author of the methodology and why did it appear?

Dr. Jacob Mitlider, a world-famous American specialist in agriculture, proposed a new type of home gardening that has absorbed 55 years of his industry experience and has been tested in 27 countries.

After 20 years of growing flowers and vegetables on an industrial scale, the scientist went on a long trip to study the diet of people in developing countries and solve the problem of hunger. He found that diseases, pests and soil problems are similar in all countries. Therefore, he came to the conclusion that their solution is possible subject to the recommendations of experts and the application of scientific methods of farming.

So he developed the Mitlider horticulture - an easy-to-use collection of instructions that allows gardeners to get large yields of vegetables and other crops on almost any soil and in any climate.

Mitlider greenhouse


What are the fundamental differences between conventional gardening and the Mitlider method?

  • Ease of preparation. You do not need to spend time on special courses, studying a large amount of literature, obtaining a result by trial and error. You just need to follow carefully verified instructions.
  • Traditional gardening puts soil quality first. But according to Mitlider, this is not so significant, it can be improved by a competent selection of fertilizers.
  • Many plants develop horizontally, which means they require more space. But in the mitlider gardens, supports and compacted crops are widely used. If the plant can curl (cucumber, peas, pumpkin, melon), then it must be given such an opportunity.
  • In ordinary vegetable growing, it is customary to plant seeds when the soil is warm enough. But a good greenhouse (according to the Mitlider) is the key to obtaining an abundant harvest 2-3 times a season. It is not necessary to grow plants in it all the time, sometimes it is enough just to get strong seedlings. Here is the greenhouse according to the Mitlider (photo is presented below):

greenhouse by mitlider drawing

  • Another key difference is the type of soil moisture. To save moisture and nourish the roots directly, drip irrigation is used.
  • Also, the method of the American scientist claims that for the successful development of plants, 16 types of nutrients must be introduced into the soil, and do this regularly.
  • Well, another interesting feature is cropping. This is a familiar procedure for trees, but exotic for vegetables. By removing unnecessary leaves or other parts of the plant, significant changes in crop yield can be achieved.

Pros and cons

Of course, it cannot be argued that the Mitlider method is the ideal way to grow vegetables.

Its advantages:

  • You can grow a large number of plants in a smaller area.
  • The Mitlider greenhouse provides its early harvest or seedlings of high quality.
  • Significant water savings.
  • It is not necessary to observe crop rotation, because maintaining a high level of soil fertility is achieved by fertilizing.
  • Minimal weed control effort.
  • The technology is applicable in different climatic conditions and is understandable even to beginners.

do-it-yourself greenhouse on the mitlider


  • The financial costs of acquiring a mixture for planting, fertilizers, the construction of boxes for growing plants. Also, for good results you need a greenhouse. According to Mitlider, expenses will be more frequent than with conventional vegetable growing.
  • Although this method is considered organic, many of its elements cause heated discussion about this (for example, the abundance of artificial fertilizers). An almost complete rejection of natural ecological processes in the soil is also criticized: it is used only as a physical basis for root growth, but not for their nutrition.
  • The Mitlider method is blamed for excessive commercialization. In the United States, there are entire companies selling training materials for this type of vegetable growing, the “right” mixes for planting, fertilizers, greenhouse structures, etc.

How to plant plants?

When using this method of gardening, there are three options for planting:

  1. Beds: narrow, elevated, 45 cm wide, most often 9 m long. This is a simple and cheap option available for beginners.
    vegetable growing by the mitlider
  2. Special boxes made of wood or concrete, filled with a mixture of sand and sawdust (it does not matter, new or old, but in no case walnut). Such a mixture gives plants almost no nutrition, therefore, requires intensive fertilizer, but it provides excellent drainage and air access to the roots of plants.
  3. Greenhouse by Mitlider. Of course, this method requires investment, but you will get benefits such as:
  • annual savings on seedlings;
  • strong and healthy plants for transplanting;
  • getting fresh vegetables for a longer period.

Do-it-yourself greenhouse on the Mitlider

First, select its size (depends on the size of the site and your needs), as well as a place for it. Here you need to consider such factors:

  • The space under the greenhouse should be flat, with the possibility of further expansion.
  • The place should be well lit, without shading.
  • In the Northern Hemisphere, the greenhouse should be oriented end to east and west so that all plants are evenly lit.
  • A good greenhouse ensures the maintenance of optimal temperature for the development of plants.

But another important factor is ventilation. Plants need a constant flow of fresh air. In a moist, non-ventilated space, diseases will quickly begin to develop that can ruin all planting material.

Design features

An ordinary greenhouse most often rests on a single arch or square support. This is a simple and inexpensive design, but it does not provide proper air circulation, and with large sizes of the structure, fans must be installed.

Now let's see how the classic greenhouse looks according to the Mitlider. The drawing of the front of the building (width 6 m, length 12.2 m, height 2.6 m at the highest point) is presented below.

doctor mitlider method

The greenhouse consists of two parts of different heights. The rectangular or round shape of the supports does not matter. A gable roof with a vertical drop and large ventilation windows is perhaps the main advantage of the greenhouse.

The high slope should be oriented north to prevent cold air from entering the structure, and the low should be south.

Phased work is as follows:

  1. The base is made of thick timber.
  2. The side walls are being built.
  3. End walls are assembled with uprights.
  4. Installation of vents on the walls, doors is being done.
  5. Roofing.
  6. Greenhouse cover. Depending on the budget, you can prefer a conventional two-layer polyethylene film or cellular polycarbonate.

The construction of containers for growing plants rising above the ground is another mandatory requirement that the greenhouse according to the Mitlider must meet. The drawing of the central bilateral table (width 183 cm, height - 72 cm, length - depends on the size of the structure):

greenhouse by mitlider photo

It looks like this:

greenhouse by mitlider reviews

The opinion of gardeners

The practice of growing plants using Dr. Mitlider technology has been tested more than once in many countries around the world. Of course, she had ardent admirers and opponents. What assessment do high beds, boxes and a greenhouse according to Mitlider receive from vegetable growers? Reviews can be divided into three groups:

  • Enthusiastic. Many people first harvested on unproductive soils and claim that they will never return to the traditional way of working in the garden.
  • Negative. We have listed the shortcomings of the method above, and skeptics cite them as their arguments, backing them up with many theoretical evidence. But for the most part, these are reviews of people who have never tried to apply these recommendations.
  • Moderately positive. Time does not stand still and in its pure form, not many people use the Mitlider method. However, gardeners draw inspiration from his work and actively apply some ideas: drip irrigation, vertical plant growth, an unusual, but very productive form of greenhouses, and more. Also, most often people refuse completely chemical fertilizers and replace them with natural ones - compost, manure, etc.

greenhouse by mitlider reviews

Therefore, if vegetable production by Mitlider in its pure form does not suit you, you may be able to apply some of its principles to obtain a higher yield on your site.


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