Electrode boiler "Galan": reviews and installation

The company "Galan" was founded in 1992. At that time, she already had at her disposal interesting conversion developments. In addition, she used various standards of military equipment. The Galan company understood that old boilers for liquid as well as solid fuels were not very efficient. In addition, they take up a lot of space, in most cases they are unsafe for humans and can harm their health. The same goes for boilers that run on gaseous fuels. Given this, everyone understood the need to create completely new heating systems.

That is why the company "Galan" in 1993 began its research in the field of production of electrode boilers. They are classified as flowing devices. In fact, these devices were electric heating, functioning due to the ionization of the coolant.

electrode boiler galan reviews

How did it all start?

The first electrode boiler "Galan" received positive reviews . It was invented in 1994. It immediately became clear to everyone that this technology has a right to exist. According to the results of some tests, scientists came to the conclusion that new boilers can significantly save. As a result, it became possible to heat a large room and spend less energy on this compared to a conventional boiler.

An additional advantage of such devices was their cost. Immediately after the release of the device, they began to install at various posts and warehouses, which were far from communication networks. They were also used as a means of dealing with natural disasters. At the same time, great savings were noted, which could not but rejoice people.

In 1997, the company "Galan" began to improve all its factories. First of all, modern materials for the production of boilers were purchased. New technologies were also tested that could simplify the production process. Additionally, the company tried to automate all processes and eliminate the human factor. As a result, subsequent electrode boiler models have become safer. This is largely due to the solution of network closure problems. Also, new fire-resistant materials were able to guarantee safety during operation of the device.

In 1998, all Galan electrode boiler models were equipped with a new function. It allowed to significantly save electricity. As a result of the tests, scientists concluded that cost savings were reduced by 30% compared to previous models.

Further, the company "Galan" aimed at the release of new electrode boilers for heating large houses and utility rooms. They were produced with a specific power of 4 to 26 kW. Such boilers were designed to heat an area of โ€‹โ€‹approximately 500 cubic meters. m. They had an attractive appearance and did not spoil the interior of the room.

To control such boilers, the regulator was soon improved. It had many functions and allows you to constantly monitor the operation of the device. The first control unit was called "Galan 0456".


Since the creation of electrode boilers, there has been an acute problem associated with the formation of scale on the surface of heat-exchange sections. As a result, corrosion appeared, and then such a unit could no longer operate normally.

In 1988, Galan scientists began to develop a new antifreeze that could deal with such problems. Soon he was released, and in the very first days showed himself on the positive side. Its advantage was the possibility of using the device at low temperatures. Antifreeze was allowed to use even at -60 degrees. At the same time, it prevented the formation of scale on the surface and could remove an existing layer. The dissolution of scale even at such low temperatures was carried out using special additives that were added to the antifreeze.

Successful New

The devices in question earned real popularity in 1999. At this time, a new model was released - the electrode boiler "Galan" "Hearth-3". It was radically different from previous developments and had good characteristics. In many ways, this has become possible thanks to the use of innovative materials. In addition, the Galan research center was able to significantly advance in its research and did not cease to improve production technology. Given this, the electrode boiler "Galan" "Hearth-3" was considered the most popular model and was in great demand. However, the new Galan model Hearth-5 was soon released. It differed from the previous instance in much greater power. As a rule, it was used in rooms of more than 80 sq.m.

In 2001, the company launched the new Galan-Potok antifreeze. He was distinguished by additives that did their job better. The existing scale was well removed, the formation of a new layer was prevented. All this was reflected in the durability of the use of such devices as electrode heating boilers "Galan". Antifreeze was soon approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and began to be widely used by consumers.

Electric electrode coppers "Galan" with replaceable cartridges

In 2001, specialists began to work on new devices that would have replaceable cassettes for electrodes. The purpose of this development was to improve the design of the device. Replaceable cassette boilers are very easy to use. Unlike previous models, their repair was much easier. Extra service was inexpensive. At the same time, the devices were much more powerful. These types of electrode boilers include Galan Geyser-9 and Galan Geyser-25. According to the characteristics, they are able to heat rooms with an area of โ€‹โ€‹more than 320 square meters. m

Temperature regulator

In 2003, the first Galan automatic temperature controller was released under the name Navigator. The feature of this device was its program. Using the indicated device, it became possible to program the heating system depending on the time of day. The microcontroller of the device had special indicators that showed all the settings. Additionally, the "Navigator" was equipped with a circuit breaker with an electromagnetic relay. The power of this contactor was 20 kW. All this provided greater reliability and comfort of use. The Navigator had an interesting design and looked good in any room. It should also be noted its low cost.

electrode boiler galan center 3

Electrode boiler operation

The principle of operation of the devices in question is built on electrodes that are installed in the indoor unit. The whole process begins after applying voltage to this unit. In this case, water ions begin to move from the anode to the cathode. The voltage frequency at this stage is 50 Hz. From continuous movement, the water temperature begins to rise. As a result, the batteries heat up, but not immediately. As a result, the network in the house is not overloaded, and the heating system can be operated without failures when the Galan electrode boilers are operating. The device connection diagram is shown below.

DIY galan boiler


Itโ€™s rather difficult to install an electrode boiler "Galan" with your own hands. As a rule, installation is trusted only by specialists. However, you can produce it yourself. First of all, you need to make sure that you have all the parts that you need for installation. The complete set includes directly the boiler, temperature controller and riser pipe.

In order to connect the boiler to the heating system, it is necessary to connect the outlet to the riser. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the diameter of the outlet pipe. As a rule, people try to install the "Galan" electrode boiler with their own hands, connecting pipes of different sizes using various clamps. However, this is a gross violation of the rules for using the electrode device. The outlet cannot be narrowed or expanded.

Lastly, a temperature controller is connected . In order to fix it correctly, you must carefully study the instructions. Today, the company produces temperature regulators of various types, so the installation of the electrode boiler "Galan" can occur in different ways.

Model "Galan" "Hearth-3"

This electrode boiler "Galan" reviews is good and is in great demand. It is best suited for heating small rooms. Among the features of this model, a high-quality ionization chamber can be distinguished. It has a compact size, so the heating occurs gradually. Network load is minimal when Galan electrode boilers are on. The device connection diagram is quite simple.

electrode boiler galan instruction

Instrument Specifications

The rated voltage of this device is 220 V. The current in the system is alternating. The rated voltage frequency is at 50 Hz. Additionally, a high threshold for maximum current should be noted. For each phase with a frequency of 50 Hz, this indicator is 13.7 A. At the same time, the rated power consumption is 3 kW.

It should also be noted that this electric boiler "Galan" "Hearth" (electrode) has a large volume of coolant (from 20 to 50 liters). In this case, you can heat the room up to 120 cubic meters. m. You also need to know the cross section of the conductive core of the connection cable. In this model, it has a diameter of 4 mm. The outlet for connecting to the heating system coupling is 32 mm. The total mass of this electrode boiler is 1 kg. At the same time, it is slightly more than 300 mm in length, and its width is 90 mm. Protection class - first. Additionally, moisture protection is provided. The total power consumption of this electrode boiler is at the level of 500 kW in one month of operation.


The standard set for such a device as the Galan electrode boiler is the manual, the device itself and the control unit. The controller has as many as three channels and allows you to set the temperature every week. It is also possible to program the device. The special mode is able to save any program with climate control.

electrode boilers galan wiring diagram

Model "Hearth-5"

This electrode boiler "Galan" receives positive reviews due to its high power. As a result, it is able to heat large houses and cottages. Convenient controls can be distinguished from the features. At the same time, the control unit has many functions, and you can configure it in a variety of ways. Electricity consumption will directly depend on the selected temperature. It should also be noted the ability to set the temperature of the radiator. Moreover, this model has a high protection class. If a short circuit occurs in the network, the boiler will instantly shut down. The same thing happens, for example, if the wires in the device overheat.

If a coolant leaks (Galan electrode boiler fluid), the protection system will let you know, and you can immediately take some measures to prevent an accident. As a heat carrier, not only drinking water is used, but also distilled. Some even use rainwater. Manufacturers, in turn, advise all customers to purchase the special Galan Argus fluid.

installation of an electrode boiler galan

Characteristics of the model "Hearth-5"

The rated power of the device is at 220 V. Alternating current. The rated voltage frequency in this case is 50 Hz. The maximum allowable current of the device reaches 22.7 A. The power consumption of the electrode boiler is 5.5 kW. The volume of coolant is in the range from 30 to 60 liters. All this allows you to successfully heat an area of โ€‹โ€‹more than 200 cubic meters. m. The diameter of the conductive wire is 4 mm. In this case, the outlet for the coupling is 32 mm. The mass of the installed electrode boiler is 1.05 kg.

The described heating electrode boiler "Galan" "Hearth 5" has a length of 310 mm and a width of 90 mm. Total power consumption - 830 kW per month. This is a fairly high indicator, but much in this situation depends on the selected mode during operation.

Model "Hearth-6"

This electrode boiler "Galan" reviews deserves good. This is largely due to the high power of the device. The difference of this model is low inertia. In addition, a convenient sensor is installed that monitors the heating temperature. The automatic control system works reliably. A protection system is also provided, which allows you to deal with voltage drops in the network. When the current frequency changes, the boiler power drops, but it continues to work.

Additionally, this model has a modest size, which is good news. At the same time, it, like previous developments, quickly warms up and provides a given temperature.

electrode heating boiler galan

"Hearth-6". Specifications

The power consumption of the device is approximately 1000 kW per month. Additionally, moisture protection is provided, which is classified as IP-3. It should also be noted a high class of protection against electric shock. As mentioned earlier, this model is famous for its small dimensions. Its length is 300 mm and its width is 85 mm. Weight - 1 kg in assembled form. It should also be noted a convenient connector for connecting the coupling to the heating system. The diameter of the hole is 32 mm. At the same time, the diameter of the connection wire is 6 mm, which is slightly larger than in previous models.

The coolant volume is set in the range from 35 to 70 liters. At the same time, it can heat the room more than 250 cubic meters. m. It should also be noted a high level of power consumption. The nominal consumption is 6 kW, but much depends on the selected climate control.

The maximum boiler current at a frequency of 50 Hz is 27.3 A. This indicator is based on the calculation of only one phase. The total rated voltage frequency is 50 Hz. The current in the system is alternating. At the same time, the nominal voltage of the electrode boiler is 220 V. Connection of the electrode boiler "Galan" "Hearth-6" depends on its configuration.

What's in the box?

The standard set of such a device as the Galan electrode boiler is an instruction manual, a boiler, and also a control unit. Additionally, you can choose a convenient temperature controller. The most common device has a small number of options, while it is very easy to use. However, a three-channel electronic unit is able to cope with complex tasks. As a rule, it is programmed separately for each day of the week. Moreover, you can always make additional adjustments to it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22437/

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