How to run an old game on Windows 10: instructions

The advantage and overnight curse of Microsoft is its position in terms of its programming. It aims at backward compatibility. But the fact is that this position works only on some operating systems (OS). So, games that worked properly and without unnecessary problems on Windows 7 will also work on Windows 10, but if you take older software (software) or games, then the "ten" may no longer run them.

how to run an old game on windows 10

The article will discuss how to run an old game on Windows 10 in different ways. All possible options for launching software and games will be analyzed in detail, the reasons and solution to the problem will be indicated.

The game does not start: why?

The reasons for malfunctioning applications on Windows 10 are innumerable. Of course, everyone will not be disassembled now, but we will talk about the most popular ones and find out why old games do not start on Windows 10.

Deprecated programming language. The fact is that often programs are completely dependent on administrator rights. That is why old programs and games can run without problems on Windows XP, and on a newer version of the OS simply give an error. But the fact is that since then, these requests for rights have been changed. This happened for many reasons, one of which was the ease of hacking software.

Dependence on previous software versions. Most often, because of the programming language, programs use libraries such as the NET Framework. And if the program was created in those days when the latest version of this library was 3.5, then most likely it will not start on Windows 10, since the fourth version is installed on it by default.

16-bit software. Now the PC hardware is much better and almost everyone can afford to install the 64-bit version of Windows. But on this version, 16-bit old games for Windows will not start, since there is no compatibility between them. Although the solution to this problem is not so complicated, you just need to install the 32-bit version.

DOS In the old days, even before Windows 7, all Microsoft operating systems were installed on top of DOS. Similarly, applications came out under the OS data. But now they will not start.

Windows 10 Update

Microsoft knows how people are afraid that with the next update of Windows 10, some of their favorite programs and games may not start. That is why a program was created, whose name is Upgrade Assitant Windows. This program scans your computer and as a result makes a verdict which software will continue to work correctly and which will not. Of course, no one gives a 100% guarantee, but it's still better than updating blindly.

old games on windows 10

This often happens: the game has stopped working, although your friend is doing well. Here, it is likely that there may be a problem updating the game itself. For example, when installing a game from disk and trying to start it, the OS will give an error. The solution to this problem is to download patches. Most likely, the developer with the release of the new OS adapted the game for it.

The topic of libraries has already risen above, now we will analyze everything in more detail. It's about the same NET Framework. If the game or program did not start on Windows 10, do not rush to delete it. It is possible that it was created at a time when the top was considered the NET Framework version 3.0, and you have installed version 4.5. To solve this problem, simply install the old version.

Admin Rights

We talked about how to run an old game on Windows 10 (if the fault lies with the updates), and now let's move on to the simplest problem. Namely, the problem of administration.

Often, Windows 10 itself understands when to run a game or program as an administrator, and when it is not required. But everything happens in life, and sometimes the system does not work correctly. To solve this problem, just always try running as administrator. It is very simple to do this, on the launched program you need to right-click (RMB) and select the action of the same name in the context menu.

This problem is also solved if the control is completely removed. However, this action is undesirable; otherwise, problems may arise with the OS itself.

Compatibility issue

How to run an old game on Windows 10 if it is incompatible with it? But you know very well that this game works great, for example, on Windows XP (Service Pack 3). Do not rush to change your operating system, the developers of the "dozens" all provided.

how to run old games on windows 10

Typically, such games do not start because they are only compatible with XP, and programming languages ​​and libraries are also suitable for Windows 10. To troubleshoot, simply right-click on the shortcut for the program or game to be launched and select "Properties" in the menu. In the window that opens, select the "Compatibility" tab. There, at the top of the window, you can find the "Run the compatibility troubleshooting tool" button. Click on it, after a while the analysis of problems will go, and the OS will solve this problem on its own. From this tab you can also make the game always run as administrator.


Due to the fact that we are discussing the question of how to run an old game on Windows 10, one cannot ignore such a thing as DOSBox. Who does not know is a program that emulates a complete DOS environment. It is also noteworthy that emulation takes place in a window.

how to run an old game on windows 10 in different ways

Therefore, if you have a desire to play, for example, the original DOOM, you do not need to despair and go look for old PCs. Just need to download the above program, in the appendage to it - the image of the game, and then run it using the program.

This method is not considered out of the ordinary, even the developers themselves use it, since they understand that old games simply won’t start in Windows 10. So, many old Steam games are downloaded right away from DOSBox.


How to run an old game on Windows 10 if none of the above methods helped you? The last option is a virtual machine. What it is? Something like an emulator, but only the operating system environment itself is emulated.

why old games do not start on windows 10

So, if compatibility is not on your side and the game flatly refuses to start, then after downloading VirtualBox and the image of the OS for which the game is designed, you can install it not on your hardware, but on the program itself. It will turn out something like an operating system inside an already installed OS. Nevertheless, your game will easily start in this way.

So, in the article we examined how to run old games on Windows 10 if they flatly refuse to work. All methods have been tested and will not cause any harm to your computer, so if you want to remember your youth and play long-forgotten games, now you know how to do it.


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