Why do cats purr - is it really true to manipulate people?

Cats are the most mysterious and amazing creatures living next to humans. Their ability to see in the dark, the ability to silently disappear and appear, freedom of love and independence gave rise to ascribe to them mystical features, to connect with witches and sorcerers.

There really is a lot of mystery in cats. For example, it’s still not fully understood why cats purr. The conventional wisdom is from pleasure.

why cats purr
In addition, the mother cat thus communicates with the kittens, and a strong cat makes it clear to the weak that he will not offend. Another reason for purring is complaints of illness and the urge to pity oneself.

British scientists have performed dozens of experiments to find out why cats purr. They determined that the frequency of individual sounds inserted by cats into purrs coincide with those found in the cry of a hungry child. It affects a person on a subconscious level, causing him to want to give everything to his beloved - even the last tidbit of sausage. What is curious, cats in this way do not affect all members of the family, but only the weakest, those who perceive this impulse well.

how cats purr
In general, the arsenal of cats has its own cat language. They can pronounce vowels, consonants, and even “words.” Depending on how the cats purr, they all, both street ones, accustomed to taking care of themselves on their own, and pampered pets, spending days on soft sofas, understand each other perfectly. But people do not always succeed in this. It happens that a recently ill cat begins to purr for no apparent reason, and the owner calms down, not realizing that the cat is still bad. Unfortunately, it has not yet been precisely established why cats purr in both positive and negative situations. But experts are already able to distinguish between types of purrs and emit soft, rude, inviting, appeasing, appreciative, welcoming and restless. Each species is characterized by different sounds, its components, and different tone of their pronunciation. Having listened carefully, the cat-owner can hear the sounds “mrr-mrr-mrr”, “hmr-hmr”, “mmnngg”, “mr-a-oo-u” and others in purring. Remembering in what situations what exactly their pet says, you can make a kind of dictionary and communicate with the animal more meaningfully.

Many are interested in what the cat purrs with - tongue, throat, lungs or some other organs. To produce this sound, cats have special muscles near the vocal cords, which can contract and cause vibration in the hyoid bones. Resonance from vibration and produces a purring sound. Typically, cats do this on inhalation and exhalation. But has nature really rewarded them with such abilities only for communication?

than the cat purrs
Scientists have come to the sensational conclusion about why cats purr. It turns out that purring is a powerful therapeutic tool that allows cats to heal wounds and restore their strength. That's where their extraordinary vitality comes from! Moreover, purring can heal people, as they act on us like ultrasound therapy. It sounds in the range of 27-44 Hz, which allows you to restore bones by 20%, treat the nervous system, blood circulation, some heart diseases, stabilize blood pressure, treat drug addiction and alcoholism, and promote the healing of hematomas and abrasions.

Of course, not all cats have the same medicinal ability. It depends on the color of the coat, and on the animal’s energy potential, and on the cat’s personal attitude to his “patient”. But all cats perfectly absorb the negative energy in the house. Therefore, do not scold them if they like to sleep on a computer, climb onto a refrigerator or sit on a working washing machine.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22450/

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