On which hand are the wedding rings worn according to tradition in different cultures?

A lot of knowledge, traditions and traditions were able to convey to us ancestors. Some of them are preserved to this day. For example, people who have officially approved a marriage exchange wedding rings. This custom has been around since ancient times, and the first mention of it dates back to the fourth millennium BC. Then it was not only rings, but also bracelets made of wood. Jewelry was given only to the female sex and meant that now she is the property of her husband.

After a time period of 15 centuries, men began to wear jewelry. Then the symbolism began to denote the union of two halves, two now already kindred souls. On which hand do men and women wear the engagement ring? This we will discuss in the article.

which hand wear a wedding ring

Ancient Rome and Egypt

Some beliefs and customs of ancestors did not reach us. This can be safely stated, based on findings in ancient Egypt. Rings were found on the middle finger of the left hand of the ancient Egyptians. This is almost the only class of the population on the planet who puts jewelry on the middle finger. It is difficult to say what this choice is connected with, but scientists have their own assumptions. In the Middle Ages, doctors did not perform autopsy of their patients, and knowledge of anatomy was completely dilapidated. One of the manuscripts said that the nerve that connects the left arm and heart is called the "artery of love." Most likely, the Egyptian priests thought that this nerve was related to the middle finger.

Finds of archaeologists

Continuing to explore the ancient cities, scientists found that the ancient rings had three or four-sided profiles. They most often had various images or inscriptions. They said that lovers will be faithful to each other until the grave, and never separate other love vows. You can also find numbers. As you know, in the developed countries of the ancient world there were many philosophers and mathematicians. The relation to the numbers there was special. Often on finds you can find jewelry with the numbers 3 or 7. These numbers were considered by them as a symbol of faith, hope, kindness and happiness.

on which hand girls wear a wedding ring

Orthodox Christians

In ancient Russia, wedding rings were worn on the index finger. This is most likely due to the fact that before the adoption of Christianity, there was another faith, following which wedding objects were worn on the index finger, as in the most prominent place of the hand.

Each group of believers has its own principles and rules by which wedding items are worn. According to statistics, more than 70% of the population of Russia are Orthodox Christians. Adherents of such a faith cheerfully celebrate weddings, arranging numerous competitions and "festivities." They have a considerable number of wedding traditions that are gradually becoming obsolete. On which hand do women and men wear a wedding ring? It is customary to wear rings on the ring finger of the right hand.

Luxury began to be worn on the ring finger in ancient Europe, because the name of this finger in their language sounds like a "ring". It is important to note that traditions are characteristic of both the female and male population of Russia. The church explains the wearing of the ring precisely on the right hand by the fact that in the ancient Slavic language the right is faithful. That is, it is a symbol of fidelity and fortress of marital relations. While Christians have harmony in marriage, they adhere to the customs described above.

on which hand do women wear a wedding ring

After the divorce, the wedding rings are removed. A wife whose husband has died becomes a widow. For them, there are special rules for wearing exclusive jewelry. On which hand are the widow's wedding rings worn? On the ring finger of the left hand. This rule applies to widowers.

On which hand do Muslims wear a wedding ring?

Currently, most representatives of terrorist groups adhere to this belief, because of this it has lost a certain prestige and relevance. Their patron is not Jesus Christ, but Allah. Instead of the Bible, Muslims have the Qur'an. This is their holy book, which they treasure.

On which hand do Muslims wear a wedding ring? In wearing wedding rings, the Islamists have departed from the representatives of Christianity. They wear rings not on their right hand, but on their left. Moreover, also on the ring finger, adhering to the European style. Wearing on the left hand is explained by the fact that it is located close to the heart. Many are ready to argue with this statement, but you will not go against traditions.

It is important to note that in some Muslim countries only women wear rings. Men, they think, are not allowed to wear shiny and beautiful jewelry on their hands. Therefore, many male Muslims do not wear items confirming their marital status.

on which finger wear a wedding ring


Which finger wear a wedding ring? Representatives of this population group prefer a wild life in the camps. Often get their way by robbery and deceit. But not all gypsies are like that, there are exceptions. Due to the vast number of luxurious things, the β€œtabor” wear wedding rings on gold or silver chains hung around their neck. Among the gypsies there are exceptions. There are supporters of other religions, on the basis of which, the ring should be worn on the finger of the hand. It all depends on which religious group a person belongs to, but most gypsies adhere to "classical" customs.


Most Armenians are Christians of the Armenian Apostolic Church. But also in the country there are other religions, such as Judaism, Islamism and so on. In Armenia, most of the opinions on wearing wedding accessories are divided into, as a rule, two parts. There are Catholics and Christians in the country. On which hand do the Armenians wear a wedding ring? Christians were mentioned above, and Catholics wear rings on the ring finger of their left hand. Such wedding rules are exhibited by the Catholic Church. Unlike the male half of the population, women do not remove their ring. Men, without realizing it, adhere to Muslim signs. But Catholics and Muslims do this for identical reasons. Widows and widowers change hand with accessory. Do not put the ring on the other hand after the death of the spouse, they consider it an insult to him.

on which hand do the Armenians wear a wedding ring

Judaism and Marriages

Representatives of Judaism is a famous people - the Jews. In historical practice, there are many cases of spreading the genocide in relation to them. But, despite all the difficulties, the ethnos has survived to this day and retained its religion. Jewish women wear wedding rings only. With his help, the young man initiates his daughter-in-law as his wife. What does it mean to initiate a wife? The Jews have certain traditions, following which, the groom must give the bride money or some expensive item. A ring may act as an object. The wife does not remove it until her death. Men put wives jewelry on their index fingers for their wives, because they consider this place to be the most noticeable. The ring is always in front of the woman and reminds her of her husband.

So on what hand do girls wear a wedding ring? Representatives of Judaism have a tradition that when they are engaged, the ring is put on the index finger of the left hand, and after the marriage is officially approved, it is transferred to the right. The widows of the Jews once again change their hand.

on which hand the widow's wedding ring is worn


According to the teachings of the Buddha, people who are faithful to his religion must lead a monastic lifestyle. But, nevertheless, Buddhist families exist. For them, there are certain rules of family relations. They are represented by a large list.

On which hand do men and women wear the engagement ring? Buddhists have no idea about wedding rings. Marriages are affirmed by the rite of five monks who fumigate the newlyweds and read mantras to them. But if desired, the couple can get married in the registry office. Then the husband and wife rings will be on the ring finger of the right hand. The choice of the ring finger on their part is due to the fact that he is in their beliefs responsible for the husband and wife. Most widows and widowers do not wear commemorative rings, and the rest believe that through them there is a connection with the deceased and leave jewelry on their hands.


Representatives of this religion have a very ornate notion of rings. On which hand girls wear a wedding ring depends on the place of residence, that is, on the country. Regardless of the place of residence, put it on the ring finger. For those left alone of a husband or wife, wearing a ring is not accepted. After the death of the spouse, they remove it and keep it at home. The loss of the ring is considered a great grief and failure for the only surviving spouse.

Traditions and signs of different peoples of the Earth

In English-speaking countries, that is, in Great Britain and America, it is widely believed that wearing a ring is a female occupation, and many husbands simply do not put it on their fingers. But in general, both spouses tirelessly wear jewelry, removing it only in case of great discomfort brought by the pressure of the ring on the skin.

on which hand Muslims wear a wedding ring

According to Orthodox traditions, it follows that you cannot give your wedding ring to anyone. It is believed that you can not give anyone even try on jewelry. This, according to custom, can lead to the most deplorable and terrible consequences, up to the dissolution of the marriage.

A good omen is the betrothal of young "old" rings. That is, those with whom their grandfather and grandmother were engaged. It is important that the ancestors are alive and have a long and happy family life, which they are ready to pass on to the newlyweds. Getting married to the dead is a very bad sign.

Northern countries have their own traditions. To make marriage more comfortable, before exchanging rings, both copies are lowered into a glass of water and the contents of the glass are turned into ice. Before wedding defrosting is carried out. This is done so that the rings remember that they were once one and will always be attracted to each other.

Orthodox Christians have a belief that rings should be bought without trying on. That is, trying them in the store before the wedding is not worth it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22457/

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