McClelland's Acquired Needs Theory: Description, Key Points

The main ideas in McClelland's theory of acquired needs gave impetus to the emergence of a large number of theories on similar topics. It is fair to say that Maslow’s works are directly related to McClelland’s. In the model developed by the latter, the needs of people are raised, which are manifested at the highest levels of activity.

Power in D. McClelland's Acquired Needs Theory

Mcclelland's theory

A person often seeks to gain power over others, and this indicates his desire to influence them. In this regard, theories of McClelland and Maslow are in contact. Only the latter indicates that the need to rule is between respect and self-expression.

According to McClelland’s findings in the theory of needs, people seeking power are usually very energetic individuals with a desire to be frank. They are constantly fighting for their views, so they like to defend their own point of view. And often they do it publicly, and for this reason the majority among them are wonderful speakers who love attention to their person.

There were cases when a person striving for power did not resemble the model described above. He may be a person who does not have serious ambitions and does not want career growth in the future.

It all depends on desire, and not on a set of certain qualities.


David McClelland and his theory

The need for success is at the same level as power according to Maslow's theory.

Briefly, the theory of McClelland's acquired needs suggests that a person can be reassured and pacified only when he reaches the task. Moreover, it is important that what is received does not carry negativity, but that it is the successful completion of the "mission". People belonging to such a group, as a rule, are moderately gambling; they perfectly show themselves in problem situations, laying the brunt of their decision. This is done not without a share of self-interest, because for their accomplishments they want to receive a commensurate encouragement.

That is, a manager can easily make a subordinate work better if the latter has a need for success. It is enough to make it clear that this is a problem of medium complexity, to provide opportunities for solving such a problem, and also to indicate that encouragement will probably be made for the successful result obtained. The main thing is that a person has moderate needs, otherwise he will not care for all the goals set by another person. He will take into account only his tasks, based on a general assessment of opportunities.

According to McClelland’s theory of acquired needs, the desire to achieve manifests itself only when a person strives to make everything that depends on him an even more effective way, respectively, and to get a more successful result.


Communicating with people who have a need for complicity

The need for complicity is inherent in people who try to adhere to friendships in any companies, to provide assistance to every person who needs it. Such a group of individuals is attracted to all work related to social communication. And management should not prohibit communication and various interpersonal contacts to such subordinates, otherwise they will lose interest in activities.

If people with the desire for complicity are united periodically together, given them the opportunity to communicate, then the effectiveness of their actions will increase before our eyes. The boss himself may even participate in such meetings in order to visually verify their necessity.

McClelland's theory of acquired needs relates to the topic of social motivation, which A. Maslow also raised. This also expresses the similarity of these hierarchies.

Three levels

The right approach to subordinates

Expressing his thoughts more briefly, in the theory of acquired needs, D. McClelland identified three main categories among managers:

  1. Managers who stand out through self-control. They have a need for power to a greater extent than group participation.
  2. Managers who, when managed, seem to be more socially active than the previous type. But along with this, they also desire power.
  3. Managers who reveal themselves in the need to socialize. They love lively communication, and they give a secondary role to the achievement of power. They are also very open to people, like the group described above.

Features of the McClelland Theory

David mcclelland

McClelland's work helped him attract the attention of Western society, which looked at the scientist from a different angle. This is because the main problem that was raised in theory is the disclosure of the motivation of the abilities of various entrepreneurs in society.

It was supposed that such a society, where they would know what approach is needed for each representative of a particular group, is capable of developing in the future. People will become more responsible, active, and most importantly - interested. Due to this factor, society will be able to achieve tremendous economic progress. Understanding the differences between the types contributes to understanding within the enterprise, so this promises success in the future.

Prescribed Actions for Economic Growth in States

To achieve the main goal of states, that is, economic growth, according to McClelland, certain rules must be taken into account. This requirement applies to all existing enterprises and companies in the country.

  1. It is important to abandon the usual methods that are aimed at developing interest in subordinates. It is necessary to work on conditions that will provide employees with the understanding that they need to show themselves as well as possible. That is, people should develop a strong motivation for action, which will make them look for the most profitable and effective ways to solve the problem.
  2. Keep in mind that the team is filled with representatives of different groups. For this reason, an individual approach to each is necessary so that everyone works subsequently with the same goal. It is important to distribute people in the areas they need, where they can reach their potential. For example, a person with a greater need for complicity is better to send to the social sphere, where he will be able to constantly communicate with people. It can be a call center where the employee will inform the population. An individual with a desire to move up the career ladder in order to achieve power can be held responsible for a certain group of people whose activities he will coordinate.


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