Fire Skink (Mochlus fernandi): maintenance, care, photo

Fire skink (Mochlus fernandi) - one of the most beautiful representatives of the skink family. But among lovers of exotics, this reptile is very popular not only because of its charming appearance, but also because of its friendly disposition and unpretentiousness.

At home, you can keep both captive-grown skink and caught in nature. According to experts, this beautiful, good-natured lizard may well be the first pet of a novice terrarium.

But, of course, you can’t let everything go by chance. Our article will tell about the features of the content of the fiery handsome and will be useful to those who decided to get such an unusual pet.

skink mochlus fernandi


Fiery skink Fernandi hails from equatorial Africa. The lizard settles where there is enough sunlight, but there are also shelters: in low-growing thickets near ponds, in clearings with moist soil. Skink loves to dig holes in the ground, and occasionally not averse to wallow in the water.

External features

Looking at the fire skink, you might think that this is a magnificent work of a beadworker. The body is covered with iridescent small scales of different colors.

In length, an adult reaches 30 cm or even a little more, about a third of the entire length falls on the tail. The head is small, with a rounded muzzle, no neck constriction. Paws are short, with well-developed digging fingers.

mochlus fernandi fire skink

Sexual dimorphism is pronounced. Males are always more massive and larger than females, but representatives of both sexes possess a wealth of colors.

The tail is painted in dark colors, stripes in blue shades are noticeable on it. The belly is light, whitish.

Behavior and character

These creatures are non-conflict and friendly. Both in natural conditions and in the terrarium, several fire skinks coexist quietly on the same territory. They are indifferent to non-aggressive reptiles of other species. But mindlessly lodging several pets at once is not worth it: caution and an individual approach are necessary.

The time of activity falls at night, this should also be taken into account. Skinks cannot be called very noisy animals, but if the terrarium is installed in a living room, their fuss can interfere at night.

mochlus fernandi

According to breeders, skinks are one of the most affectionate creatures among all reptiles and amphibians. They get used to their hands very well, enjoy communicating with the owner. A skink can only bite if it is hurt. But you do not need to expect that immediately upon arrival at the new house, the pet will behave like a friend. It will take some time and patience for the animal to get used to the person.

Home care and care

Keeping a fire skink at home is not too expensive. The cost of the pet itself will average from 2 to 6 thousand rubles, but significant expenses for expensive equipment and elite feeds will not be required. Nevertheless, at the initial stage, be prepared for the following expenses:

  • Horizontal terrarium with a volume of at least 200 liters.
  • Incandescent lamp for heating or bottom heater.
  • Ultraviolet lamp (ordinary and suitable, but better special for reptiles).
  • Substrate (sand mixed with sawdust).
  • Artificial plants, driftwood for decor.

All decorative elements are installed only at the bottom, and then the soil is laid on top with a layer of at least 15 cm. If you simply stick the driftwood and branches into the substrate, sooner or later the skink, making digs and holes, will simply drop them onto itself and be injured. These plants are indifferent to living plants, but can damage their roots. According to experts, in a terrarium with skinks for a long time does not stand, while maintaining an aesthetic appearance, not a single plant.

The pet will sometimes want to skimp. Therefore, it is better to use a bowl as a drinking bowl in which your fire skink could climb completely.

Pet care involves regular wetting of the substrate. The soil must always be moist, but in no case wet. If this condition is met, air humidification in the terrarium is not required.

fire skink content

Skinks cannot be called painful. The most common ailment that breeders have to deal with is rickets. Prevention is the availability of a good ultraviolet lamp, as well as periodic fortifications.

Diet and diet

To feed the fire skinks, you can use insects, both trapped on their own, and feed, bought in a pet store. In a natural environment, skinks are eaten by anyone who places them in their mouths.

Young animals are offered food daily, adult individuals should be fed no more than once every two days, otherwise obesity cannot be avoided. Residues of food, especially live food, are removed immediately after the meal. Occasionally, newborn fodder mice can be offered to young animals.

Those who have housed a group of skinks should use tweezers when feeding. This will allow you to accurately determine who and how much feed has already been fed. Otherwise, some individuals may remain hungry, while others will overeat. It is equally harmful to health.

fire skink care


The female fire skink is fed intensively before the intended mating. She lays an average of 5 eggs (maybe even 8-9). The owner needs to carefully examine the terrarium to find a disguised nest. The eggs are transferred to an incubator, where they mature in wet vermiculite at a temperature of +29.4 ° C for 40 days.

Newborn skinks look like parents, but their length does not exceed several cm. Kids are fed with proportionate insects, calcium must be added to the diet.

With proper care at home, fire skinks can live up to 20 years.


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