How to knit booties on two knitting needles? Master class for young mothers

Booties in the wardrobe of a baby take far from the last place. From the first days from birth to the time until the baby learns to walk, this type of clothing will be relevant. Therefore, we recommend that all expectant mothers prepare a couple of small booties for crumbs in advance. They do not have to be bought; such a thing can be easily connected. Even a novice craftswoman who knows the technology for making the front and back loops will perform booties on two knitting needles without problems. This article describes the simplest and most affordable way to make such a product. Study it, be inspired and boldly pick up a ball of thread and knitting needles.

knitting booties

Learning to knit booties on two knitting needles: preparing materials

In order to make such โ€œclothes on legsโ€, you will need strings - wool or half-wool. When buying yarn, pay attention to the label, there should be a note "baby" or "baby". It is from such a thread that you should knit things for kids. It is very soft, pleasant to the body, does not cause skin irritation and allergies. The thread should be of medium thickness. Knitting needles for the manufacture of this product, prepare No. 3 (2 pieces). You will also need a narrow ribbon or lace, which will be used as ties on the "boots".

We knit booties: a master class (knitting)

  1. knitting booties for newborns
    Cuffs. To do this, dial 39 stitches on the knitting needles and knit 20 rows of purl stitches. This pattern is called "handkerchief." Perform the 21st row with the purl loops, and the next with the front loops.
  2. Rise. Count 12 loops and transfer them, without knitting, to the knitting needle. Perform the following 15 loops on the wrong side. Now, on your right knitting needle, you have the last 12 stitches that you donโ€™t need to knit. Leave them as they are, and turn the work over to the other side. Continue to knit only the middle part. Knit 22 rows of garter or viscous (row front, row purl).
  3. The main part of the boot. We continue to knit booties on two knitting needles. We introduce all the loops postponed earlier. How to do it? Knit the stitches of the whole row as follows: 12 stitches (initially set aside) + 8 stitches on the side edge + 15 stitches of the middle part + 8 stitches from the other side edge + 12 stitched stitches. In total, there must be 55 loops on the knitting needles. Next, do 15 rows of garter stitch . Then close 20 stitches from each edge of the product. On the needles will remain 14 stitches.
  4. Sole. To form this part of the product, knit 34 rows with a straight cloth, and then in the next row close 2 loops on the sides. Perform the following decreases in the 38th row, closing 1 loop on both sides. After another series of work finish.
  5. booties master class knitting
    Assembly of the product. Booties on two knitting needles are connected. Now sew them with a needle or with a hook. Through one of the rows of the cuff, pull the tape, which will serve as a tie.

And finally, a couple of tips

As you can see, knitting booties for newborns with knitting needles is not difficult. You can use this master class as a template. If desired, patterns can be changed to others, the size of the "shoes" to increase, gaining initially more loops. Such a product may optionally be plain. If you have yarn of the same thickness but different colors, then knit bright striped booties. It looks very cute and beautiful. Easy for you to craft!


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