What is eco-fur: composition, advantages and disadvantages

What is eco-fur? It is a great substitute for the present. It looks, feels like natural, only its composition is completely different. Today, eco-fur, according to reviews, is considered a quality material that perfectly copes with all the prescribed functions. Moreover, this is not only a wonderful alternative, but also a way to save many innocent animals that are killed and skinned, in order to finally make a natural fur coat.

What is eco-fur?

Eco fur coats

Ecological fur is an artificially created material that is very soft, warm and light. Externally, the product on this basis looks impressive, not much different from natural material. For example, if you make eco-fur under a mink, then only a professional with experience can find discrepancies with the original.

This is because all the villi are created on the basis of polyacrylonitrile fibers, so they do not clog into shreds, but are distributed evenly. The villi also have viscose in their composition. To create artificial eco-fur, ordinary knitted fabric is used as a base.

Production methods

Fur coats for men

An artificial product, as a rule, is made on the basis of two textures, which almost copy the structure of real furs. As mentioned earlier, in the first place you need a knitted fabric, which is created from synthetic and natural fibers. The fibers or hairs are already glued to this fabric, and they are also attached by spraying. As a result, the appearance itself speaks of a quality product, since it turns out to be identical to the fur cover of the animal.

In addition to polyacrylonitrile, a polyester fiber is present in the composition of the villi - it is also called lavsan, and kapron or a polyamide component.

The villi or hairs are attached to the base itself by using 3 methods:

  1. Knitting firmware. It involves tying the villi into the warp thread.
  2. Fabric stitching. Synthetic fibers are already included in the warp thread.
  3. Glue. The villi adhere, and the result is a very wear-resistant material that can be combed.

The option of gluing the fibers makes the product look like fur of nutria, arctic fox, mink. As a result, the most beautiful eco-fur coats from faux fur of this type come out.

To achieve this kind of similarity, the shrink method is used, that is, the product contains both long villi and small, fluffy ones. As you know, in animals, fur has the same structure.

To introduce various variations of faux fur into the masses, it is often dyed in other colors that are similar to a natural product. Even the material can be trimmed if necessary, to make some fibers shorter and some longer.

Distinctive features

Eco fur - distinctive features

What is eco-fur and what makes it different? Modern manufacturing technology has achieved unprecedented results in the form of a homogeneous canvas, which is almost impossible to distinguish from a real product. Eco-fur today is a warm material that copes with all the hardships of the weather. Unlike natural fur, ecological fur is capable of not letting moisture in, keeping its shape for a long time, not slipping and not caking. Eco-fur in the photo even looks much better than natural.

It is very different from the "predecessor" in technical parameters:

  1. Weight.
  2. Softness and suppleness.
  3. The homogeneity of the fibers.
  4. Resistant to wet weather.
  5. Keeps all the heat inside, does not let the cold pass.
  6. Worn for a long time, remains in perfect condition.

Artificial eco-fur has greatly changed all its indicators over the past century. Previously, it was an uncomfortable, quickly wearing material, which, moreover, did not look very beautiful. Now eco-fur began to look luxurious and warm better.

What is eco-fur for?

Eco fur inserts

Now very often there are products based on fur at fashion shows. Designers actively use it to reveal their ideas to the fullest. Many girls dream of getting an exclusive little thing to look stylish and fashionable.

The fact is that the sizes of things from such a material are very easy to adjust. At the same time, its integrity is not violated. Judging by the design ideas, eco-coats from various types of fibers, any color and style are in fashion. Eco-fur is often used to trim a leather jacket or decorate a hood, sleeves or collar. Especially popular are various leather cases with set-in pieces of eco-fur.

Differences from Furs

Fur vs eco fur

Fur is a well-known basis for fur coats, and one of the most popular. Eco-fur has not yet fully surpassed it in its characteristics. Knowing what eco-fur is, a person can assume that fur in moisture conditions shows itself better. But many modern environmental models can give odds even to such a dense material.

Eco-fur is not able to warm up the body as much as furs can do. No matter how hard a person tries, natural fibers are time-tested and heat better. Fur also looks different - it is even softer and smoother than eco-fur.

Perhaps in the near future this gap between ecological and real fur will be filled, and the first one can easily replace natural products. This is necessary not only to save money, but also to save the lives of poor animals who are tortured.

Cons of natural material

Despite many positive traits, furs also have negative traits. First of all, this is the difficulty of extraction, since to create a beautiful fur coat you need fur from an animal that was fed correctly, looked after its fur. If you do not observe such moments, then the fur will be faded, rare and ugly.

Natural fibers, as you know, are short-lived not only because of hair loss, but also because of the moth, which eats it with great pleasure. Moth lays its larvae on the material, and they feed on it during growth. For this reason, the product is very difficult to properly clean and process. This requires knowledge of the optimum temperature for storage, as well as the availability of special tools.

For many centuries, the cost of furs has not decreased, so you have to spend a lot.

The benefits of eco-friendly models

Advantages of eco-fur

The main advantages include:

  1. Many animals survive, so it is quite possible to avoid the extinction of some groups.
  2. Less harm is also done to the environment as a whole. It is not for nothing that such fur was called ecological.
  3. Children should not accept the fact that it is necessary to kill animals. Due to this, they become less aggressive in relation to nature and everything.
  4. More loyal value.
  5. Eco-fur is not difficult to care for, some types can even be washed.
  6. Moth does not eat material, so there is no need for additional processing.
  7. An ecological look is made much easier than a natural one.
  8. A variety of sizes, and the product is created from solid pieces.
  9. It has less weight compared to real fur.
  10. It looks no less luxurious, many models surpass natural coats many times in beauty.
  11. Allows for a low cost to always look stylish and fashionable.


Ecological fur passes cold air to a greater extent than natural furs. Today, creators are actively working on this, so many models that are much more expensive will provide heat.

The product is sufficiently electrified itself, transmitting a reaction to hair and other clothes. This is a weightless flaw, but many girls are terribly worried.

Some models are not as durable as others. When choosing it is important to consider who the manufacturer is. If the fur coat from eco-fur is original, then there will be no problems with the wearing period.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22483/

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