Weddings in prison: the necessary documents, a description of the procedure. Consequences of marrying a prisoner

Weddings in prison are becoming commonplace that no longer surprise society. There is an opinion that the correctional branch encourages them to motivate prisoners to appropriate behavior for early release. The reason is the increased opportunities for dating. Unauthorized persons are not allowed to enter such establishments. Weddings in prison are also for good reason, where thoughts govern love. In any case, in order to carry out an ambiguous event, it is necessary to spend efforts to overcome obstacles.

Wedding in the Casemates

On what basis?

To conclude a family union at an official level, in any place is possible only by mutual agreement. This procedure is declarative in nature. Weddings in prison according to legal principles are no different from holding them in the wild. All the same, marriage bonds are regulated by the RF IC according to the approved provisions and rules. Only the attitude to criminals is strict, the law does not provide for any privileges and concessions, even if they dream of a wedding in prison.

The prisoner must meet the requirements:

  • earn a marriage by dignified behavior;
  • obtain permission in writing;
  • not have disciplinary sanctions;
  • to come of age;
  • marriage is with a member of the opposite sex.

In our country, not only same-sex relations are suppressed, but also the distribution of appeals on this topic.

Convicted in church

Can I invite friends?

In Russia, the majority of the population and the law still support traditional family foundations. Register partners after reaching 18 years of age. This term is allowed to be reduced to 16 years for future parents if the bride is pregnant.

The lattice does not exempt from paying state fees. But they can invite 2 guests. The presence of strangers is documented and issued a permit. Participants in the festivities will have to pay money to the state treasury for a marriage with a prisoner and buy a certificate. Such certificates are not distributed free of charge.

Love through the bars

Legislative regulation

Any legal relationship in which registration is provided for must take place in accordance with legislative provisions. The marriage is based on Federal Law No. 143-FZ on acts of civil status. You can sign a couple, taking into account the norms established in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, not contradicting the Family Code.

To implement the procedure, the absence of:

  • another official marriage;
  • registration of relations with a close relative;
  • belonging to the second half in the form of an adoptive parent, guardian, adoptive parent;
  • recognition of incapacity.

The Federal Law on Civil Status Acts states that certain bodies have powers to marry if there are no registry offices in the region. The act describes in detail the procedure for its conduct, who has the right to fulfill them. There is nothing regarding the premises, it is important that the executors are officials empowered by the authority. The registry office employee comes to the correctional facility for the procedure, and the head of this institution allocates a specially equipped room, after agreeing all the nuances.

Documentary Kit

Without papers, no registration process takes place. Subjects have to collect confirmation of legal facts:

  • civil status;
  • birth;
  • ID cards.

The law requires that the necessary documents be presented for organizing a wedding in prison:

  • marriage passports - they are kept by prisoners in the administration of the correctional institution;
  • a statement completed and signed by both parties;
  • minors need permission from the court;
  • receipts of payment of state duty.

The ceremony should be held without alcoholic beverages and other prohibited excesses, which the administration will warn in advance. All participants must appear without signs of intoxication.

Single bride

Who turns to the registry office?

Everything was decided between a couple in love, they decided to get married, but between them there are so many barriers, prohibitions and restrictions. It is necessary to determine the procedure for holding a wedding in prison, how to apply. A free person goes to the registry office in the region of his residence or to the office located next to the colony. The employee will give him a form to fill out, then check with the documents, if there are no errors, sign and fix it with a seal. The applicant sends him to prison, where the second participant in the procedure is serving time.

This document is divided into 2 sections. One part is filled by the groom, the other by the bride, each with his own hand. The head of the zone will check the correctness of the specified data, assure with his signature and transfer it back to the registry office. The paper will be there until the time comes for the marriage. On reflection, the bride and groom are given a month.

It is not necessary to start a procedure for a free citizen. A prisoner can take actions in a similar manner if the boss provides him with a blank form and calls his other half and the notary public to confirm the intentions in the application.

The beauty of marriage

What can be brought to the celebration?

Registration of marriage is allowed even for convicts with the death penalty - life imprisonment. There are real examples when women find ways to get to know serial killers and seek eternal union with them.

It is difficult for a free person to imagine a wedding in prison, how the registration goes. Television footage shows how beautifully, in accordance with the situation, the bride and groom are dressed with rings on their ring fingers. The availability of outfits, photographers and other cute little things depends on how the convicted person recommended himself during the time of his imprisonment. If there were no complaints and the head is ready to provide territory for official registration of family ties, there will be no problems with the question of what needs to be acquired for marriage in prison:

  • dress or suit;
  • rings;
  • Food;
  • passes for all participants.
    Prison bride

In what order is the procedure carried out?

A thorough check will be carried out of all those brought into the accessory area. The registry office employee and free guests will be taken to a special room. In separate rooms the heroes of the occasion will change their clothes. When all the participants have gathered, the plenipotentiary representative will read out the required speech, show where to sign.

This ends the procedure. As a congratulatory prize, the newlyweds will be given 3 days of dating. The brought grocery set is just useful for this. Upon completion, the prisoner returns to the cell in a prison "robe", the ring returns to his wife.

Is ceremonial taking place everywhere?

Such a process is possible in the most ideal dreams. Not everyone is allowed special clothes and long dates, and the rings are made of metal, and such products are not supposed to be carried to a closed territory.

Solemn musical accompaniment, photographers and alcohol, even with a glass of champagne, will not be allowed to use. The bride and groom can drop into the designated room for 5 minutes and quickly return to work. This time is just enough to put their signatures under the agreement.

Prison love

Sad or happy consequences?

Television shows appeared on screens to tell the public what β€œamazing” relationships we have. Or talk about such situations, so that some segments of the population are struck by the presence of a special form of perversion, a mockery of their own destiny. Perhaps someone believes that a person who has more than a dozen destroyed lives on his conscience finally understood everything, repented, changed.

There are examples when a newfound wife is told about the injustice of sentences, corruption of courts and absolute innocence. The proof is unfounded allegations, blasphemy against the executive branch. The spouse begins to work fruitfully, earning on transfers, lawyers and collecting facts for early release.

Recently, the director of a leading television channel showed a footage of a romantic relationship between a former killer and an investigator dismissed from organs, their marriage. They ask God for help in shortening their life sentence and very regret the ruined 16 fates. The wife herself chose a similar path and the consequences of marrying a special category prisoner, having lost her career, putting romantic blinders on her eyes.

Kiss the groom

Analytical facts

Statistics is an amazing thing, it keeps track of any life events:

  • analysts worked out an increased number of registrations in places not so remote;
  • sociologists have studied the foundations;
  • lawyers investigated the circumstances.

The result was an unpleasant picture. Marriage ties with prisoners brought a lot of trouble into life:

  • court employees;
  • legal field of activity;
  • investigation and inquiry officers;
  • public prosecutors;
  • bankers.

Even the leaders of such serious bodies turned her head:

  • the false romance of the "sitters";
  • a woven branch of unproven facts of justice errors;
  • weak verses that magnify the extraordinary beauty of the soul and body of a partner;
  • the promise of endless happiness and lack of material cares.

As a result, the convict seeks;

  • legal sex on dates;
  • delicious grocery sets;
  • tea and cigarettes;
  • warm, comfortable clothes;
  • various privileges claimed from the spouse.

So that the eyes do not see, and the mind is not cleansed of trusting, refined hopes, songs of praise continue with fervent declarations of eternal love. When the deadline ends, completely different images come out to freedom, not those that the deceived soul absorbed. Perhaps a husband will come who has experienced grief. He will wish family, warmth and delicious homemade cabbage. It happens, on the contrary, perverts return, they try to pour on the defenseless person in front of them all the bitterness of humiliation that they had to experience during the prison term.

The book of books the Bible teaches humanity to choose their own path. The constitution in this case is also in solidarity, it gives citizens freedom, forbids only to cross the legislative line.


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