State bodies: concept, signs, types, functions and powers

Each person is a small piece of the whole state. In order to maintain order and peace in the world, people came up with a law. After that, organizations appeared that monitored its implementation. Modern man cannot imagine his life without any restrictions. But this only serves as a benefit to him. After all, if everyone calmly begins to do whatever they want, chaos, panic and endless crimes will fall on the world.

Local government

In this article we will consider the concepts, signs and types of state bodies. Since the state is a social institution, it has several very important principles: sovereignty, taxes and duties, territorial division of the population, and the exclusive right to adopt normative legal acts and laws. But someone should closely monitor and punish violators of this order. State authorities are divided into higher, lower, federal, central, local, regional and so on. It is about this and not only that we will tell today.

The concept of a state body

The state body is a separate part of the state apparatus. It has its own authority. In other words, it is the most important in those subjects in which a state body acts on behalf of states, and also implements its functions. Signs:

  • the receipt of finances from the budget;
  • endowed with public law competence;
  • included in the system of the state apparatus;
  • organizational independence in carrying out the functions and tasks assigned to the body;
  • inner unity.
Judicial Branch

The state apparatus is a system of state bodies (institutions and organizations) that regulate the society through the branches of government (legislative, executive, judicial), as well as various methods and forms of government influence. The state apparatus is distinguished by the following principles of functioning: legality, centralism, democracy, mutual responsibility of the state and society and professionalism.

Classification of state bodies

Classification is also the main object of study, as well as the concept, characteristics and types of state bodies. A state body can be classified:

  1. In order of formation, bodies directly elected by the people (President of the Russian Federation, State Duma, legislative bodies of constituent entities of the Federation).
  2. According to the form of implementation of activities.
  3. According to the principle of separation of powers.
  4. By hierarchy (local, republican and central).
  5. By the nature of submission.
  6. By terms of office.
  7. By legal forms of activity (law enforcement, law-making and law enforcement).
  8. By the nature of competence.
  9. Implementation of competence (divided into sole and collective).
Organ functions

These transfers are established rules and norms that are guided by the provisions in the work and determine the basic approaches to the functioning and formation of bodies.

What are the features of the legislature?

The peculiarity of legislative state bodies is the following distinctive characteristics:

  • representative body;
  • body of sovereignty of the people;
  • the legislature (the only one issuing laws);
  • primary authority (created by a society that resides in the state);
  • collegial body;
  • a body with supreme financial authority (approves the state budget, accepts reports on its implementation, and so on);
  • body establishing its competence independently.

The vertical hierarchical system of subordination does not have legislative bodies. The activities of state bodies in this case are aimed at the approval of laws.

Representative bodies and their types

In a federal state, there are three types of representative bodies. Namely:

  1. The highest bodies of the state (for example, parliament).
  2. Authorities and management entities.
  3. Local government bodies.
Authority of the State: concept, characteristics and types

The functions of the parliament are in the direction of its activities:

  • representative (expresses the sovereignty of the people);
  • legislative (parliament passes laws);
  • control (fully controls the composition and activities of the Government, as well as the Central Bank);
  • financial (approval and control of the state budget).

What are the features of the executive branch?

Law enforcement agencies of the state are the executive branch. This power differs from others in that:

  1. It has a managerial character.
  2. Her activity is of a forceful nature.
  3. The executive branch has limited competence, and therefore the nature of formation is derivative.
  4. Building a hierarchical principle.
  5. The nature of subordination.
  6. It covers all areas of public life.
  7. It has a specific character of functions.
The highest bodies of Russia

The state executive body has three forms:

  1. Monocratic (this is when power is in the hands of the head of state, the government forms).
  2. Dualistic (the head of the country enters into the represented power and the Government reports to the parliament).
  3. Collegial (this is when the head of state forms a collegial body and decisions are made by majority).

Functions of state bodies:

  1. Executive activity.
  2. Administrative activity.

The first implements all decisions that have been taken by representative bodies. Due to by-laws, the latter exercises control.

Types of government

Types, signs and concepts of a state body are interconnected with each other. They differ in the grounds, namely:

  1. Primary and derivatives.
  2. Special and general competence.
  3. The principle of separation of powers.
  4. Legislature.
  5. Head of state.
  6. Executive bodies.
  7. The organs of justice.
  8. Power departments.
  9. Local government.

Many of the above listed species we examined above. But it is worth considering the fact that in a unitary state only one government is formed. And in the federal there are:

  • Government.
  • All-federal.
  • Government members of the federation.

The structure of justice (legal bodies of the state) is a complex system that consists of courts:

  • Civilians.
  • Military field.
  • Administrative.
  • Criminal

As well as other types of ships.

Legal bodies of the state

At the top of this system are the Constitutional and Supreme Courts. Power departments form the basis of the power of the state - these are the police, armed forces and security agencies. The three main state branches of government (legislative, judicial and executive) are single and sovereign. And they have a single source - this is the people.

Law enforcement

PD (law enforcement) is a type of state activity with the goal of protecting the law. Special authorized bodies applying legal measures of influence. In strict accordance with the law. The legislation of the Russian Federation states that in order to prevent offenses an authorized person is allowed to restrict rights and freedoms.

Law enforcement agencies are divided into state and non-state. State include:

  • The prosecutor’s office.
  • Court.
  • The police.
  • FSB (Federal Security Service).
  • Customs

In turn, they include: advocacy, notaries, detective agencies and other branches.


In this article, we have studied in detail the concept, signs and types of a state body. It is necessary to correctly and accurately classify organs. Features of the legislative body is expressed in the fact that it is not only representative, but establishes its competence independently and is the body of the sovereignty of society.

Coat of arms of the Russian Federation

The legislative powers also include: the adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the establishment of taxes and fees, holds a legal referendum and selects leaders for the executive branch. The executive branch monitors the implementation of the law in the country. The judicial system is aimed at administering justice. It is a constitutionally separate and independent branch.


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