How is the storm water well arranged? What materials are such structures made of?

Many of you are well aware of how much rainfall is needed in a private home. It prevents the destruction of the foundation under the influence of rain and melt water. In today's article we will consider the design features of such systems.

What does the storm sewer consist of?

This system is a whole network of closed or open channels. They are connected to catchment areas at their intersection. Storm sewage consists of canals, water collectors, sand traps and filters. In addition, it includes a viewing and storm water well. The latter has the form of a rectangular container made of polypropylene or polymer concrete.

The principle of the system

Those who do not know what stormwater is in a private house often confuse it with a drainage drainage system consisting of a whole network of pipes that are laid below the foundation level. Despite some similarities, these systems have a different device and purpose.

storm water well

Installation of storm sewers is carried out simultaneously with the laying of the roof. Around the perimeter of the roof is a whole network of gutters, funnels and gutters. Under each pipe there is a storm water inlet. It is connected to a system by which water is removed from the site.

Design features of storm water inlets

Just note that they consist of several elements. The kit includes a sunroof grill, a bottom with a tray and a glass. The latter is also called a cartridge. Excess garbage and dirt are collected in it, so it must be systematically cleaned. The glass consists of a sealing base, a basket and a caisson partition.

storm in a private house

The removable grill is made of metal or plastic. Cast iron hatches that can withstand significant loads are most often installed on concrete wells . Typically, this option is mounted on the roadway. For plastic constructions, lighter gratings of storm water inlets made of galvanized steel are suitable. Such products are resistant to corrosion. But they cost an order of magnitude more expensive. The cheapest and short-lived are plastic hatches. They are recommended for use in small areas where there is no heavy traffic.

Existing varieties

Depending on the structural features that characterize this or that storm water inlet well, they can be divided into two main groups. The first includes products with a once-through outlet located in the bottom of the case. The drains falling inside such a structure move from top to bottom. One of the main advantages of vertical storm water inlets is considered to be a fairly large throughput. The most important disadvantages include the impossibility of arranging a hydraulic shutter.

sunroof grill

The second group includes structures with a lateral outlet mounted in one of the walls of the housing. The vertical flow that has fallen inside such a receiver changes the trajectory of motion in the horizontal plane. Such a design is not able to provide high throughput. But it can be equipped with a hydraulic shutter, which prevents the further spread of unpleasant odors from the storm sewer system.

Vertical receivers of the first type are often used to equip sewage canals located along roads. Horizontal structures belonging to the second category are usually used to divert drains from the foundations of residential or communal buildings. In addition, the storm water inlets produced today can be classified depending on the material used to produce them. The most popular are polymer, cast iron and concrete structures. Each of these varieties has its advantages and disadvantages.

Plastic sewage well

More recently, cast iron and concrete were used to manufacture this device. Modern manufacturers have added to this list one more modification created from high-strength plastic. At first glance, it seems that this is not a very practical innovation. However, the use of modern technologies allows us to make the design of such a storm water inlet as reliable as possible.

storm storm water inlets

Plastic has several significant advantages. First of all, it is lightweight and easy to install. A storm water well made of it is protected not only from corrosion, but also from chemical and mechanical damage.

Reinforced concrete structures

Such products can often be seen on the territory of industrial enterprises and fleets. Mounting them on a house plot is completely pointless. Firstly, reinforced concrete storm water inlets are quite heavy. To transport and install them, you will have to spend additional funds. And this, to put it mildly, is a considerable amount. In addition, in the process of assembling a similar design, it is necessary to use special equipment and several workers. Secondly, the device itself is considered an expensive pleasure. You will have to pay a tidy sum to purchase it.

gates of storm water inlets

In addition, a reinforced concrete storm water intake well requires additional waterproofing. In the course of work, a special composition is applied to its walls and bottom. Hot bitumen or cement mixed with water glass is often used for this.


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