How to remove low priority in Dota 2: tips

Today weโ€™ll talk about such a thing as low priority in the Dota 2 game so beloved by gamers. How to get rid of him, as well as what disadvantages does he carry with him? Let's get it right.

Low priority - what is it?

A low priority is a kind of punishment for harmful players (those who purposely fail the entire group to lose or who do not work as a team and do not help their allies) or for those who leave matches too often and thereby fail their comrades.

how to remove low priority in dota 2
In these cases, gamers file complaints against such participants, and eventually take action against them. As a result, they fall into low priority. Those players who leave the game automatically are credited with a ban (also called low "prior"). You can get it by repeatedly complaining about you or just leaving a couple of matches. With a low priority, you will not gain experience, you will not be able to complete tasks during the process. The whole point of the system is that this ban is extended upon subsequent leaving the games. Or as complaints accumulate. That is, for example, if you got a low priority for three missions and played it, then at the next bath you will get, say, 7. This principle will motivate players not to do this anymore. Or, at least, to do this only for great real need. And if you came just to mock the players, then sit in the bath all your life. But here there are problems: not all people are so bad, will you agree? For example, someone turned off the lights for more than five minutes, and he couldnโ€™t reconnect to the game and got a ban, or someone ran out of funds on the Internet balance account ... But, unfortunately, the developers didnโ€™t talk about it thought, so someday, no matter how hard you try, you still for one reason or another will get a low priority, alas ... And what to do in this case?

How to remove low priority in Dota 2

Not everyone knows how to get rid of this ban.

how to remove low priority in dota 2 without playing
So, now we will enlighten you on how to remove the low priority in Dota 2. It is worth recalling that if you rejected the search for a game when it was already selected for you, then you will only get a temporary ban for a couple of minutes. But in other cases, which we mentioned above, everything is much more complicated. Although, by and large, there is basically nothing to say about how to remove the low priority in Dota 2, because it canโ€™t be removed in any other way, except to just complete the mission as many times as the system itself asked you to. So the choice is not particularly great. Either play all the matches, or delete the game.

How to remove low priority in Dota 2 without playing

The answer to this question is very simple. No way! As we have said, it cannot be removed by any other means than those already described above. This is the way of everyone who got into the ban, and indeed, of all the participants in this game.

how to remove low priority in dota 2 quickly

In conclusion, here's a couple of tips on how to remove low priority in Dota 2 quickly. There are two options. The first is the easiest, suitable for those who have no friends to play together. Arrange with your team to finish the game quickly, and then simply lose to your opponent without any resistance. This option has a lot of advantages. Firstly, the mission will end quickly. Secondly, it is very easy, since getting out of the ban will not be difficult, in addition, no one will suffer, either mentally or physically. The second option is about the same, but here you do not have to negotiate with anyone, just lose specifically yourself. If your friends are not in the bathhouse, in any case they will be credited with experience (this is noted so that there are no unnecessary questions regarding the decency of such a step).

So, now you know everything about how to remove the low priority in Dota 2. Everyone a successful game!


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