Macaque with red booty: varieties and description

Among the abundance of diverse fauna, the greatest interest of ordinary people is caused by monkeys - they are too similar to us, and at the same time radically different from us. Watching primates is much more interesting than, say, a crocodile. And among the monkeys, macaques with a red booty are especially curious. Just because of the unusual color.

macaque with red booty

Small clarification

In fact, it is not entirely correct to call a monkey with a similar distinguishing feature โ€œmacaque with a red booty,โ€ because other species of primates have such a coloration of the backside. This phrase is rather colloquial, settled among people far from zoology. On the other hand, it clearly defines which animal is meant.

Japanese macaque with red booty

Macaca fuscata stands out a bit apart among monkeys with a defiantly colored seat. This is a species of primates, originally living in a very limited area - in the north of Honshu Island. Among their relatives, these macaques with red booty stand out because they live in climatic conditions unsuitable for monkeys.

Japanese macaques are medium in size: males are not higher than 95 centimeters, not heavier than 14 kilograms. Females are even lower, and in weight they lag behind males almost one and a half times. These monkeys have a very thick and long dark gray coat with a brownish tint. The โ€œfaceโ€ and buttocks of Japanese primates are bald and painted red. The tail is short, maximum 10 cm.

Japanese macaques (which have a red booty) are kept together, a flock can number up to hundreds of individuals, and the strictest hierarchy is observed in it. In the natural habitat, snow can lie up to four months, and the temperature does not rise above -4 Celsius. To survive the cold macaques help thermal springs, in which they are heated. And in order not to freeze, going with wet hair for food, Japanese monkeys set the duty. Individuals with dry skin carry food to warming relatives; after a strictly defined period of time, the tray climbs into the water, and already warmed up takes over the post.

Japanese primates are very intelligent animals. For communication within the community, they use a complex set of gestures and sounds, they tend to wash collected fruits, and adapt their diet to specific living conditions.

At the end of the 20th century, several individuals of Japanese macaques were introduced into Texas and perfectly lived in their new homeland. So now you can watch the monkeys not only on the island of Honshu.

hamadryl monkey

Hamadryl monkey

The second name is Fiery Baboon. Primates lead a terrestrial lifestyle and are more impressive in size than Japanese macaques. Males grow up to a meter and can weigh 30 kg, females are half as much. The fur resembles dry grass in color; in females the color is darker. These baboons are called lame because of the original growth of hair in males: on the shoulders and chest it is longer and resembles a cloak. Regardless of gender, the seat of the baboons is red, but the muzzle is flesh-colored. For communication, primates use sounds, gestures, facial expressions and even looks. Looking for food, hamadrils can cover 60 km per day. The main natural enemy of the hamadril monkey are leopards. However, if danger is noticed on time, a flock of lamellar baboons is able to fight off even a lion. So predators usually prey on sick or old individuals that monkeys often sacrifice for the safety of the rest of the community.

bear baboon


Bear Baboon is the largest representative of its species in South Africa. Like hamadrils, they live mainly in the rocks and feed on everything they can find: roots, lizards, scorpions. Locals claim that before eating the last Chakma gently removes the poisonous sting.

Bear baboons are very dangerous creatures. They can easily deal with dogs and can arrange an organized attack.

Chakma wool has a greenish-black color, along the back and limbs is a black withers. Babies are born very dark and brighten as they grow older.


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