Ussuri Nature Reserve: State Nature Reserve in the Primorsky Territory

Ussuriysk State Nature Reserve in Primorsky Krai carries out extensive work to preserve the country's natural wealth. Guests have the opportunity to see all the splendor of these places. They are given the chance to take a walk along the ecological trail. And visiting the local museum of nature, you will get even closer acquainted with the history and inhabitants of the reserve.


In 1913, the botanist L. Komarov came here to better study the local vegetation. But it was not possible to create a conservation zone on the territory immediately, but only in 1932. The Academy of Sciences of the USSR contributed to this. The territory was taken under special control in order to protect and preserve the rare species that were already in the Red Book of the country at that time.

Ussuri Nature Reserve

General information about the reserve

The reserve occupies the territory of the Ussuri and Shkotovsky regions. Its area is 40 432 ha. Here are the basins of the rivers Artemovka and Komarovka. One of the riches of these places is the liana broad-leaved forests, which almost disappeared in the Far East.


The Ussuri Nature Reserve is characterized by a low mountainous terrain. Some mountain peaks can reach 700 m, but basically the average height is 300-400 meters. Local rocks are shales, sandstones, porous basalts, quartz porphyry. There are also diabase and andesitic porphyrites, which make up a narrow dividing ridge. There are limestone exits on the north side of the reserve, and a beautiful rock massif known as Zmeinka consists of them. It has a cave with the poetic name Sleeping Beauty.

On the territory there are mountain forest types of soils with different thicknesses. There are also sod-alluvial and alluvial-brown soil types characteristic of river valleys.

State Nature Reserve in the Primorsky Territory


The Ussuriisky Reserve belongs to the Amuro-Ussuriisky climatic region, which is characterized by a temperate climate with monsoon features. For a year of frost-free days, there are approximately 105-120. If you subtract the average annual temperature, it is 2.5 ° C. August is the warmest month with an average of 19.7 ° C. January (the coldest month) is -17.9 ° C. But on the ground, an absolute maximum of 60 , and a minimum –32 . An average of 700-800 mm of precipitation falls annually, but dry years (500 mm) and rainy (1200 mm) occur. The average annual humidity is 70-80%.

So, in general, the climate is characterized: summers are warm, humid, winters are not very snowy, moderately severe.


The flora of the Ussuri Nature Reserve is very diverse, despite the fact that about 98% of the territory is occupied by mixed, coniferous and broad-leaved forests. But the most widespread coniferous-deciduous forests (42% of the total area).

Employees of the reserve conducted a study and calculated the number of plant species among them: mushrooms - more than 1000, about 820 species of vascular, 250 mosses, about 200 species of algae, hundreds of lichens.

flora of the Ussuri reserve

Among the tree species widespread here is Korean cedar (it is also pine cedar), white fir, whole-leaved fir, yellow birch, heart-shaped hornbeam, Manchurian walnut, ayan spruce. Also prevail are linden Take, linden Amur and Manchurian, elm lobed and valley, small-leaved maple and other breeds.

In addition, the Ussuriisky Reserve is rich in shrubs, including: honeysuckle, spirea, Manchurian hazel, small-leaved mock, Eleutherococcus. Lianines include Chinese magnolia vine, actinidia colomictus and argument, Amur grapes.

A lot of herbs grow on the territory. Of these, the most common are different types of thyroid, sedge, horsetail, coomber, sorrel, cornflower and others.

But the main value remains the plants listed in the Red Book. These include genital yew, real ginseng, Chinese princepia , solid juniper , seven-bladed kalopanaks and densely flowered pine.

Ussuri Nature Reserve: animals and birds

Ussuri Nature Reserve Amur Tiger
Since the territory is completely under the cover of the forest, this created excellent conditions for many living creatures. In these places, animals typical of forests have found refuge. So the Ussuriisky Nature Reserve preserves 62 species of mammals in its halls, more than 160 species of birds, 7 - reptiles, 6 - amphibians, 12 - fish and cyclostomes. There are many invertebrates, among which 32 species are in the Red Book. In the reserve you can meet the largest beetle of the country - the relic barbel. Also, large butterflies fly here - the tail of the Maak, the Brahmey Tankre, Saturnia Artemis.

The reserve is home to many badgers, wild boars, squirrels, red-gray voles, columns, Manchurian deer. Woodpeckers (gray-haired and white-backed), oatmeal (gray-headed and yellow-headed), hazel grouse, black-headed gaits, and white-bellied tits are among the birds. But it is worth noting that river birds prevail here.

Ussuri Nature Reserve

The purpose of the reserve is to preserve rare species from extinction, therefore, many individuals listed in the Red Book live here. Among the birds, these include hawk buzzard, mandarin duck, pimento scoop, crested beetle, black stork and others. In addition to birds, there are such animals as the Far Eastern forest cat, giant shrew, Himalayan bear, East Siberian leopard, sika deer and many others that are protected by the Ussuri Nature Reserve. The Amur tiger was also able to increase its population due to living here.

Rare invertebrates are found in the reserve, for example, the grasshopper Uvarova, as well as the narrow-chested ground beetle.

In the reserve there is a center for the education of orphaned cubs, which are released with age.

Information for guests of the reserve

Those who wish to visit these amazing places should know that there are special routes that are designed to better explore the flora and fauna. At the end of the journey there are observation platforms with a view of the forest. In the very center of the reserve is the house where Komarov lived, and nearby - his burial place. Also, one of the curious objects is Mount Zmeinka with caves, in one of which you can see interesting relief images made in ancient times.


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