How to get to Alushta from Simferopol Airport: options and recommendations

Many vacationers are interested in how to get from Simferopol airport to Alushta. In the material presented, we consider the optimal solutions that will help to cope with the task. Let's find out how to get to Alushta. Options for the paths will be presented later.

About local public transport

how to get to alushta from simferopol airport
How to get to Alushta from Simferopol airport? Most vacationers rely on public transport. The latter cannot be called modern or comfortable. Mostly old Soviet buses and trolleybuses of the Soviet model, which are not equipped with the latest equipment, are accessible to tourists. At the same time, a trip in vehicles released in the middle of the last century in itself looks like a good adventure at the start of the trip.

There are no problems boarding public transport upon arrival at the airport during daylight hours. Since local buses and trolleybuses run here regularly at intervals of no more than 10-15 minutes. However, with the onset of the evening, idle at stops sometimes takes more than half an hour. Another problem may be the need to wait in line at the box office to purchase tickets for public transport. Long lines often form at the peak of the holiday season.


Simferopol alushta how to get from the airport
What distance will have to be overcome for those who are looking for a solution, how to get to Alushta from Simferopol airport? These points are located at a distance of 47 km from each other. In order to overcome this distance, in the worst case, you will need to spend about 2 hours on the road. Travel time will depend on the influx of vacationers in a certain period and, accordingly, the congestion of tracks.

Simferopol - Alushta: how to get from the airport by bus?

From stops at the terminals of the international airport you can get to the Central bus or railway station of the city. Once here, vacationers get the opportunity to get not only to Alushta, but also to any other resort place in the Crimea.

To get to the Central Bus Station from the airport, just take a bus ticket number 49 or 49A. Such public transport runs here at intervals of 5-10 minutes. As for travel time, it will take about 40 minutes to travel. Travel to the bus station will cost some 10-15 rubles.

You can get to Simferopol Train Station from the airport using the buses that run on routes 54 and 55. Transfer takes about half an hour. Among other things, minibuses No. 115, No. 98 and No. 100 go to the railway station. The fare here will be about 15 rubles.

How to get to Alushta from Simferopol airport directly? In order not to waste time traveling to the bus station or train station, it is worth using regular transport, which will deliver directly to the resort. Buses that follow the Simferopol – Alushta route depart from the airport from morning to late evening. The cost of such a move will be more than 100 rubles. As for luggage, it will have to be paid separately.


Which transport is convenient to follow in the direction of Simferopol – Alushta? How to get from the airport? To do this, you can use the so-called tranexpress. The latter is a bus or trolley bus that runs the route around the clock, without making intermediate stops. In the daytime, such transport is served at the airport stops at intervals of 10 minutes, and at night - at 20 minutes. The presence of a round-the-clock trolley bus greatly facilitates the life of vacationers who arrive at the airport in the first half of the day. The stop for tranexpression is approximately 150 meters from the exit of the airport terminal. You can find it by asking the staff of the airport terminal.

Trolley bus

how to get from simferopol airport to alushta
How to get to Alushta from Simferopol airport by trolley bus? You can get to the resort town using transport that follows routes 54 and 55. Trolleybuses from the airport begin to ride from 7 a.m. Transfers stop at 21:30. Trolleybuses in the direction of Alushta run at intervals of one hour. If we talk about the cost of travel, it ranges from 80 to 100 rubles, depending on the degree of height of the holiday season.


Simferopol alushta how to get from the airport by bus
How to quickly overcome the Simferopol – Alushta route? How to get from the airport by taxi? Near the exit from the terminal, there are many cars waiting for vacationers who are ready to take to the resort town. This option looks convenient when you need to quickly make a transfer with the whole family in the presence of a large amount of baggage. It is recommended to dwell on this decision also for those who arrive at the airport at night.

The distance to Alushta by taxi is overcome in about an hour. As for the cost of the trip, it will be no more than 1700 rubles. If desired, a smaller amount can be agreed with individual drivers.

Transfer to order

One of the most convenient options that will allow you to get to Alushta with comfort is the organization of an individual transfer by car. In this case, you don’t have to jostle in a crowded bus or trolleybus, dragging huge suitcases behind you. Using the services of the appropriate services, you can choose any suitable car that will be served at the exit from the airport terminal at the right time. If you plan a trip in a large group, an alternative to a car can be a registered bus. The only drawback of this option is the high cost.

Car rent

how to quickly get to the airport of simferopol from alushta
How to quickly get to Simferopol Airport from Alushta and make a transfer in the opposite direction? You can cope with the task by renting a car. To do this, you should book a car in advance using the services of the Skyscanner Car Hire Internet service, or contact the appropriate companies that work directly at the airport for help. The cost of renting a car will be from 1500 rubles per day.

How to get from Simferopol airport to Alushta by rental car? Having departed from the terminal of the airport terminal, you need to turn onto Lenin Street. Then you need to drive in a roundabout and take the second exit. After a few kilometers, you should turn onto Vorovsky Street, and then get to Vernadsky Avenue. Once on the Yalta highway, you need to move to the exit on the highway E-105. If you go in a straight line without turning anywhere, then you will immediately enter directly into Alushta. In order not to get lost along the way, you should pay attention to road signs. However, most of the cars that are rented at the airport of Simferopol contain a navigation system that will not allow you to go astray.


how to get to alushta path options
So we examined the available solutions that allow you to get from Simferopol Airport to Alushta. Preferring one or another option should be based on the breadth of the available budget, the requirements of comfort, the amount of luggage and time that it is not a pity to spend on the road.


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