Republic of Belarus, health resort "Dnieper"

Are all the wonderful health resorts located in distant lands? And no! The island of healing miracles of nature and medicine is fraught with Belarus. Pridneprovsky sanatorium combines natural and scientific factors, offering tourists not only medical procedures, but also a comfortable, memorable vacation.

Be healthy!

Sanatorium treatment is often associated with a doctor’s prescription, diagnosis and a bunch of medical certificates. Of course, a sanatorium can be of help in the treatment of existing ailments. We should not forget that spa treatment is an excellent prevention of malfunctions in the body and a way to tune in with nature. Good opportunities for this are offered by Belarus.

Belarus sanatorium Dnieper

Pridneprovsky sanatorium is not only medical procedures and proper nutrition, but also walks, movement, clean air, healthy sleep. Usually sanatoriums are located in ecologically clean corners of nature, near sources, mud, ponds and coniferous forests.

This is a great way to relax, restore strength, eliminate ailments. Choosing a sanatorium, there is no need to go far at all - there are health resorts not across the seas and oceans. One of them is located in the Republic of Belarus (Rogachev).

Sanatorium "Dnieper" what is famous for?

Its geographical location is almost perfect: nearby transport interchanges, and around pure nature in pristine beauty. There are no industrial giants near, but you can admire the Dnieper, forest, water meadows, breathe fresh air and walk along the many trails and alleys for pleasure - such a miracle Belarus offers.

Pridneprovsky sanatorium is a well-known balneo-mud and climatic resort in the area of ​​the city of Rogachev, not far from the regional center - Gomel. More than fifty years ago, sources of mineral healing waters, with sodium chloride and calcium sulfate composition, were discovered here. At that time, the healing properties of the mud of a local fresh lake were discovered.

health resort Dnieper Belarus

Sapropelic mud became one of the main therapeutic procedures, since their healing properties were almost wonderful. Mud applications heal vacationers from many ailments and are used in various variations, including electro-mud and tampons.

The geographical location of the institution adds another healing factor - the climate. Amazing proximity of the Dnieper, forests and water meadows, as well as mild natural conditions make the resort also climatic. Air and sun baths here not only accompany a pleasant walk, but also have a healing effect.

What is being treated here?

Each sanatorium is endowed with a certain specialization, it has a sanatorium "Pridneprovsky". Belarus takes vacationers with diseases:

  • musculoskeletal system;
  • peripheral nervous system;
  • genitourinary tract infections of both men and women.

The named diseases are profile. However, the variety of natural and climatic conditions allows the health workers of the sanatorium to prescribe courses of treatment for the gastrointestinal tract and for respiratory diseases.

Belarus Rogachev sanatorium Dnieper

Medical here and nutrition. The spacious dining room offers vacationers a varied menu using healthy and nutritious products, as well as fasting "themed" days: fish, dairy, fruit and vegetable.

Crockery and dining room equipment fully comply with sanitary and technological requirements, and the use of local mineral drinks contributes to a good healthy appetite.

Infrastructure for people

Despite the fact that the founder of the institution was still Soviet Belarus, the Pridneprovsky sanatorium is a modern resort. Rooms of different "stars", medical equipment, well-developed infrastructure and qualified staff create a wonderful fusion of medical and spa facilities.

Vacationers here can both improve their health and relax with comfort. On the territory of the institution there are platforms for recreation, the ability to book exciting excursions and trips, a shuttle to the station is provided.

reviews health resort Dnieper Belarus

Infrastructure includes a familiar banking terminal, a currency exchange, kiosks of printed materials, a playground, a hairdresser, gyms, a bar, billiards, a rental point.

Reviews: health resort "Dnieper"

Belarus is a hospitable country that receives not only local residents, but also tourists from other countries. However, judging by the reviews, not everyone is satisfied - something from the Soviet service has been preserved.

Some vacationers blamed on poor nutrition, but others spoke positively of the menu. Someone did not like the repair in the neighboring building. Opinions are divided on the numbers: for some, the existing minimum is enough, someone is dissatisfied with the simplicity of decoration and furnishings.

There were complaints about the behavior of the staff, however, much praise was given on this issue. Tourists are especially impressed by the surrounding nature, clean and bewitching. Almost everything agreed on one thing - the price of a ticket corresponds to the quality of the services provided.


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