Turkey's best white sand beaches: ranking

Every year, over fifteen million tourists from all over the world relax in Turkey on the country's best beaches. Many of these magnificent places are well known to travelers from Russia. The coastline of this country is truly unique. In each resort area you can find your own personal oasis. To do this, just get out of the hotel and go to the sea.

Today we will present you the best sandy beaches in Turkey. Perhaps not everyone knows that some of them have been awarded the Blue Flag flag of flawlessness and clean water. I must say that experienced travelers prefer the best white sand beaches of Turkey. The hotels in the neighborhood with them are always full, and those wishing to settle here reserve rooms in advance.

the best beaches of turkey with white sand

White or close to this color sand in combination with turquoise waves is an ideal picture for all lovers of beach holidays. The attractiveness of the best white sand beaches in Turkey is understandable: white is a symbol of cleanliness and pristine nature. All the most beautiful places on our planet have beaches with white sand. True, a trip to distant exotic islands is far from accessible to everyone, and close and so beautiful Turkey is always glad to guests from Russia.

Are there white sand beaches in Turkey?

Turkey has a unique geographical position. Its coast is washed by four seas. For this reason, the beaches here can differ significantly from each other. However, Turkey’s white sand beaches are considered the best. But it should be understood that Turkish beaches are not snow-white. The color of Turkish sand does not differ in contrast and saturation. Such an ideal color, as, for example, in Goa, you will not be able to find in Turkey.

Turkey’s best white sand beaches can have golden impurities that create an incredible tonality. In this sand is surprisingly soft. Tourists note that often it resembles large semolina. Below we will present you the 10 best white sand beaches of Turkey . We hope that this short review will help you choose the best place to stay.

best white sand turkey beaches hotels

Kaputas Beach

According to Russian tourists, some of Turkey’s best white sand beaches can be compared in beauty to popular island resorts. These include Kaputash beach. It is distinguished by its miniature size framed by picturesque rocks and is the hallmark of this country.

The sand here is really snow-white, and the waters are bright turquoise. The beach is surrounded by a narrow canyon, which gives this resort a special attraction. To get to this beach is not easy at all, but tourists, eager for stunning spectacles, often come here to see an extraordinary miracle of nature.


Undoubtedly, this is a very picturesque and popular beach in Turkey, located near the small resort village of Patara. It stretched about twenty kilometers. Great place for lovers of secluded relaxation and low prices. The cost of a double room in hotels averages one and a half thousand rubles a day.

Turkey's best white sand beaches

Patara settlement has existed for more than one thousand years, and once it was the main harbor. According to legend, Saint Nicholas was born here, who later became Santa Claus. South of the village (1.5 km) there are ancient ruins - an amphitheater, a triumphal arch, a necropolis, the ruins of a basilica and a term.

True blue beach

Speaking of holidays in Turkey, quite often we forget about the noisy and lively Istanbul. But on the coast of the Sea of ​​Marmara there is a unique beach - True Blue Beach. A magnificent view of the sea and a narrow strip of perfectly clean, almost white sand - this beach is not intended for mass recreation. If you manage to get here, you will love this beautiful place forever. On the beach there are cafes, restaurants. Here you can enjoy your favorite water sports.


This is a very popular resort that maintains an amazing harmony between the thin ecosystem in which huge turtles live and thousands of tourists. The length of this beach is almost four kilometers. Around built magnificent hotels that can satisfy the needs of all vacationers. The beach is located in the reserve. In addition to the amazing white sand, tourists can enjoy the dizzying landscapes. A characteristic feature of this resort is the fact that it is washed, in addition to the Mediterranean Sea, also by river water.

the best beaches of turkey with white sand photo


Photos of Turkey’s best white sand beaches often adorn brochure pages. Many tourists, dreaming of a paradise holiday, have in mind this particular beach, which, due to its solitude, is almost untouched and pristine. Legends make up his beauty. Visiting Fethiye beach, you may get the impression that you left hospitable Turkey and transferred, at least to the Maldives. Bright white sand flows smoothly into pebbles when you begin to enter the water.

Turkey's best white sand beaches rating

This is not a disadvantage, since bathing without protective shoes, your legs receive a wellness massage. The beach is located in a luxurious bay, in which dozens of hotels and hotels are built today. The bay is protected by a long scythe, so there are practically no strong currents and winds on this snow-white beach.


A rather remote, but incredibly picturesque beach, like a magnet, attracts lovers to soak up the sun. White sand and unusually beautiful landscapes around make the beach one of the most visited places in Turkey. Spreading palm trees combined with other exotic vegetation give this beach a real tropical touch.

The best beaches of Turkey with a white photo

It harmoniously combines the naturalness of nature and the various advantages of civilization. Everyone who has ever been here notice a feeling of incredible unity with nature. But these are deceptive impressions - all the benefits of civilization are very close by and generously satisfy all the requirements of vacationers.

Alanya beaches

The rating of the best white sand beaches in Turkey is continued by the magnificent Alanya, as if created for a calm and measured family vacation surrounded by clear azure waters and white sands. Alanya is divided into small cozy bays that protect the beaches from changes in currents and winds. The beaches of Alanya are distinguished by an incredibly gentle and soft entry into the water, and the microclimate of the city constantly surprises tourists.

This city is famous for a very long beach season. It is sunny and warm for six months a year. And of course, the charming beauty of Alanya resorts is emphasized by snow-white sand, creating a special mood and disposing to a full and pleasant rest.

10 best white sand beaches in turkey


The best white sand beaches in Turkey, photos of which you see in this article, attract not only foreign tourists, but also local residents. They also like to soak up on the snow-white shore. Pamujak beach is always spacious, very clean and comfortable, and there are no signs of civilization. Here you can’t even find a store with soft drinks, but this is what creates a special atmosphere of harmony and unity with nature, turning the place into a colorful and very bright.

The beach has clean, almost white sand, very clear and warm water. It stretches for five kilometers, and here it will not be difficult to find a completely deserted place. You can diversify your vacation by horseback riding or camel ride, which is often led there. Entrance to this beach is free, there are no umbrellas, deck chairs and other benefits of civilization. He is considered half-wild. This amazing place is located north of Kusadasi, you can get here only by car.


The best white sand beaches of Turkey in the Mediterranean are not located in major tourist cities. The amazing beach of Cirali is located in the village of the same name, which is located in the province of Antalya. It is located a few kilometers from the highway, at the foot of high mountains. Campsites are located along the picturesque coastline where you can camp in a tent for a fairly reasonable fee.

Here, a calm village atmosphere reigns, and time seems to freeze. Cirali village is very popular among free travelers and backpackers. This is a kind of Turkish Bali, only much better. Caretta-caretta eggs, small sea turtles, are laid on this beach, and local residents enclose these places with small fences so that no one steps on them.

In addition to the wonderful beach, near the village of Cirali is the ancient city of Olympos and the famous Mount Chimera, on which natural fire burns year-round.


Some of Turkey’s best white sand beaches are designed for outdoor activities. These include Cesme Beach, located in the city of the same name. Many tourists visit it. It attracts with soft white sand, which is completely warmed up with the first rays of the sun. On this beach, diving enthusiasts love to relax because of the crystal clear water.

If you are going to Turkey with children, then it will be difficult for you to find the best place to relax. Almost a hundred meters there was a shallow, so you can not be afraid of depth and calmly let young travelers into the water.

We presented you the best Turkish beaches covered with white sand, but in this country there are many other sandy beaches where you can relax in the company of friends or surrounded by relatives and friends.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22534/

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