"Show off" is about a thirst for attention

A person is always in the company. Family is enough for some, others try to communicate with classmates and neighbors, still others make as many friends as possible. And the fourth one you can go outside and make a small performance so that any random passerby will pay attention! If you have encountered such behavior, be sure to know: there is a definition for this - it is "show off." What is hidden behind a colorful word and in what situations is it appropriate to characterize?

Incredible stretch

Philologists suggest an unusual etymology, which they try to disclose through the Belarusian language. In it there is the concept of β€œpattering,” which is translated in two ways:

  • to weather;

  • to dry.

But it itself goes back to the Old Slavonic term with three related meanings:

  • spread out;

  • stretch;

  • set up.

The second part of the original word denoted a device for stretching tissue, leather for subsequent dressing. There is an opportunity in the open air to demonstrate the beauty of a certain canvas. And the role of this canvas is performed by the individual.

Some show off physical form

Bright character

However, how beautiful will the view be? Depends on a specific person. The word "show off" itself speaks of a thirst for fame:

  • try to get attention;

  • to be important, to draw;

  • demonstrate arrogance.

The first two interpretations merge into the main meaning. As an example, any active manager who can work hard or not show any talents, but at the sight of superiors opens up the gift of eloquence. With his look and words, he creates the image of a valuable employee in order to get an increase or increase as soon as possible. A similar situation is possible on a date when young people try to charm a potential mate, exaggerating achievements. There is nothing wrong with this, although there is a possibility that others will feel the falsity.

People love to show off their standard of living.

And even if they didn’t conceive anything bad, someone would think it would be offensive. If you come to the forefront, trying to push colleagues, this is a clear manifestation of arrogance, insolence. Nobody likes arrogant, because of which conflict situations arise more often.

Actual concept

The word is more spoken. It does not fit to "show off" for business negotiations or communication with customers. Is it that in an informal atmosphere, when you want to show openness? The verb has an implicit negative connotation, like an indication of a certain complex, the desire to receive undeserved attention. It can be used in a joking manner when communicating with close friends, but for strangers leave more polite options to avoid misunderstandings.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22543/

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