Iceland: travel reviews of tourists, attractions and photos

Iceland is a charming country with unsurpassed landscapes that make it possible to make fantastic films even without any scenery. It is located on the island of the same name in the Atlantic Ocean. According to tourist reviews, Iceland beckons with its pristine beauty of nature, as well as amazing waterfalls and volcanoes. It is in this place that the most famous artists, sculptors and poets draw inspiration.


Reviews of tourists about Iceland do not cease to amaze. There really is something to be amazed at and something to see. In this amazing place, a huge variety of flora and fauna appears. The climate here is mild, throughout the year there are no sharp temperature drops.

Numerous reviews of tourists about Iceland are connected with its islands, there are seven in total, but three are considered the most popular - these are Grimsey, Heimaei and Surtsey.

No less attractive for tourists are the cities of Iceland. Having visited this place, unique in its beauty, it is necessary to visit the largest cities, which include Akureyri, Habnarfjordur and Husavik. The capital of the state is called Reykjavik.

The main attractions

According to the reviews of tourists, the sights of Iceland can be seen entirely only for a long period of time. The main ones are considered natural, such as volcanoes and geysers, as well as islands and valleys.

West Fjord Coast

West Fjord Coast

One of the most beautiful areas of the country is the coast of the Western Fjords. This place is not like any part of Iceland and is considered the largest peninsula. The steep banks, cliffs and bays attract attention here.

Not a single ring road leads to the rugged coastline, which is located on the outskirts. To get to this amazing place, according to the reviews of tourists about Iceland, you can only rent a four-wheel drive car, but this should be done, as there are very few amazing places on the planet.


The famous Landmannalaugar

One of the most famous and visited places in Iceland is Landmannalaugar. Thousands of tourists from different parts of the world come here every year to see for themselves this amazing place.

A huge area opens onto the eyes of travelers, on which relict mountains and tens of kilometers of hiking trails are located. There is an information center on the territory where you can purchase a map with a full description of the routes. There is also the opportunity to visit the hot springs, which are specially equipped for tourists.

The main attractions at this place for tourists are hiking routes. Everyone can choose a trail to their taste.

According to tourists' reviews, a vacation in Iceland at Landmannalaugar will leave an unforgettable experience. Also, guests are offered horseback riding, fishing on local lakes and much more interesting things.

Blue Lagoon

Blue Lagoon

Another attraction of Iceland, which every tourist must visit, is the Blue Lagoon. This is a geothermal pool that is known around the world. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that there is no more such place on the planet.

The Blue Lagoon is located on the island of Reykjanes and is formed from porous lava. It is here that the highest-class spa complex with a bar, restaurant, clinic, shop and thermal baths is built. The approach to the complex is cut down in the lava itself. When you look at the water from a great distance, it seems blue, but you should come closer and its color changes to white. The best time to visit is cloudy and windy weather. This is explained by the fact that the water in the lake is very hot, and on a hot day, swimming is much more difficult.

Gudlfoss Waterfall

Gudlfoss Waterfall

The most beautiful waterfall in Iceland is considered to be GΓΌdlfoss. This Golden Falls (that's how its name is translated), among other things, is also the most full-flowing in all of Europe. This place in Iceland should be seen by every tourist. It is famous for the fact that the water that falls down creates a cloud of spray that permeates the entire space around.

Hornstrandir Nature Reserve

Hornstrandir Nature Reserve

Not so long ago, the entire territory of the reserve was inhabited by people, but at present it is protected and famous for its popular hiking trails. It is recommended to plan a trip to this place in advance, as this will require taking care of special permissions. When traveling around the reserve, you need to take equipment and food with you. All necessary information can be obtained in special tourist centers.


Nature of Iceland

The island of Iceland was formed relatively recently. It happened about 60 million years ago as a result of volcanic eruptions.

Numerous volcanoes are located in the western part of the island; currently there are about twenty of them. Also on the island there are many hot springs, of which there are at least 250 pieces. The most famous of these is the Big Geyser.

All other parts of the island along the coastline are indented by bays and fjords. Large rivers are also located on the territory, but all of them are non-navigable. About 90 species of various birds live in Iceland, and several species of seals and whales can be found in coastal waters.


Despite the fact that Iceland was considered a hard-to-reach area, its inhabitants maintained their independence and cheerfulness. The main religion of the country is Christianity, but many residents of the state generally do not believe in God. By the number of atheists, Iceland is in the top ten.

The most important holiday for Icelanders is Independence Day, which locals celebrate on June 17. At this time, costume parades and theatrical performances are organized all over the country under the open sky.

Best time of year to visit

Birds of iceland

Those who are going to visit Iceland are wondering what time of year it is best to go there.

In winter, air temperature rarely drops below zero, and in summer on sunny days it rises to 25 degrees. In spring, the weather is very unstable. According to tourist reviews, in March in Iceland the temperature never rises above +4 degrees. At this time, birds return from the south, and the mating season begins in whales.

Also, according to tourists, in April, snow begins to melt in Iceland, and water flowing to the sea fills waterfalls with power, which at that time attract the attention of many travelers.

Many people prefer to visit this unique place during the May holidays. At this time, the waterfalls are still very full, and the land is already drying out normally and previously closed tourist routes begin to open. According to tourists, Iceland in May also attracts a huge number of people.

July is considered the warmest summer month. At this time, the temperature reaches +20 degrees. That is why tourists prefer to come to Iceland between the beginning of July and the end of August. During this period, you can meet many animals and birds, as well as plenty to admire whales and killer whales. That is why, according to numerous reviews of tourists, Iceland attracts the most people in the summer.

September is considered a relatively warm month. In October, the weather is already significantly deteriorating, as cold cyclones pass through the ocean.

Despite all the desert and severity of this region, it is still worth a visit to Iceland. Only here you can watch the life of birds on the rocks, as well as see one of the most powerful waterfalls that breaks into the cold waters of the ocean.

Where to stay

The most reliable way to take care of your accommodation before your arrival is to book a home. If this service is unavailable for some reason, then you will have to act on the spot.

If a visit to the island is planned for several days, then you can easily find a hotel, tourist base or hostel. The cost of a day of living on average is about 33 euros. When a long stay is planned, the rent for housing can be relatively high, in addition, you will have to pay a month in advance. For those who rent housing under a contract and whose age exceeds 18 years, an opportunity has appeared to issue compensation. To do this, you need to contact the social services bureau to draw up the relevant documentation.


Recently, Iceland has become increasingly popular. Numerous sites are dedicated to this beautiful and truly amazing place. Those who have been here are forever impressed by the fantastic nature of these places and dream of returning here again.


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